Russian bounties to kill Americans in Afghanistan

I believe Donald is guilty of everything I suspect him of and far more, he is a lifelong criminal who should have been behind bars decades ago in a just society, so should many of his henchmen and minions. Donald (an imbecile) with the support of the republicans broke the US constitution and their oaths repeatedly and in an most egregious way. They filled their party with racist assholes and drove out the conservatives and moderates, distilling from the tea party the essence of Trumpism, racism. It was so easy for Donald to sweep the base off their feet by blowing the dog whistle into a megaphone and mobilizing the race driven majority white vote. Donald owns the base and the base owns the politicians, they will primary them instantly over a mean tweet on any issue. Thus between Donald Trump, Bill Barr and the GOP senate you have a lunatic running the country that is exacerbating all the crises it and it's people are facing and doing nothing else but, fuck things up as much as he can, play golf, watch TV, mean tweet, run super spreader events in pandemic hotspots and do photo ops.
The problem is you are dealing with a brainwashed mass of human beings. Nothing is ever that simple when you actually need to fix a problem this big. It will be down to 12 jurors to decide Trump's fate, and the judge that gives him his sentence if he is found guilty. At least for each time he has to go to trial.

Trump may end up being the linchpin in the entire decades long troll on our country that led up to this hostile take over that Dear Leader has led.

But I don't think it is, I think it will turn out that Russia just got lucky when Snowden landed and learned about the Republican con, and knew Trump enough that he knew he could compromise him. Trump the idiot he was, took the bait (And got nailed with idiot Jr's 'If it is what you say I love it'), I really think that the majority of the damage to Trump will be done with the Saudi's and Netanyahu's corruption.

And that is what will drag down all the other corrupted Republicans too.

That is why I think Trump's cult logic is so fast to point out to 'Russian collusion' and pretend that the rest of the issues with Trump corruption doesn't exist.

I do regret that the elderly of Russia will be the first to feel the effects of US sanctions that President Biden will implement in retaliation for Russian meddling in US elections. It should be Putin but sanctions are a blunt instrument and will hurt the elderly and poor the most.
The problem is you are dealing with a brainwashed mass of human beings. Nothing is ever that simple when you actually need to fix a problem this big. It will be down to 12 jurors to decide Trump's fate, and the judge that gives him his sentence if he is found guilty. At least for each time he has to go to trial.

Trump may end up being the linchpin in the entire decades long troll on our country that led up to this hostile take over that Dear Leader has led.

But I don't think it is, I think it will turn out that Russia just got lucky when Snowden landed and learned about the Republican con, and knew Trump enough that he knew he could compromise him. Trump the idiot he was, took the bait (And got nailed with idiot Jr's 'If it is what you say I love it'), I really think that the majority of the damage to Trump will be done with the Saudi's and Netanyahu's corruption.

And that is what will drag down all the other corrupted Republicans too.

That is why I think Trump's cult logic is so fast to point out to 'Russian collusion' and pretend that the rest of the issues with Trump corruption doesn't exist.
Oh there's Turkey and China too, Donald had the FOR SALE sign out.
You're like a poet!!? Are you spitting hot bars son?! LMFAO

Your are quite the character, I'm going to enjoy the rest of this.
"#triggered rofl lmfao"

Are you melting or in crisis? Your witless cheeseball retorts scream:juvenile long term care, institutionalization, incel shut in.

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Queer, look back, you're the one who's triggered and having a meltdown, I'm just laughing at you
I'm laughing at your obvious desire to talk of anything but the OP. Trump will answer for his crimes when Biden takes office in Feb. After that, sanctions will take a real toll on Russia. It's too bad that grandmothers in Russia will be deprived of food due to Putin's actions against the US. This is entirely Putin's fault, of course.
I'm laughing at your obvious desire to talk of anything but the OP. Trump will answer for his crimes when Biden takes office in Feb. After that, sanctions will take a real toll on Russia. It's too bad that grandmothers in Russia will be deprived of food due to Putin's actions against the US. This is entirely Putin's fault, of course.
My only obvious desire is trolling that fucktard tbh lol. Its been quite enjoyable laughing at him all afternoon.

As far as Russia paying bounties for dead Americans, pure propaganda. They didn't need incentive to kill soldiers, they were defending (in their eyes) their homeland. They knew there's no appetite for dead soldiers, hence kill enough and they should go home. What would you do if Russia invaded your country? Exactly.

