Religion, or lack of, open discussion/FRIENDLY debate.

no god....

christ was just the son of a slut...she couldnt admit she slept around so she said a ghost did it..everyone loves "god" for different reasons.....some people honestly believe because of generations of fear.....some people do it just for the tradition but most people "believe" in "god" because they fear him.....or say fear what will happen if you dont believe..... but honestly.....sit down and think about it.....when i die the spirit inside me either floats up to live in the clowds or sink to the center......well iv got news for you.....were all goin to the center....the jewish dont even believe christ was anything special and he was one of them.... im stoned as fuck and im still not a believer
No offense CJ but this is the kind of thinking that lead to the Holocaust.

Why not take it one step further and say that Humanity is the problem and we should all kill ourselves? I'll be polite, you can go first.

Explain yourself man. How does that lead to the Holocaust? :confused:

Hitler was a believer...
No offense CJ but this is the kind of thinking that lead to the Holocaust.

Why not take it one step further and say that Humanity is the problem and we should all kill ourselves? I'll be polite, you can go first.

Explain yourself man. How does that lead to the Holocaust? :confused:

Hitler was a believer...
well crackerjax, i have study religion actually, and its not most religions, in fact to my knowledge there is only one religion that is harmful if you refuse to believe, and that is a sect of muslims, noot even all, believe it or not there are two types of muslims, one is a very passive and keeps to themselves and thier family, then muslims extremists who are brainwashed into believing that killing the infidels will assure a place with allah, maybe in a place where there is no laws that could be inforced against religious persecution, if we were talkin taking particular deities out like Jesus, muhammad ect. i'd agree, but the term god, is no threat to anyone.

(ill find the documentary and share it, but its a doc on islamic extremist beliefs and the WWII nazis, its a trippy truth but the two are connected, more so than anyone thinks.)

You need to study some more.
No offense CJ but this is the kind of thinking that lead to the Holocaust.

Why not take it one step further and say that Humanity is the problem and we should all kill ourselves? I'll be polite, you can go first.

You have that EXACTLY backwards. Who killed the jews? Why Hitler of course is the standard fare answer. But not without the tacit approval of the Vatican. Hitler was a Catholic by the way. He died a "good" catholic. To this day the church has not excommunicated Hitler......strange, very. Not contained to Germany,Poland, etc. the Vatican allowed the germans to cart the jews of Italy away as well.

The holocaust was not perpetrated by athiests, but by a silent agreement of religious horror which has been repeated MANY times, thuis was the most far reaching and efficient SO FAR.....

Exactly backwards.....
You have that EXACTLY backwards. Who killed the jews? Why Hitler of course is the standard fare answer. But not without the tacit approval of the Vatican. Hitler was a Catholic by the way. He died a "good" catholic. To this day the church has not excommunicated Hitler......strange, very. Not contained to Germany,Poland, etc. the Vatican allowed the germans to cart the jews of Italy away as well.

The holocaust was not perpetrated by athiests, but by a silent agreement of religious horror which has been repeated MANY times, thuis was the most far reaching and efficient SO FAR.....

Exactly backwards.....

Yes, but the point isn't what Religion Hitler was. The point is the fact that he was of an opinion that a group of people should be killed for their religion or their ethnicity.

Intolerance, whether it be practiced by people like you against Christians or Muslims, or practiced by Muslims or Christians against others is still intolerance.
Harmful if you refuse to believe....... listen to yourself.

Christianity is based on spreading the all costs...just like Islam. Islam is just 400 years behind the Christian church in mediating its punishment to unbelievers and perceived violators. The Christian church is more reliant on bribery, extortion and subtlety than the Islam church, but the results are similar.

In case you haven't noticed the world stage is now set up between the meme of the Christians and the Muslims.... we could do away with BOTH and come out on top of this mess. both are guilty, both are to blame, both are 100% wrong.

