rasclots round 2 NYCD!!

word ! man 16 oz is a killer haul man impressive! shame the potency is not quite what your loookin for but i guss the weight will more than make up for that, youll just have to smoke more hahahaha shame lol
yeah i know this time il make sure i keep enough for my self coz im havin to buy it at the mo and its 2.5g for 20£ rip off!!!:cuss:
ha ur lucky people in dublin charge 2.5 for 50euro an it does be still bit damp fuckin joke it is bad country for weed der is no even names to the weed people just give it name an they havin got a clue they do be callin it all orange bud just because theres no grit EG. sprayed weed:spew:on it and they can see the oranges dryed pistols thats y every1 calls der good weed orange bud over here they havin got a clue make ya mad :evil: thats y i grow :weed:ha wat u tink of that