Shroom Pizza Anyone?

I spawned a total 6 1/2 pt jars of colonized brown rice to about 6 Qts of pasturized Coir, and put into foil pans.

So there's the one time cost of equipment - jars ($8 a case), tubs($5 each), Pressure cooker ($50 for a decent one), heating pad ($30) --- total less than $100

The rice, coir, verm, etc... is less than $10 per run.

I've yielded about a dry oz from each flush now.
Im not sure it depends on the size of the jars(I haven't tried this tek yet) but I am going to soon and I will post the results I am going to use 3x32qt rubbermaid containers for my grow tubs should be relativly easy and cheap because it use wild bird seed wich is extremely cheap I am also going to use equador strain(know for grow monsters):D
so i have 4 jars who are 80% colonized right now with the brown rice flour/vermiculite mix. one was ultra contaminated so i removed it. one has a small blackish growth at the bottom so im counting that one as contaminated as well but growing it out just the same. i have 2 golden teacher jars and 2 from the plantasia strain. i used the steam pot method for sterilization and obviously, getting mixed results. i was very aseptic in my innoculations so im thinking it was this sterilization method thats giving me the problem. should be less than a week before fruiting, hopefully. i guess ill be yielding about 2/3 of an ounce (dry) from these 4 jars per flush. hopefully get two good flushes out of them to put me over the ounce mark. not too bad for my first try. im going to invest in a pressure cooker for the second go around and try to fill around 36-48 jars. try to get a little more weight so i wont have to do this too often. or do you think i can move to a bulk substrate grow for the second go around? im just finding the PF Tek to be pretty simple and effective. thanks guys. hope yours are starting to grow!
ok so i think i see some small amount of growth in 3 of my jars at the bottom. I cant believe its taken this long, i also cant believe i didnt even have any contamination growth but thats a good thing
the growth started at the bottom and not the sides where you innoculated them? thats strange. all my growth is on the sides right where i stuck the needle in. i hope thats good though. remember to get the CO2 out by turning the jars upside down and letting the holes breath. the co2 stops the growth, or so i hear.
the co2 is supposed to be heavier than the oxygen so it collects at the bottom. by tilting it your letting it come out
that growth wow its really white so when you's started your jars did they like all kinda grow at the same speed or did one grow and then another? because i have for jars and only ones doing anything i noticed the growth like early yesterday and now its like the size of a quarter
My first round had 3 jars each of brown rice, WBS, Whole wheat, and B.Rice flour/verm.

The 3 jars of each type were all within - say 36 hours. But the different types were up to 2 weeks apart.
i dunno im not being very exact in anything im doing i had the temps fucked up in the beginning. Its worth my time im going to by all the rite equipment and try again. But in other news 1 week of flowering got rid of all the males 1 plant is only a foot tall 7 nodes all within an inch from each other and it looks good other one is tall and has many bud sites but looks good
hey, so i was thinking of starting mine this weekend. i just don't have an exact idea of what i want to do yet, like what i think is the best method.

i think im going to try either the rez effect or if i can get more details on what you did pullin' weeds i would love to try your method.

i found a guide that says to use organic brown rice flour (1/4cup), Vermiculite(2/3cup) and water(1/4)cup per each 1/2pint jar, and then inject the spores.

after the 2 weeks or so it says to take them out, and just set them in some other mixture. it never mentions breaking up the "cakes". have u guys been breaking them up? i figure more surface area would be better right?, so breaking it up seems like the way to go. i just want to make sure.

what sort of mixtures did u guys use? also, for the rez effect, all those sites mention "wbs", what does that stand for, anyone know?