Just thought I'd requote the post in question to illustrate the point that you are in fact talking about killing well over 2 Billion people (1 Billion + Christians, 1 Billion + Muslims)

I was wrong, you make Hitler, Stalin, and Mao look like amateurs.

Been reading Mein Kampf lately CJ?
Well, you obviously misinterpreted my post. Pointing out the horrific effects of religion doesn't mean I condone killing 2 billion ppl. Without the spark of two cult religions, the world would be a far far SAFER place.
Well, you obviously misinterpreted my post. Pointing out the horrific effects of religion doesn't mean I condone killing 2 billion ppl. Without the spark of two cult religions, the world would be a far far SAFER place.

No it Wouldn't, Religion has nothing to do with Man's Selfish Desires.......

That has nothing to do with God's Wish, he doesn't exist........

I think it's linked to Darwinnie Da pooh Survival Hardwired Brain Tho, no pun 2 evolution either, Right?
You have that EXACTLY backwards. Who killed the jews? Why Hitler of course is the standard fare answer. But not without the tacit approval of the Vatican. Hitler was a Catholic by the way. He died a "good" catholic. To this day the church has not excommunicated Hitler......strange, very. Not contained to Germany,Poland, etc. the Vatican allowed the germans to cart the jews of Italy away as well.

The holocaust was not perpetrated by athiests, but by a silent agreement of religious horror which has been repeated MANY times, thuis was the most far reaching and efficient SO FAR.....

Exactly backwards.....

No, but atheists, more specifically communists perpetuated far greater horrors.

Soviet Union - 20 - 30 Million dead of starvation, specifically in the Ukraine

China - ~40 Million dead of starvation during their "Great Leap Forward"

Though if we are just speaking of organizations that worship some entity how about the Environmental movement who can be said to worship Gaia, their actions lead to 35 - 50 Million dying of Malaria as a result of their ban of DDT.

To say that it is just a problem with certain religion ignores the fact that it is not a problem with religion.

It is a problem with letting any two bit hack who wants power actually have the power they crave.

Holodomor (Ukrainian Holocaust by Soviets) -
Great Chinese Famine (Chinese Starvation under Communism) -
No, but atheists, more specifically communists perpetuated far greater horrors.

Soviet Union - 20 - 30 Million dead of starvation, specifically in the Ukraine

China - ~40 Million dead of starvation during their "Great Leap Forward"

Though if we are just speaking of organizations that worship some entity how about the Environmental movement who can be said to worship Gaia, their actions lead to 35 - 50 Million dying of Malaria as a result of their ban of DDT.

To say that it is just a problem with certain religion ignores the fact that it is not a problem with religion.

It is a problem with letting any two bit hack who wants power actually have the power they crave.

Holodomor (Ukrainian Holocaust by Soviets) -
Great Chinese Famine (Chinese Starvation under Communism) -

Religion is a point of friction globally. Are there OTHER evils in the world? Certainly. No excuse for religion though, on the other hand it shows religion is not something special at all. Just another control mechanism in which man is crushed and controlled. No excuse.
Hi...just want to interject...there is NO verifiable historical proof of the crucifixion by ANY contemporaries of Christ.

Actually as i said, there IS historical documentation of it, check out cornelius tacitus's annals.

"Cornelius Tacitus in his Annals, xv. 44 Christus (Christ)...was executed at the hands of the procurator Pontious Pilate.

Lucian of Samosata: (Christ) the man who was crucified in Palestine"

these men were professional historians. They researched their work before publishing it. They also documented Christ's crucifixion.

But...that argument nullifies the argument for a god.Who created this god,if something cannot come from nothing?

Glad someone decided to ask that, was kinda waitin for it, this is where i say i do not know, because our "GOD" could just be another race, species, or somethin of a population we just have no conception of, that could mean just as we are on the brink of understanding genetics to the point of creating other people, the script created in his likeness" could be cloned, sounds gay i know, but think of it, if we could why couldnt anyone else.