Let's say they did pay for dead Americans? You think America hasn't done similar or worse? This is my point, y'all think your above everyone else (American exceptionalism?) And that your shit don't stink. It's so laughable and priceless to watch from afar. Even when I provided evidence of ALL the election/vote meddling you somehow try and white wash it. IT'S FUCKING PRICELESS.

Russia is not paying for dead Americans, you're all marionettes getting played.
My only obvious desire is trolling that fucktard tbh lol. Its been quite enjoyable laughing at him all afternoon.

As far as Russia paying bounties for dead Americans, pure propaganda. They didn't need incentive to kill soldiers, they were defending (in their eyes) their homeland. They knew there's no appetite for dead soldiers, hence kill enough and they should go home. What would you do if Russia invaded your country? Exactly.

Let's say they did pay for dead Americans? You think America hasn't done similar or worse? This is my point, y'all think your above everyone else (American exceptionalism?) And that your shit don't stink. It's so laughable and priceless to watch from afar. Even when I provided evidence of ALL the election/vote meddling you somehow try and white wash it. IT'S FUCKING PRICELESS.

Russia is not paying for dead Americans, you're all marionettes getting played.
You support a traitor, and a racist sexual predator.

Your life is not going to improve from here. You should kill yourself.
My only obvious desire is trolling that fucktard tbh lol. Its been quite enjoyable laughing at him all afternoon.

As far as Russia paying bounties for dead Americans, pure propaganda. They didn't need incentive to kill soldiers, they were defending (in their eyes) their homeland. They knew there's no appetite for dead soldiers, hence kill enough and they should go home. What would you do if Russia invaded your country? Exactly.

Let's say they did pay for dead Americans? You think America hasn't done similar or worse? This is my point, y'all think your above everyone else (American exceptionalism?) And that your shit don't stink. It's so laughable and priceless to watch from afar. Even when I provided evidence of ALL the election/vote meddling you somehow try and white wash it. IT'S FUCKING PRICELESS.

Russia is not paying for dead Americans, you're all marionettes getting played.
Your attempts to white wash the facts that Russia has attacked our and other democracies across the world to elect right wing would be dictators by cat fishing our nations, hacking campaigns into our citizens, and planting propaganda to get the people they want elected, is bullshit and not going to work for people who are not in the Trump cult.

You are an idiot if you don't think this is a big deal that is very likely to end badly for the people of Russia when the world gets these idiots out of office. Trump broke our laws and will eventually end up in court because of it. And no amount of playing it down because Dear Leader wants you to not care (or at least sell this as a valid stance) changes that.
My only obvious desire is trolling that fucktard tbh lol. Its been quite enjoyable laughing at him all afternoon.

As far as Russia paying bounties for dead Americans, pure propaganda. They didn't need incentive to kill soldiers, they were defending (in their eyes) their homeland. They knew there's no appetite for dead soldiers, hence kill enough and they should go home. What would you do if Russia invaded your country? Exactly.

Let's say they did pay for dead Americans? You think America hasn't done similar or worse? This is my point, y'all think your above everyone else (American exceptionalism?) And that your shit don't stink. It's so laughable and priceless to watch from afar. Even when I provided evidence of ALL the election/vote meddling you somehow try and white wash it. IT'S FUCKING PRICELESS.

Russia is not paying for dead Americans, you're all marionettes getting played.
Ok I’ll trust you, an internet gaylord, over the intelligence professionals and award winning journalists
Imagine there are Americans who unironically think the Bidens are a better choice :lol:o_O:wall:
Who are 'the Biden's' and what choice are they up for?

I know Joe Biden is running for president, but unlike Trump Biden kid is not going to be put in charge of the Middle East Peace deals and the Pandemic, and everything else Trump has let his kids play with in our economy.
You support a traitor, and a racist sexual predator.

Your life is not going to improve from here. You should kill yourself.
I'm your huckleberry ;)

You seem very disturbed, maybe you should talk to someone about that lol.

Good to see someone else is triggered LMFAO. So much winning
What exactly do you win, when everybody thinks you're an idiot?

You're all clowns, it's here for everyone to see lol. I come with an opinion and you clowns resort to attacks and name calling LMFAO. I've personally enjoyed this immensely making you all look so dumb and triggering the rage in the special needs lol.