Well-Known Member
Sad thing is when I was in England a "session" was a late night drink and drugs party 

It's not about now, it's about a few months from now when Jeff "I liked the KKK until I learned they smoked pot" Sessions is wrist deep in his new drug war.The fact that more people are growing now, and for the past 6 months, I've been able to pick from 15 different strains, that are all locally grown...
Join the movement
BumpPresident-elect Donald Trump has nominated hardline drug policy reform opponent Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to be attorney general of the United States, a move that sent shockwaves through the marijuana legalization movement on Friday.
Marijuana remains illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act, despite the expansion of recreational programs in Colorado, Washington state, Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C. (The District, however, continues to ban sales, unlike the state programs.) Four new states approved legalization on Election Day, and 28 states in total have legalized marijuana for medical purposes. This movement has only been able to press forward because of guidance urging federal prosecutors to refrain from targeting state-legal marijuana operations.
Under President Barack Obama, the Department of Justice has allowed states to forge their own way on marijuana policy. But that guidance could be reversed when the Trump administration enters the White House. If confirmed, Sessions would sit atop the DOJ, the federal agency that oversees federal prosecutors and enforces federal law on the plant.
“Jeff Sessions should scare every regulator, government official, cannabis industry operator, patient and consumer across the country,” said John Hudak, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who writes extensively on marijuana policy.
An Attorney General Sessions could reverse the federal guidance allowing state marijuana programs “with the stroke of a pen,” Hudak said
.He could also use the FBI to crack down on marijuana operations nationwide and use the Drug Enforcement Agency to enforce federal prohibition outside of the jurisdiction of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court ― the court that ruled in August that a federal rider blocks federal officials from prosecuting state-legal marijuana operators and patients. This rider that the 9th Circuit affirmed must be reapproved each year, and Sessions could order DEA enforcement nationwide if it were allowed to expire. He could also file lawsuits that seek to shut down state and local governments enforcing marijuana reforms and administering regulatory programs.
“In all, [he] could undo much of what has become the Obama Doctrine with regard to marijuana policy in the United States,” Hudak said. “That policy reversal is the worst-case scenario for the marijuana industry.”
“Donald Trump’s decision heralds a return to the worst days of the drug war,” said Bill Piper, senior director of national affairs at Drug Policy Alliance, a drug policy reform group.
Jeff Sessions is a drug war dinosaur, which is the last thing the nation needs now,” said Ethan Nadelmann, DPA’s executive director. “Those who counted on Donald Trump’s reassurance that marijuana reforms ‘should be a state issue’ will be sorely disappointed.”
Trump has said he would respect states’ rights on the issue, but Sessions’ track record of opposing marijuana reform is deeply troubling to people who favor progressive drug laws.
During a Senate hearing earlier this year, Sessions spoke out against marijuana and urged the federal government to send the message to the public that “good people don’t smoke marijuana.” He went on to say that “we need grown-ups in Washington to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized” and blasted Obama’s stance on the issue. He called the legalization of marijuana “a mistake” last year.
So all you Trump supporters on this site, here you go. Are you happy now, because the DEA, once again IS going to be going after ALL smokers and growers. Fat chance that the Feds are going to look the other way anymore, and I hope all you assholes that voted Trump, are the 1st to go.
That would be nice to see.
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Another massively unsubstantiated paranoia thread. How about people actually wait and see what happens before running around like chicken little screaming about how the sky is falling? A crackdown on the cannabis industry would accomplish nothing other than costing the new administration public approval. 60% of the public approves, why go against such a majority? It's the equivalent of gun control and democrats. It's an overall support loser.
Well why you are here? I'm here because I grow, and want to help likeminded individuals achieve success, and sometimes make my politics known on this forum. Why also do you say justin doesn't grow? Do you personally know him?Half the members in this forum don't grow anyways or are incapable as in justin case's cause. They are here only to promote a political or racist agenda .
Paranoia thread? What, your kidding right?Another massively unsubstantiated paranoia thread. How about people actually wait and see what happens before running around like chicken little screaming about how the sky is falling? A crackdown on the cannabis industry would accomplish nothing other than costing the new administration public approval. 60% of the public approves, why go against such a majority? It's the equivalent of gun control and democrats. It's an overall support loser.
The recreational states are blue states.......losers are perfect targets for trump vendettaParanoia thread? What, your kidding right?
What the fuck is paranoid about fearing Sessions and Trump?
Trump doesn't give a fuck about what the MAJORITY of citizens think about health care, the environment, or woman's rights so you think he's going to leave pot alone?
Your delusional.
The same can be said for the last 8 years.It's says woulda shoulda coulda . You or no one else knows this for sure yet. Keep digging you foxholes.
That's a dumbshit statement.Half the members in this forum don't grow anyways or are incapable as in justin case's cause. They are here only to promote a political or racist agenda .
It doesn't matter. Republicans and the dimwits who support them can say and do anything and then turn on a dime the very next day, and all is ok, like nothing was every said.Does Trump WANT to win a second term, or does he want to make Republicans look like massive hypocrites on the 'state rights' front, and be one of the least popular 1 term presidents ever? If it's the former, he'll avoid the major 'minefield' issues such as recreational cannabis.
Trump actually has a chance here to show people that Republicans aren't all out to go after your weed/gay marriage/abortion etc. But yeah, if I'm wrong I'll gladly post right on this forum and admit to it.
And he has made that perfectly clear.The recreational states are blue states.......losers are perfect targets for trump vendetta
I think the criticism is getting to them already. Their complaints are badges of honor.And he has made that perfectly clear.
For example, him sending out his Press Secretary yesterday to bitch about the Medias reports on the size of the crowd for the Inauguration, beginning his 1st fucking press conferance and spending most of it on that subject as POTUS, again complaining about the press speaking the truth is fucking INSANE.
NASA edited the picture using chemtrails and satellite based microwave arrays.I think the criticism is getting to them already. Their complaints are badges of honor.
What's funny about their claim that "the media" put up a phony picture, "taken before or after the inauguration to distort attendance reports", is how easy is would be to post a picture that refutes it. None have been posted. Probably because the attendance to the inauguration WAS that bad. LOL
What a pack of lying whiners. Only a rich boy could make it to adulthood and remain that sensitive. He's going to get a dose of it from now on.
Another massively unsubstantiated paranoia thread. How about people actually wait and see what happens before running around like chicken little screaming about how the sky is falling? A crackdown on the cannabis industry would accomplish nothing other than costing the new administration public approval. 60% of the public approves, why go against such a majority? It's the equivalent of gun control and democrats. It's an overall support loser.
Ya know, everyone so far has been having an intelligent, mature discussion (relatively) on this subject, and then you show up with your inane comments, and force me into saying, has anyone ever called you a pain in the ass today? No?NASA edited the picture using chemtrails and satellite based microwave arrays.
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I didn't get his joke either. But I think that was all it was.Ya know, everyone so far has been having an intelligent, mature discussion on this subject, and then you show up with your inane comments, and force me into saying, has anyone ever called you a pain in the ass today? No?
Your a pain in the ass