I disagree.The Suppression of knowledge is dangerous.Which is what the Catholic church has done time and again.Imagine how much further along science might be if the church had not burned so many wise men as heretics for seeking the way things ACTUALLY worked instead of taking the bible's version of events at face value? Are you saying it's better to remain ignorant of something,that too much knowledge is dangerous?Knowledge is never dangerous.It's the method of application of said knowledge that can be.:peace:

actually no, im not sayin we should remain ignorant, just that man is very much corruptable, and too much knowledge in the average persons hand, will result in them using that knowledge to gain better for themselves. so in THAT respect, yea knowledge will lead to danger innevitably but its somethin that cant be helped nor stopped.
Religion is a point of friction globally. Are there OTHER evils in the world? Certainly. No excuse for religion though, on the other hand it shows religion is not something special at all. Just another control mechanism in which man is crushed and controlled. No excuse.

or perhaps maybe its just simply part of mankind. instead of admitting that humanity has vast variants of good, decent, shady, bad, and fuckin evil ppl lets blame religion? because apparently the same problems happen even when religion isn't present.
Yes, man is behind everything, but that was part of my point. If we are going to fight over something, lets's at least make it over something REAL. Warring and destroying lives for a myth is primitive. Religion is a reflection of just how primitive we still are. The way ahead is sans religion.
Yes, man is behind everything, but that was part of my point. If we are going to fight over something, lets's at least make it over something REAL. Warring and destroying lives for a myth is primitive. Religion is a reflection of just how primitive we still are. The way ahead is sans religion.

I tend to agree. I'd like to think that we as a species have evolved sufficiently to no longer require the crutch that is religion.

It's time o move on...evolve if you like...past this and on to a higher plane of consciousness that will allow us to better the world we live in today. Not desperately cling on to the belief that a "higher power" is at work while we watch millions die in the name of religion in order to serve it's own agenda. An agenda I might add that has become unfathomably warped through time from it's original incarnation.

And yes, I've read the Bible and I like to believe that I understood the majority. I'm not a Christian but I'm open-minded enough to checkout something which has so many others convinced. I've also read the Koran for the same reasons.

For me personally, I base my beliefs on quantifiable facts, not the grandiose interpretation of what, at best, can only be described as a traditional story passed down through the generations. The fact that the Bible was not written for hundreds of years after the supposed time of Jesus would imply that a degree of "chinese whisper"-like loss of content and context is most likely to have taken place.

I for one cannot blindly follow the Bible's teachings....."just because".
Religion is a point of friction globally. Are there OTHER evils in the world? Certainly. No excuse for religion though, on the other hand it shows religion is not something special at all. Just another control mechanism in which man is crushed and controlled. No excuse.

I think likewise, but as much as control can be used for evil, it can also for good:peace:

I don't murder, steal or rape... but not because I'm religious, but because these are my morale's and even though they may have spawned from a religious cue in time, I can use these through life....:joint:

How many stories do you hear about a person who was in a bad way, doing bad things.. drugs, theft, violence etc. and then they found god and changed their ways and became better people...?

If you believe that there is a higher power watching over you and helping guide you through life giving you faith and helping you be a good person, then it is a good thing... not a bad:peace:

But when it isolates you to your own fraternity and you turn your back on all others that don't share you faith... this is a terrible thing for mankind and the world....
Yes, man is behind everything, but that was part of my point. If we are going to fight over something, lets's at least make it over something REAL. Warring and destroying lives for a myth is primitive. Religion is a reflection of just how primitive we still are. The way ahead is sans religion.

Yeah CJ, I know Ur up on Game, but I wanted to make it clear since I see so many posts stating religion is for the weak, ignorant, & fearful......

They are not describing Religious People, They are describing Man and it's short comings to not being able to Evolve....

Let's Say everyone is Atheist, Will the weak, ignorant, & fearful......NO longer exist, Would Peace finally Reign?

Religion is a tool, Money is a tool, People are tools, ad infinitum

I Hate Religion about as Much as I Hate Credit Cards,

Credit CArds are for the weak, Ignorant, & fearful, Who owns 1?