Sorry, but for all that didn't vote in Florida---- you S_ _ K !!!!***!!#!!##*

Needed 60% to pass prop 2, they got 58%.
It was a bad Law making growing legal for a few Dozen large businesses in Florida.
Only nurseries in business longer than 30 years would have been allowed to grow.


it might take 5-10 years but Floridas age and demographics is shifting.
The Anti-drug aged people are dying off and being replaced by retired flower children and younger people.

We want Freedom to grow our own NOT be required to buy it from a Govt store that requires us to have Cannibis I.D. Cards.

Fuck No I say!

For that matter age and demographics are shifting nationwide. I may not ever see it (I'm in my 60's) but I predict there will come a day when the majority of states will legalize at least for medical purposes. I have a good friend whose son had osteoblastoma and a cannabis tincture has put his son in remission. That alone is reason enough to legalize. People will eventually see the light if instances like this are brought to the public's attention on a broader scale.. What we need is a larger campaign of dissemination of positive information (propaganda if you will).
You've done nothing there except move starting point back one step.

You say something cannot come from nothing so where did your mythical creator come from?

Already answered that question earlier. Go back and read it.
My guess is you hate them, it threatens your entire world view.
Not at all. I am truely entertained by your lack of ability to refute my arguments. You ignore my response to your question, then ask another question, or just blurt out obscenities about Christianity due to your lack knowledge. I find how you dodge the discussion to be funny.
Already answered that question earlier. Go back and read it.

Not at all. I am truely entertained by your lack of ability to refute my arguments. You ignore my response to your question, then ask another question, or just blurt out obscenities about Christianity due to your lack knowledge. I find how you dodge the discussion to be funny.
You have no scientific evidence of a god.

You have no arguements, only opinions.
Since there is nothing factual in your assertions.
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NAPLES, Fla., Aug. 17, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- Families lined up on U.S. 41 on Saturday in Naples during the sweltering Florida heat, but what had them smoking mad was not the August weather.
Instead, this group was steaming about the language on Florida's proposed Amendment 2 and what they say is public misinformation about this amendment on "medical" marijuana.
Shouting chants like "First pill mills, then pot shops, enough is enough, this has to stop!" the grassroots group, known as VoteNoOn2-Collier, is on a mission to inform voters about concerns on the proposed amendment, which will be considered by voters in November.
"We are asking people to vote no on 2," said Veora Little, VoteNoOn2-Collier Chair. "There are too many loopholes that essentially legalize marijuana for everyone, with no parental consent required for youth and no location restrictions for pot shops."
Her group consists of concerned parents, health care advocates and members of the faith community from around Southwest Florida
upport for Amendment 2 plummeted between July, when a Quinnipiac University poll found that 88 percent of voters favored the measure, and October, when a Gravis Marketing poll found that just 50 percent did. Opponents, aided by $5 million in donations from Republican casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson, argued that the regime established by the initiative would be tantamount to general legalization, which they said would lead to horrors such as date rape facilitated by pot cookies.
This morning there was a knock at my door. When I answered the door I found a well groomed, nicely dressed couple. The man spoke first:

John: "Hi! I'm John, and this is Mary."

Mary: "Hi! We're here to invite you to come kiss Hank's ass with us."

Me: "Pardon me?! What are you talking about? Who's Hank, and why would I want to kiss His ass?"

John: "If you kiss Hank's ass, He'll give you a million dollars; and if you don't, He'll kick the shit out of you."

Me: "What? Is this some sort of bizarre mob shake-down?"

John: "Hank is a billionaire philanthropist. Hank built this town. Hank owns this town. He can do whatever He wants, and what He wants is to give you a million dollars, but He can't until you kiss His ass."

Me: "That doesn't make any sense. Why..."

Mary: "Who are you to question Hank's gift? Don't you want a million dollars? Isn't it worth a little kiss on the ass?"

Me: "Well maybe, if it's legit, but..."

John: "Then come kiss Hank's ass with us."

Me: "Do you kiss Hank's ass often?"

Mary: "Oh yes, all the time..."

Me: "And has He given you a million dollars?"

John: "Well no. You don't actually get the money until you leave town."

Me: "So why don't you just leave town now?"

Mary: "You can't leave until Hank tells you to, or you don't get the money, and He kicks the shit out of you."

Me: "Do you know anyone who kissed Hank's ass, left town, and got the million dollars?"

