I had a trumptard patient today. I asked if he had a cough. He said yes and I told him you need to wear - mask . “ I don’t like wearing no mask” He told me he got tested for the Covid 19 last week when he went in to the ER because of a cough and lack of oxygen. He told me he was negative . He told me he was a big Trump supporter trump doing a great job...
They are just Trumpers, until you look them in the eyes and find it impossible to hate when you know they will probably be dead in a week. He was a victim of fox news and a host of assholes who filled his poor old head with nonsense for their own selfish purposes. Suffering ain't hard to find, its all around us if we have eyes to see it, hospitals concentrate it. I hope the old guy makes it, let me know if ya can, I figure he's just a victim of the American civil war. Ignorance kills not just those who are ignorant, but others too.
I'm glad your hospital is not being hit too hard yet, but I suspect the day might be coming. Take care Amber and stay well.