Pulled that monkey right out of your ass.Half the members in this forum don't grow anyways or are incapable as in justin case's cause. They are here only to promote a political or racist agenda .
Pulled that monkey right out of your ass.
FYI: A surefire way to identify yourself as an insecure noob is to disagree about politics, then follow up with "do you even grow?".
stop acting like a crybaby
Coors light? Is that even beer?Grows in kiddie pools and drinks Coors light. Can you say white trash, lol.
Rumors has it in signing the ease the burden Obamacare tonight has Trump forcing Medicaid being funded mostly by the state. I hope nobody on disability lives in a red state.
Chump did say that he was in favor of medical marijuana during the campaign.
Yeah, but this is a money thing. The only promises he will keep are the ones that benefit him or his family. If he can figure out how to get a slice of the pie, he will go for it.that might mean something if he ever kept his word on anything.
but he does not respect you or his supporters enough to do that.
Yeah, but this is a money thing.
Loads of free money to be had in a pot crackdown & asset forfeitures & they don't even need to include the pesky courts. Just take it & spend it. Easy Peasy...Yeah, but this is a money thing. The only promises he will keep are the ones that benefit him or his family. If he can figure out how to get a slice of the pie, he will go for it.
He is a whore; he can't resist.
there wasn't a nationwide "Stop & Frisk" policy.......derp derp
Were you not alive in before Obama? The Bush UN"patriot act"? that they snuck the riot act into?
Yeah, but this is a money thing. The only promises he will keep are the ones that benefit him or his family. If he can figure out how to get a slice of the pie, he will go for it.
He is a whore; he can't resist.
That's nothing compared to what's coming next....buckle upWere you not alive in before Obama? The Bush UN"patriot act"? that they snuck the riot act into?
That's nothing compared to what's coming next....buckle up
now go home and get your fucking shine box