John: "My mother kissed Hank's ass for years. She left town last year, and I'm sure she got the money."

Me: "Haven't you talked to her since then?"

John: "Of course not, Hank doesn't allow it."

Me: "So what makes you think He'll actually give you the money if you've never talked to anyone who got the money?"

Mary: "Well, He gives you a little bit before you leave. Maybe you'll get a raise, maybe you'll win a small lotto, maybe you'll just find a twenty-dollar bill on the street."

Me: "What's that got to do with Hank?"

John: "Hank has certain 'connections.'"

Me: "I'm sorry, but this sounds like some sort of bizarre con game."

John: "But it's a million dollars, can you really take the chance? And remember, if you don't kiss Hank's ass He'll kick the shit out of you."

Me: "Maybe if I could see Hank, talk to Him, get the details straight from Him..."

Mary: "No one sees Hank, no one talks to Hank."

Me: "Then how do you kiss His ass?"

John: "Sometimes we just blow Him a kiss, and think of His ass. Other times we kiss Karl's ass, and he passes it on."

Me: "Who's Karl?"

Mary: "A friend of ours. He's the one who taught us all about kissing Hank's ass. All we had to do was take him out to dinner a few times."

Me: "And you just took his word for it when he said there was a Hank, that Hank wanted you to kiss His ass, and that Hank would reward you?"

John: "Oh no! Karl has a letter he got from Hank years ago explaining the whole thing. Here's a copy; see for yourself."

From the Desk of Karl
1. Kiss Hank's ass and He'll give you a million dollars when you leave town.
2. Use alcohol in moderation.
3. Kick the shit out of people who aren't like you.
4. Eat right.
5. Hank dictated this list Himself.
6. The moon is made of green cheese.
7. Everything Hank says is right.
8. Wash your hands after going to the bathroom.
9. Don't use alcohol.
10. Eat your wieners on buns, no condiments.
11. Kiss Hank's ass or He'll kick the shit out of you.

Me: "This appears to be written on Karl's letterhead."

Mary: "Hank didn't have any paper."

Me: "I have a hunch that if we checked we'd find this is Karl's handwriting."

John: "Of course, Hank dictated it."

Me: "I thought you said no one gets to see Hank?"

Mary: "Not now, but years ago He would talk to some people."

Me: "I thought you said He was a philanthropist. What sort of philanthropist kicks the shit out of people just because they're different?"

Mary: "It's what Hank wants, and Hank's always right."

Me: "How do you figure that?"

Mary: "Item 7 says 'Everything Hank says is right.' That's good enough for me!"

Me: "Maybe your friend Karl just made the whole thing up."

John: "No way! Item 5 says 'Hank dictated this list himself.' Besides, item 2 says 'Use alcohol in moderation,' Item 4 says 'Eat right,' and item 8 says 'Wash your hands after going to the bathroom.' Everyone knows those things are right, so the rest must be true, too."

Me: "But 9 says 'Don't use alcohol.' which doesn't quite go with item 2, and 6 says 'The moon is made of green cheese,' which is just plain wrong."

John: "There's no contradiction between 9 and 2, 9 just clarifies 2. As far as 6 goes, you've never been to the moon, so you can't say for sure."

Me: "Scientists have pretty firmly established that the moon is made of rock..."

Mary: "But they don't know if the rock came from the Earth, or from out of space, so it could just as easily be green cheese."

Me: "I'm not really an expert, but I think the theory that the Moon was somehow 'captured' by the Earth has been discounted*. Besides, not knowing where the rock came from doesn't make it cheese."

John: "Ha! You just admitted that scientists make mistakes, but we know Hank is always right!"

Me: "We do?"

Mary: "Of course we do, Item 7 says so."

Me: "You're saying Hank's always right because the list says so, the list is right because Hank dictated it, and we know that Hank dictated it because the list says so. That's circular logic, no different than saying 'Hank's right because He says He's right.'"

John: "Now you're getting it! It's so rewarding to see someone come around to Hank's way of thinking."

Me: "But...oh, never mind. What's the deal with wieners?"

Mary: She blushes.

John: "Wieners, in buns, no condiments. It's Hank's way. Anything else is wrong."

Me: "What if I don't have a bun?"

John: "No bun, no wiener. A wiener without a bun is wrong."

Me: "No relish? No Mustard?"

Mary: She looks positively stricken.

John: He's shouting. "There's no need for such language! Condiments of any kind are wrong!"

