
If you're new somewhere and have no connects your goto move is to ask random off the street where to score... .

Hahahahahahahaha.... and so we all the way around in a circle and you suggest this? Which is exactly what I said must be done, given no other choice, but you argued against it in earlier posts.

You're a real clever one aren't ya?

So Mr. I Can Find Weed Anywhere Anytime're the new guy in let's say Calgary and you don't know a soul. So where do you go and which random do you ask to score and how do you know that random won't rip you off or stab you or whatever? (it wasn't long ago that asking randoms in Alberta could get you busted if you asked the wrong guy)

See... this is what the guy in the article did. He wasn't even in a bad part of town. He chose a random, who led him to a guy who ripped him off and when he objected he got stabbed. This is your advice. He followed it and look what happened. 9 time out of 10 there isn't a problem, but...

Anyway, thanks for finally agreeing with me.
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And that lawsuit would almost certainly be shot down.

And he made bad choices. Or he deliberately wrote legislation in a way that he knew would fail simply for political points with his constituents and to create more conflict and divide, which the conservatives have been massively thriving on basically since he was in power. The guy is a masterful politician. One of the all time greats, put nothing past him.

Whether you liked him or not he played the game at levels much higher than most and is frequently spoken about with some interesting, if conflicted, regard in a lot of political science circles. Certainly in every class I took, which included one who's professor is now an MP for the NDP and another who was a communist (ran as an MP for the party and all) the guy was regarded highly for his ability to play the game even if the policies he likes were not appreciated.

And now the divide is stronger than ever, but the Conservatives who have stuck around are more entrenched than ever too. Clearly he miscalculated, unless he wanted to remain in power, but chess masters lose too. It happens.
So, essentially you are saying little hitler planned his own demise by continuously attempting to pass legislation that threatened our rights and freedoms. That's one hell of a strategy...and completely false.Remember when the chief justice told Harper his new appointment was not qualified to sit on the SCoC...He tried everything he could, including starting a public attack on her and the SCoC...but he couldn't do shit about it. I can tell you we are coming from completely different planets if you think the fascist dictator is what Canadians consider leadership. You are talking from what you were taught in some classroom, whereas I see things as they are, two very different perspectives. It explains your negativity around any of my posts that mention the Liberals, lol! Let's hope the CONs pick Kevin O'Leary as their new leader...can't wait for our version of 'Donald Trump' to fall on his face. I think he is the one Canadian who is actually slimier than Harper.
Anywho...politics aside, I have no doubt HC will respect the court decision and allow home grows and there will be no forced price controls placed on the LP's as an alternative. Trying to skirt the ruling and playing games was the preferred actions of another government, I don't see this one so willing to squash our freedoms.
So, essentially you are saying little hitler planned his own demise by continuously attempting to pass legislation that threatened our rights and freedoms. That's one hell of a strategy...and completely false.Remember when the chief justice told Harper his new appointment was not qualified to sit on the SCoC...He tried everything he could, including starting a public attack on her and the SCoC...but he couldn't do shit about it. I can tell you we are coming from completely different planets if you think the fascist dictator is what Canadians consider leadership. You are talking from what you were taught in some classroom, whereas I see things as they are, two very different perspectives. It explains your negativity around any of my posts that mention the Liberals, lol! Let's hope the CONs pick Kevin O'Leary as their new leader...can't wait for our version of 'Donald Trump' to fall on his face. I think he is the one Canadian who is actually slimier than Harper.
Anywho...politics aside, I have no doubt HC will respect the court decision and allow home grows and there will be no forced price controls placed on the LP's as an alternative. Trying to skirt the ruling and playing games was the preferred actions of another government, I don't see this one so willing to squash our freedoms.
S. Harper is some kind of bible thumper. Right wing christians and similar tea party nut jobs are pretty much controlling the Conservative Party now.
Enough Real Canadians with a sense of Canadian National identity, saw the Conservative direction, and said no thanks. Don't want religious fanatics running the country. They even lied to the pollsters, said they were voting Con, to make sure people would get out to vote Lib. Remember, off by 20%.
The Liberals aren't perfect, but can be different. We gotta push them in the right/left :) direction..
Hahahahahahahaha.... and so we all the way around in a circle and you suggest this? Which is exactly what I said must be done, given no other choice, but you argued against it in earlier posts.

You're a real clever one aren't ya?

So Mr. I Can Find Weed Anywhere Anytime're the new guy in let's say Calgary and you don't know a soul. So where do you go and which random do you ask to score and how do you know that random won't rip you off or stab you or whatever? (it wasn't long ago that asking randoms in Alberta could get you busted if you asked the wrong guy)

See... this is what the guy in the article did. He wasn't even in a bad part of town. He chose a random, who led him to a guy who ripped him off and when he objected he got stabbed. This is your advice. He followed it and look what happened. 9 time out of 10 there isn't a problem, but...

