Republicans fuck America, again

Not looking for an argument. Just here because I'm genuinely interested as so why the US is doing so badly with this.
Your chart at the bottom there shows the heaviest hit areas being in the south.
Are those the most densely populated areas?
And am I right in thinking those are the most heavily religious areas in the US?
Southern California is not part of the Bible Belt. Nor is Arizona. Several factors are in play but it's not really a problem associated with organized religion. Rejection of science, yes, that's part of the problem.
Yeah, thats what i thought mate.
So the hardest hit areas have lesser population density but much higher than average religious density.
Could religion be a factor in it?
I've said from the get go that I found it pretty ironic that 84% of the world's population are religious (72% if you don't count bhudism).
So for everyone that dies there's a 72-84% chance they believe that iether god will save them.
Or if they die that it was gods will and was ultimately for a greater good.
Has anyone else questioned this yet?
Southern governors are showing loyalty to trump by avoiding mask mandates and shutdowns. City of Atlanta is currently in a lawsuit with the state of GA over it lol.
Told ya to put that potato garden in James, I'm thinking I might need one myself before this shit is over. Millions of people on the street in a month or two in the midst of a pandemic will go over like a turd in the punch bowl with the electorate, a potential collapse of the mortgage and banking system would be a nasty October surprise for all, a locked up banking system, aka 2008 would be an economic catastrophe. There will be months of back rent owed and millions of vacant apartments and houses with no cash flow for the owners.

There is a hurricane in covid ravaged Texas and a potentially bad one tracking right up the middle of covid ally, the length of the peninsula, center of the predicted track is dead center on the southern coast. Landfall by Sunday, it could be a bad one too, it will be over the very warm waters of the Florida strait, before hooking north. Where are the locusts? Ya got the plague already. God's punishment for electing Trump?:)
Somebody send stump to Florida for the next few days please! Shit send the whole lot of them to Florida while we're at it!
Southern California is not part of the Bible Belt. Nor is Arizona. Several factors are in play but it's not really a problem associated with organized religion. Rejection of science, yes, that's part of the problem.
Yeah should have specified to the bloke Bible Belt is south eastern not just southern. I guess as an American you don’t really associate those places (SoCal, AZ, NM) as being “southern” states but Just looking at it geographically from a foreigners point of view they most certainly are.
Yeah should have specified to the bloke Bible Belt is south eastern not just southern. I guess as an American you don’t really associate those places (SoCal, AZ, NM) as being “southern” states but Just looking at it geographically from a foreigners point of view they most certainly are.
With the exception of CA which had it in check, all the rest of the red states that support Trump are getting hit hardest 6 months after it started, all of America's peer counties have it under control and are reopening with sensible restrictions. Many from the south migrated to places like OK after the civil war destroyed much of the south. Though many people in other states are fear driven racist morons too, they all support Trump and many believe him too! It is a racist tribe and cult of personality, no better the Rev Jim Jones, the Koolaid metaphor is apt, they will drink from a bitter cup.
yes you are..are you fvcking kidding? you get the same CNN as we do..ever since you've been here, you've done nothing but gloat and rub it in., Rob Roy.
I'm asking genuine questions to genuine Americans as to what they feel the problems are so that I don't need to watch CNN.
And on that note, how do you know my CNN is the same as yours?
Over here the main channels are bbc1 bbc2 itv and channel 4.
All 4 of them relay completely different news broadcasts and completely different angles on the subjects. They do this to appeal to the local populous.
What I see on CNN is probably the same.
Directed towards the UK to play an angle.
This is why I ask these questions and why I'm am so forward with them.
I'm also not on Facebook, Twitter and whatever the fuck else folk are using these days.
I don't read most newspapers. At important times I do read a few each day to try and figure out what the truth is. Usually somewhere inbetween them all.
When I want to know something I find out the facts for myself. And who better in this case to ask than actual people who live in America.

Those that respond genuinely are generally pretty trustworthy. Those who are racist towards you with every second post they do are generally considered idiots. Untrustworthy and not worth arguing with.
I once again present to you ...
"The Dunning Kruger Effect"
Southern California is not part of the Bible Belt. Nor is Arizona. Several factors are in play but it's not really a problem associated with organized religion. Rejection of science, yes, that's part of the problem.
Never even considered organised religion mate. It's not been allowed here since the start of lockdown. 14-15 weeks I think so honestly never had that thought in mind.
It was the rejection of science I was getting at.
It's hard to tell people things on here it seems though so I'm attempting to use a different tact and not be so direct.
Seems you guys take a lot of offense to things that we simply don't understand so I'm trying to adjust. :)
Oh, and what about UT, is that Utah?
Is that a religious place?
On the chart that's the one in the middle of that section so looks like a possible starting point.

Again, asking genuine questions here. If you heard the way we speak you'd understand the offensive tones. We're just quite abrupt and to the point here.
"Cunt" is literally the least offensive swear word here and is generally used as a term of inderement.
"Dafty" on the other hand is extremely offensive and will start a bar fight every time.
I'm not being sarcastic. Just trying to explain why certain parties on here seem to think everything I say has a hidden agenda.
I'm an open book. :)
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Yeah, thats what i thought mate.
So the hardest hit areas have lesser population density but much higher than average religious density.
Could religion be a factor in it?
I've said from the get go that I found it pretty ironic that 84% of the world's population are religious (72% if you don't count bhudism).
So for everyone that dies there's a 72-84% chance they believe that iether god will save them.
Or if they die that it was gods will and was ultimately for a greater good.
Has anyone else questioned this yet?

Religious conservatives are avid Fox News viewers. They believe that the Corona virus is a hoax. And fully support an intellectually hobbled ignoramus. They lack common sense, and the ability to reason objectively...

Fox News is the fucking devil...

SpanishArcher, izat u?
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Yeah should have specified to the bloke Bible Belt is south eastern not just southern. I guess as an American you don’t really associate those places (SoCal, AZ, NM) as being “southern” states but Just looking at it geographically from a foreigners point of view they most certainly are.

Most wouldn't know that in the US, the south is the eastern south, the old time Dixie slaveholcing states. Arizona is the southwest.

It's not a geographical but a cultural division. Not logical either.
Yeah, thats what i thought mate.
So the hardest hit areas have lesser population density but much higher than average religious density.
Could religion be a factor in it?
I've said from the get go that I found it pretty ironic that 84% of the world's population are religious (72% if you don't count bhudism).
So for everyone that dies there's a 72-84% chance they believe that iether god will save them.
Or if they die that it was gods will and was ultimately for a greater good.
Has anyone else questioned this yet?
Consider Mother Earth god and yes, it is her will. She will cleanse herself of her infection in a natural way. So sayeth the lord, aymen.
Religious conservatives are avid Fox News viewers. They believe that the Corona virus is a hoax. And fully support an intellectually hobbled ignoramus. They lack common sense, and the ability to reason objectively...

Fox News is the fucking devil...

SpanishArcher, izat u?
Hmmm ... I find myself too tired and too stoned to figure out who you are ...
But yes mate I am.
It was what I used to have to txt for a lb when I was dealing.
"Sparcher" was my code word.
Dealer said he got it from a Christmas cracker.
'What do you call a Spanish Archer??
Pound of weed.
Tadaaa lol.
Yes it's me lol.