Shroom Pizza Anyone?

ok i checked on them and they dont look liek anything happened. maybe i did something wrong. im using very big mason jars so i think that could be the problem. i just ordered some new ones online so i guess ill get em in a week and ill try again. the mix looks a little too airy to me. not very solid like in the videos. i think i am just going to try again from the beginning using the smaller, tapered jars. good thing i still have 2.5 syringes left.
what do you mean? the jar of stuff i dont think becomes one piece until the mycileum grows and holds it all together. but if your talking about alot of space in between the pieces of vermiculite and BRF maybe try smacking down the container a little bit to compress it. Are you getting enough oxygen into the jar
probably not. yeah i just kind of hit them against my hand to compress it more and replaced them. but as of today i didnt see anything. ill look at them again Christmas morning.
It took over a week for me to see my first growth with BRF.

Don't panic.

I just harvested my first flush - about 60g wet.
6 1/2 pt jars of regular brown rice crumbled into foil pans and cased with verm and coir.

Working on #2 now - I've got 6 more jars that I colonized with a mycelium transfer from my first set. I'm gonna try to spawn those to coir/coffee bulk substrate.

Now I just need to find time to try them....
Still drying - I just picked them this afternoon.

Golden teachers.

Got them dunking in water to rehydrate for another flush now.
i got some growth on the big jars and i just did the PF TEK for six 1/2 pint jars with BRF and verm. those are going to succeed i know it. is one ounce dried per flush for six jars about average? how much can you get from six half pinters? i used the rest of my plantasia for three of them and three golden teachers also. im psyched.
Easy folks...
Bad luck to weigh your harvest before it's done :mrgreen:

Anyway - I wouldn't expect anywhere near that on your first go. My first go got me around 8 grams dry. :?

Now I've started spawning the cakes I've got to Coir/coffee. I've also got everything else dialed in now, so Im starting to see some larger flushes now.
for real though, i want like a pound. how many jars or whats the best way to do this? i have a dozen 1/2 pint jars, six of which are incubating right now. what do i need like 60 jars or something? ok, so maybe not a pound but like at least a qp. everyone i know is very excited about shrooms coming around. we dont have many farms round hear ya heard? thanks for the info.
yeah, thats a good plan. id like a more steady flow of harvesting but if i gotta do it all at once its no problem. what strain are you growing again? B+? i got me some plantasia, golden teacher (both in those jars) and some blue meanie still in the syringe. i cant wait to "study them under my microscope." lol. do you plan on making your own syringes or just keeping buying spores? i plan to get this harvest done and maybe step up to the plate on some of the more "exotic" spores. its pretty damn easy so far though.