
Lol, come on now man. Threats now? Are we going that low? I'm sorry for your conditions and didn't mean to make you so angry. That's not my address, not even close really. But it's relevant to a place I contract for. You almost had me there ! Phew...
you sir are a disgrace to this country! you don't have respect for a veteran you don't belong here period! go to mexico with the rest of the crybaby lilberals! you guys wouldn't last a week there as no one would listen to your whinny bullshit! as of now your opinion on anything in my eyes as pure bullshit as are you! id check your morales as your lifes about to give you what you deserve! your not going to like it either!
you sir are a disgrace to this country! you don't have respect for a veteran you don't belong here period! go to mexico with the rest of the crybaby lilberals! you guys wouldn't last a week there as no one would listen to your whinny bullshit! as of now your opinion on anything in my eyes as pure bullshit as are you! id check your morales as your lifes about to give you what you deserve! your not going to like it either!
The irony.
Lmao, are you okay? If you look back a couple posts you'll see I posted a photo of myself. You've got me at 3 different locations now.

Yet, you keep posting here. Thanks for making me worth your time.
Too funny... I'd imagine you sit at home all day since you consider typing on a mobile phone "time".

I know you've got soft baby hands, only tool you've ever used was a google wrench and it shows heavily but its all good, you aint the only one.

It would be mentally degrading to even attempt walking into your shop, kinda like a millionaire stealing a penny from a kid therefore (my definition) a waste of time.

Stop with the immature replies already, all your replies show you are being highly defensive because you fucked your first impression incredibly hard and all you can do is say fuck these guys fuck those guys ect... Lmao
Ok the thing is i didn't say it isn't nutrient rich i am aware that their are good things in pee but also there are components that are NOT good for a plant in urine (urea). so what i said is it's useless.. My reasoning is that nutrients are readily available there's nothing in pee you can't supply another way..i think it's a nasty unnecessary practice. To each his own i guess, please don't share your weed with people without informing them of this lmao jk
You just said it. Lol. Urea. You will use some unknown source of urea but not your own.
Too funny... I'd imagine you sit at home all day since you consider typing on a mobile phone "time".

I know you've got soft baby hands, only tool you've ever used was a google wrench and it shows heavily but its all good, you aint the only one.

It would be mentally degrading to even attempt walking into your shop, kinda like a millionaire stealing a penny from a kid therefore (my definition) a waste of time.

Stop with the immature replies already, all your replies show you are being highly defensive because you fucked your first impression incredibly hard and all you can do is say fuck these guys fuck those guys ect... Lmao

Lol, was that an attempt at an analogy. . You contradict yourself by calling me immature, telling others I'm not worth the time , yet you keep coming back for more. Yeah I'm on my mobile? Taking a couple of my minutes to grab a laugh from you. You're at home, on the computer all day, doing nothing. I offer advice and soak up knowledge, and got a banging gardens going. What are you doing? Do you even grow weed lol? I do it for a living :)
Calijoke youre a special person...

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More retarded piss plants from ca... we must be dumb.

Piss has worked fine for my family in china, japan, guam, pillipines, hawaii, australia, samoa, ca, col, atl, florida, ten, min, tx, az, nyc, juarez and michohacan too... so idk wtf youre talkin bout boy... juz cuz yoohz 2 ztoopid bruh dunt nein we-sofa-king-we-Tod-did ter...

Kick rocks neff... ask ur boss about it... i'm sure he'll clear things up for you. thxmxchBuTA

Great enjoy it in your personal grow. I'm even trying it this after some helpful info from another member. You obvioisly didn't read through the thread just came to try to hash out an insult.
Lol, was that an attempt at an analogy. . You contradict yourself by calling me immature, telling others I'm not worth the time , yet you keep coming back for more. Yeah I'm on my mobile? Taking a couple of my minutes to grab a laugh from you. You're at home, on the computer all day, doing nothing. I offer advice and soak up knowledge, and got a banging gardens going. What are you doing? Do you even grow weed lol? I do it for a living :)
Apparently i live in one of the most expensive and beautiful states on earth but sit at home and dont do jack.

Lmao, get real.. I've got two jobs & I just flipped a 46kv switch for a whole city and replied to you during the same time.

The internet dont take much so stop acting like you have everything but time when you aint nobody but someone who recently turned a "young adult".

Last time i checked they grow themselves and only require a few hours a day MAX, its a C3 and requires NOTHING SPECIAL to grow. anything more then that and you are being overly proud of yourself which shows us how high (or low) you put your self achievements.
Great enjoy it in your personal grow. I'm even trying it this after some helpful info from another member. You obvioisly didn't read through the thread just came to try to hash out an insult.
Nerp i read it. why would i post non personal grow pics? lol for the ones that live in sac and go to clubs... sorry you have likely smoked my pee.:fire:

If you notice i have likes throughout the thread
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Pee is not beneficial to your plants and will burn them. Don't listen to the trolls, idiots, or the "we've been doing it for 1,000 of years" guys. If Pee were beneficial or even remotely useful people would be using it instead of Nutrients that have been dialed in specifically for Cannabis.

Would you smoke weed that some pissed in? It's foolish and stubborn growers(broke kids) that are actually pissing on their flowers. Disgusting and useless, go ahead though and let's see those Piss crops. Smh.
Urea. The same thing in the nutrients you buy.

Cannabis specific nutrients. You one of these guys that buy 30 bottles of stuff just to grow a plant?

Lol. Cannabis is a magical plant that needs unicorn farts and cyclop warts to grow.

Seriously. Cannabis specific nutes. Lol. Its a plant like any other.

They use human waste now in the US for farms.

You have probably eaten food grown from human waste. LOL. This is just one link. Take the time to search and you will see it is quit common. Only humans are dumb enough to think we need man made chemicals to grow things.
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I save the soil and mix it up with some new soil, before that though I do water down the soil heavily flushing and let it drain and dry a bit before mixing
I use something similar to no till except the no till part. I got a couple of batches of soil. One is amended and cooks while I grow in the other batch.
I've got a pile of recycled dirt that's outside in the rain. I break up root balls in a tub, then throw it all on the pile. Occasionally I add an amendment. Whatever's handy is fine, as I don't amend very often. (oyster shell, kelp, alfalfa, bone meal, etc.)
Come springtime, the recycled mix is always great for outdoor plants.