Royal Wedding, anyone watching??


Pickle Queen
Ok i can't be the only one not sleeping and watching all this crap, shit i can't help it i wanna be a princess!!! :sad: , but it would suck if my prince was balding dude is rich, hello hair plugs!!
lol is there a free live stream of it? i personally do not care much about it but apparently the MSM has termed it some great event. hopefully they do well together and live happily into old age.
Yes i hope they do, she is soo pretty inside and out! But she seems strong and i have a feeling she feels the need to double fill Diana's shoes, i'll be watching her and hoping she makes positive changes, oh to be royalty, i envy the life, I love William i respect all the work he does, brave guy, his mom would be proud, the ginger boy Harry is a ginger, that is all
Irony lol i was just talking to my cousin down east on the devil FB(don't hate i get updates on my crackberry so i never logged in until after i saw her post) lmfao and we decided to wear fancy panties and hats
Yes i hope they do, she is soo pretty inside and out! But she seems strong and i have a feeling she feels the need to double fill Diana's shoes, i'll be watching her and hoping she makes positive changes, oh to be royalty, i envy the life, I love William i respect all the work he does, brave guy, his mom would be proud, the ginger boy Harry is a ginger, that is all

souls or not. they are HOT.

They're fancy legless underpants worn by women and girls... but that's not important right now.

neither are you lmfao, i don't like you, another person with nothing interesting to say, here's and idea find a thread u like and keep your negative comments to yourself, did anyone ask you to comment in here? no! why do people like Socata think what they say matters, anyways welcome to my ignore list ,ya it's just that easy to make you go away lol
i was picturing panties with bling

Yes muffin i was teasing, plus i've been up over 2 days, my cat had kittens last night!!! fun but eww and omg long, and now i'm just too tired to sleep.
But fancy panties are lacy, expensive panties only usualy worn for one reason, but to celebrate the occasion i think fancy panties and a retarded shapped hat with a dead bird on top will do
neither are you lmfao, i don't like you, another person with nothing interesting to say, here's and idea find a thread u like and keep your negative comments to yourself, did anyone ask you to comment in here? no! why do people like Socata think what they say matters, anyways welcome to my ignore list ,ya it's just that easy to make you go away lol

You go girl. Yeah , I know what you mean. Always arguementive and negative most times when I see him posted.
neither are you lmfao, i don't like you, another person with nothing interesting to say, here's and idea find a thread u like and keep your negative comments to yourself, did anyone ask you to comment in here? no! why do people like Socata think what they say matters, anyways welcome to my ignore list ,ya it's just that easy to make you go away lol

Nah, I'll stick to commenting in any thread I feel inclined to comment on, mostly cause that's allowable on these forums, negative comments or positive comments!

Did anyone ask me to comment? No... and would it matter... no?

Also, why do people like me think what I say matters... well to answer that, I'd have to think what I say matters, and quite frankly I don't... that is why I say what I think and don't give a fuck about responses like yours, except in the cases where I need to make my e-penis bigger.

Oh no, ignore... what a convinient function of internet message boards, if only you could do that to someone in real life without having to kill them first, eh? :lol:

You go girl. Yeah , I know what you mean. Always arguementive and negative most times when I see him posted.

You go girl! Yeahhhh, totally work it.... uh huh, a little to the left... aw that is just perfect, would you look at that... I mean PERFECT HONEY CHILD!

But yes jethead, you're right... almost always argumentative and negative, that's my style... baybay.
The royal family are really germans. They have done nothing but take my tax money! Lol I wont be watching myself, but hope you enjoy it!
The royal family are really germans. They have done nothing but take my tax money! Lol I wont be watching myself, but hope you enjoy it!

Royalty is a shame... a big black mark on humanity.

It's nothing but a title for some egotistical life forms... couldn't call them humans, there is no humanity in royalty unless it is for show or PR purposes.

No matter how dumb, evil, smart, kind or what have you a person is... they're always equal to the next person in my eyes.

I love everyone! :peace: :joint:
I am personally watching for Charlie !!!

We should Start a RIU SILLY Royal HAT day .... thread !!


I was watching the wedding this morning on the news. With so much media buzz and whatnot, I had to watch for 10 minutes (not much else on at 6 am on the right coast)

they both looked so nervous I thought they were going to puke.

Lots of fancy hats!

I know the ceremony is rooted in tradition, and the people love it, gives em hope, etc etc....


what a fucking huge waste! The global economy is going to shit, there are like 6 wars going on in the world (probably more), and god only knows how much money / resources were wasted for this. if you really want to be the king and queen of the people, have a normal wedding reception and then spend that 20 million (or whatever the wedding costs) on something useful.

also Kate is way to cute for him. I guess that is what you get for being a prince though!

i wish them luck. sustaining a relationship in that kind of limelight is going to be almost impossible.
good for them and everything, i just don't see how it pertains to me as an american to where they need to inturrupt actual scheduled programming to show it to me. and i'm in agreement that the show of excess is particularly disgusting, but it's tradition, i get it. i just think it would have been a bit more classy for them to not spend so much, but that's just me.