So whats a MAGAs excuse for believing Trump won?

Look at the post above urs im being called a moron. I think anyone whos not borderline dyslexic can tell im simply repeating what maga people have said to me. How could a story be bullshit if its repeating what a brainless fool Of a relative said? Lmfao. Maybe he thinks they never said that to me are hes defending them? I dont know
Why would you assume that I can see it?

I don't like to play protector of new people, because it is impossible to know if your being trolled or not (unless you know). Just assume you are being trolled at all times IMO.

If someone is attacking you that is why there is a ignore feature. Otherwise you will be sucked into negativity and it makes it hard to have a conversation. The only reason not to is if you are planning on trolling them. But that is a different kind of confirmation.

This website is attacked nonstop by new accounts trolling for Trump spreading nonsense, which is why people are always going to be suspicious and attack first.

Best of luck.
Why would you assume that I can see it?

I don't like to play protector of new people, because it is impossible to know if your being trolled or not (unless you know). Just assume you are being trolled at all times IMO.

If someone is attacking you that is why there is a ignore feature. Otherwise you will be sucked into negativity and it makes it hard to have a conversation. The only reason not to is if you are planning on trolling them. But that is a different kind of confirmation.

This website is attacked nonstop by new accounts trolling for Trump spreading nonsense, which is why people are always going to be suspicious and attack first.

Best of luck.

You have a great point . Sounds like advice id be stupid not to take lol !
Relative of mine lives in florida got 12 ballots sent to her parents house in Newyork. What inwas told: There is no way to verify Mail in ballots like absentee ballots because they don't have anything unique about them.( no seal or code) She could have voted 12 times if she wanted to and shes not even from newyork lol.dont know if they would have actually counted in the end or how they do it but the votes could definitely be placed. Also her parents could have sent it in for her if she didn't vote so still kinda corrupt hey never know 100% like a absentee. Just a thought why ine may scream those votes are “fraud”.

PSA: im canadian and dont give a fuck about this election dont @ me.
horse shit
I think mr x was being facetious.

Sorry to hear about how the virus is affecting you. I'm completely in sync with your ethos of "wear a mask to protect others". I don't understand why that's not all one needs to hear in order to be convinced to wear one.
I am being facetious. I am young, athletic, go to the gym on a daily basis, not old, not obese, drink a lot of water and practice a healthy diet. I realized Americans are selfish, delusional, and willing to believe their own lies. So you know what america? I'm game. im pretty sure ill be safe compared to obese and old people. so go ahead, and go to your rallies without a facemask, ill be watching without mine. if you get sick, its your own fault for not quarantining and cheering with other people without a mask. you know how trump said he's immune? well so am i. #SurvivaloftheFittest #CompetitiveAdvantage
I am being facetious. I am young, athletic, go to the gym on a daily basis, not old, not obese, drink a lot of water and practice a healthy diet. I realized Americans are selfish, delusional, and willing to believe their own lies. So you know what america? I'm game. im pretty sure ill be safe compared to obese and old people. so go ahead, and go to your rallies without a facemask, ill be watching without mine. if you get sick, its your own fault for not quarantining and cheering with other people without a mask. #SurvivaloftheFittest #CompetitiveAdvantage
Agree that the US Republican Party is a good example of Darwin's theory in action.