Anyway, thanks for finally agreeing with me.
I'm not suggesting you do this idiot. I'm stating the fact that isWHAT YOU DO AND HAVE ALREADY DONE! Your go to move is to as random people on the street for drugs. Congrats you are dumb. I'm still arguing aginst street deals with unknown dealers. Smart people see buying drugs from street dealers is risky any avoid it like the plague. But not you. You google "where's the most violent part of the city" and head there to look for weed. Jane and finch shows how dumb and desperate you are. No sane person who's not from there would go there for weed you dumb fuck. Try reading the words on the page not in your feeble mind. Sorry but I have friends in Calgary already. No problem scoring there. can't help ya. You keep going back to the stupid meth article you posted. Fuck dumb dumb dumb. Buying meth is a risky proposition no matter the neighborhood. Agian I'm 100% aginst street deals. Only a fucking moron like you would think it's a good idea. So stop interpreting my post. Try reading them word for word without inserting any of your own. Cheers big ears. 10 time so it of 10 you are dumb and misunderstand what's being said. Probably a good part of why yo have no friends and can't find weed the most common drug EVERYWHERE anywhere but from a East African street pusher. Just be honest there's a video of you and rob ford smoking crack out there somewhere right?
I was talking more about plant counts.

The bit with insurance is likely and it sucks. I mean... even the sketchiest electrical set up for a grow is still no worse than any of the tens of thousands of DIY guys who have all kinds of electrical tools and welding machines set up in their garages, who don't need insurance...

On the MMAR insurance application I just filled out, no more than 100 plants in the dwelling. More than 100 plants must be in an out building or detached garage. This is Lloyd's of London own rules as of now. Also on the App, they wanted to know if I had any welding equipment. Not sure how that's revlevent to growing MMJ, but it's there?!?!

My App was finalized and signed off by LMG and was sent to London yesterday. I should have a quote in hand by Tuesday.
On the MMAR insurance application I just filled out, no more than 100 plants in the dwelling. More than 100 plants must be in an out building or detached garage. This is Lloyd's of London own rules as of now. Also on the App, they wanted to know if I had any welding equipment. Not sure how that's revlevent to growing MMJ, but it's there?!?!

My App was finalized and signed off by LMG and was sent to London yesterday. I should have a quote in hand by Tuesday.
They were asking about welding equip I'm guessing because co2 is used in welding and in growing weed by some. It's use can obviously be problematic. I'm sure llyods will charge you more or deny you coverage if you're using co2 in your room. The 100 plant max is probably to mitigate the chance of mold.
S. Harper is some kind of bible thumper. Right wing christians and similar tea party nut jobs are pretty much controlling the Conservative Party now.
Enough Real Canadians with a sense of Canadian National identity, saw the Conservative direction, and said no thanks. Don't want religious fanatics running the country. They even lied to the pollsters, said they were voting Con, to make sure people would get out to vote Lib. Remember, off by 20%.
The Liberals aren't perfect, but can be different. We gotta push them in the right/left :) direction..
This much is true. Not many people know where Harper came from. But Albertans did. And he was so fanatically christian that scared even some of the most hardcore bible thumpers out here....
I'm not suggesting you do this idiot. I'm stating the fact that isWHAT YOU DO AND HAVE ALREADY DONE! Your go to move is to as random people on the street for drugs. Congrats you are dumb. I'm still arguing aginst street deals with unknown dealers. Smart people see buying drugs from street dealers is risky any avoid it like the plague. But not you. You google "where's the most violent part of the city" and head there to look for weed. Jane and finch shows how dumb and desperate you are. No sane person who's not from there would go there for weed you dumb fuck. Try reading the words on the page not in your feeble mind. Sorry but I have friends in Calgary already. No problem scoring there. can't help ya. You keep going back to the stupid meth article you posted. Fuck dumb dumb dumb. Buying meth is a risky proposition no matter the neighborhood. Agian I'm 100% aginst street deals. Only a fucking moron like you would think it's a good idea. So stop interpreting my post. Try reading them word for word without inserting any of your own. Cheers big ears. 10 time so it of 10 you are dumb and misunderstand what's being said. Probably a good part of why yo have no friends and can't find weed the most common drug EVERYWHERE anywhere but from a East African street pusher. Just be honest there's a video of you and rob ford smoking crack out there somewhere right?

I think you have made your stupidity quite clear.

My work with you is done.
They were asking about welding equip I'm guessing because co2 is used in welding and in growing weed by some. It's use can obviously be problematic. I'm sure llyods will charge you more or deny you coverage if you're using co2 in your room. The 100 plant max is probably to mitigate the chance of mold.
I never even thought of the co2, your prolly right. They didn't say the reasoning behind the 100 plant limit in the dwelling? I'm only good for 55 (including DG) it wasn't an issue for me. :)
This much is true. Not many people know where Harper came from. But Albertans did. And he was so fanatically christian that scared even some of the most hardcore bible thumpers out here....
Don't know much about Harper either. But the nut made it to the top. The Cons are a Tea party now.
So Mr. I Can Find Weed Anywhere Anytime're the new guy in let's say Calgary and you don't know a soul. So where do you go and which random do you ask to score and how do you know that random won't rip you off or stab you or whatever? (it wasn't long ago that asking randoms in Alberta could get you busted if you asked the wrong guy)

See... this is what the guy in the article did. He wasn't even in a bad part of town. He chose a random, who led him to a guy who ripped him off and when he objected he got stabbed. This is your advice. He followed it and look what happened. 9 time out of 10 there isn't a problem, but...
My bet is you must have been stabbed a lot as a child....just sayin.....:???::???::???: