Say goodby to Marijuana reform

Grows in kiddie pools and drinks Coors light. Can you say white trash, lol.
Coors light? Is that even beer?
No wonder dum dum supports Chump -- he's a sucker for marketing! Coors light was girl beer until Coors paid the NFL a zillion dollars to be the "official beer of the NFL" (total joke). Then they spent a shitload on crappy TV commercials -- and it worked! Taste doesn't matter if you're brainwashed.
Rumors has it in signing the ease the burden Obamacare tonight has Trump forcing Medicaid being funded mostly by the state. I hope nobody on disability lives in a red state.

michigan, missouri, south carolina, tennessee, maine, mississippi, kentucky, alabam, arkansas, west virginia. the ten highest states for disability.

ALL red.
Chump did say that he was in favor of medical marijuana during the campaign. Maybe I'll be OK since I've got a card and my grow is 100% legal as far as the state is concerned. Still nervous though. They may fuck with the requirements and restrict it to the point that you've gotta have a terminal disease to qualify.
As far as recreational cannabis is concerned, it could go either way. Trump likes money; so do state governments, and there's a shitload to be made in rec weed. Republicans also love to preach about states rights vs federal govt.
It really could go either way...
that might mean something if he ever kept his word on anything.

but he does not respect you or his supporters enough to do that.
Yeah, but this is a money thing. The only promises he will keep are the ones that benefit him or his family. If he can figure out how to get a slice of the pie, he will go for it.
He is a whore; he can't resist.
Yeah, but this is a money thing. The only promises he will keep are the ones that benefit him or his family. If he can figure out how to get a slice of the pie, he will go for it.
He is a whore; he can't resist.
Loads of free money to be had in a pot crackdown & asset forfeitures & they don't even need to include the pesky courts. Just take it & spend it. Easy Peasy...

now go home and get your fucking shine box