Me: "So a big pile of sauerkraut with some wieners chopped up in it would be out of the question?"

Mary: Sticks her fingers in her ears."I am not listening to this. La la la, la la, la la la."

John: "That's disgusting. Only some sort of evil deviant would eat that..."

Me: "It's good! I eat it all the time."

Mary: She faints.

John: He catches Mary. "Well, if I'd known you were one of those I wouldn't have wasted my time. When Hank kicks the shit out of you I'll be there, counting my money and laughing. I'll kiss Hank's ass for you, you bunless cut-wienered kraut-eater."

With this, John dragged Mary to their waiting car, and sped off.
You have no scientific evidence of a god.

You have no arguements, only opinions.
Since there is nothing factual in your assertions.
An abortion would be the "right" thing because after all, a retarded child has less reason to live than a "normal" child. Retarded people just wind up being wards of the state and we should definitely not be spending taxpayer money to support such inferior human beings. Right? Maybe we should also legalize euthanasia to weed the human race of inferior people altogether.
You have no scientific evidence of a god.

You have no arguements, only opinions.
Since there is nothing factual in your assertions.
I have answered this already. You just don't comprehend, and that is ok. Not everyone is intelligent enough to understand what I presented, and you and UB fall Under that category.

I will participate in your elementary school game here now....

What scientific evidence do you have to support an absence of a god?
I have answered this already. You just don't comprehend, and that is ok. Not everyone is intelligent enough to understand what I presented, and you and UB fall Under that category.

I will participate in your elementary school game here now....

What scientific evidence do you have to support an absence of a god?
His lack of existence that can be replicated in experiments
It's ok man, you can admit you are happy it didn't pass. We will still not like you just the same.

I called people YOU labeled that way(it was white supremacist BTW) as possibly that way. After all, it was YOU who deemed them that way and YOU aren't exactly a good judge of character.

And look, another instance of name calling.

want me to go get the quote?

you called them "possibly bigoted", not "possibly white supremacist", which they had already admitted they were ya fucking coward racist.
His lack of existence that can be replicated in experiments
Lol! Where do you come up with this stuff? You have good timing with my evening dabs!

Did you really just say "lack of existence that can be replicated in experiments"????? Oh damn, we got a special one here folks!!!

Please follow this post with another googled pic defaming Christianity. You think it will make you feel better about yourself, but you should really question why you find Christianity to be so offensive. Unless you are some teenager who just thinks that stuff makes you look cool to other people you don't know from the internet.
you should really question why you find Christianity to be so offensive.

it's because you try to impose your anti-liberty, bigoted, and misogynistic religious views onto people who don't share your delusional belief in a sky daddy.
@ChesusRice - you really should drop this. It's getting embarrassing to the point I'm feeling guilty for starting this.

good job declaring victory.

if little baby jesus came back to earth today, what do you think he would say about you trying to deny gay people access to the same institution that straight people have?
it's because you try to impose your anti-liberty, bigoted, and misogynistic religious views onto people who don't share your delusional belief in a sky daddy.
I have provided you information that leaves religion out of the subject. I told you we probably agree on more than we don't politically. You still focus on bashing Christianity when I tried to avoid it. Not my fault the two of you are the ones with the issues. I just suggest you don't start anything you obviously can't handle. Not all us Christians are afraid to defend what we believe.
I have provided you information that leaves religion out of the subject....Not all us Christians are afraid to defend what we believe.

do you not see the utter contradiction here?

if you are leaving religion out of it, then why do you boast about defending your religious christian beliefs?

and if you do not oppose marriage equality on the basis of religion, then on what basis do you oppose it? bigotry?
good job declaring victory.

if little baby jesus came back to earth today, what do you think he would say about you trying to deny gay people access to the same institution that straight people have?
You really are a special person. For the THIRD time, I'm ALL for equal rights for gays who want to get hitched. My late brother-in-law and his partner wanted to get married, and our whole family was all for it. It took his death to stop our family from celebrating that relationship. But You're right, I'm the anti gay bigott. You're a real literate genius kinda boy.

And by definition, a marriage under Christianity can only be between man and woman. Man and woman join in marriage to become one again. This is the reason the church cannot agree with a "marriage" between same sex partners. I agree with the church's reasoning, but support the government out of marriage all together. It is illogical for government to not give the same rights.

I hope you understand these words, and don't repeat this for the forth time.