Special K?

anyone have any experience with special K? also known as ketamine. Ive got 2 viles of it from the vet for my cats. all my friends keep tellin me its worth a lot of money, seeing as how my cats dont need it and i dont do anything but smoke, i dont need it. It would also be nice to make some cash if it makes me some money. any help is appreciated

Do you mind me asking what your vials say, TTOKKYO?
i thought k was only administered at the vet.the only way i heard people obtained it was by stealing it.how do you go abouts getting a bottle for your cat/yourself lol
i havent fucked with that shit in 10 years felt like i was sinking into my couch it was cool it made me feel drunk to
its soo fucking fun, get a bunch of friends together a do a bunch of k, and go swimming at night.......................... HOLY FUCK.
k is a horse tranqulizer, meant to b injected via intramusclar, shit is strong, i would stay away from it, dont drink and do it, or get ready 2 take a ride with some flashing lights
k is a horse tranqulizer, meant to b injected via intramusclar, shit is strong, i would stay away from it, dont drink and do it, or get ready 2 take a ride with some flashing lights

I believe that's PCP, The boxes my K came in from TTOKKYO labs in Mexico had a picture of a dog and a picture of a cat on it(the box not the vial). I guess you could use it on a horse, but it's ment for all mamals.
i have a good friend in mexico, who owns a PHARMICIA i know i have been there numerous times, and no it's not pcp, k comes in 2 forms,
i have a good friend in mexico, who owns a PHARMICIA i know i have been there numerous times, and no it's not pcp, k comes in 2 forms,

I know what you are saying, but it is not ment just for horses, it is for all mammals. They made K trying to find an alternative to PCP.
k is an amazing spiritual drug


1cc intrvenous is what you want to talk to god

you will feel this pull at your stomach like you are falling into a hole then reality will sart to spiral and look like a fractal and begin to break awway into pieces after that it spirals back the other way and brand new reality is built before your eyes where you are completely disassociated from reality you dont even know that you did a drug sure this could be dangerous if you could move but you cant your anesthatised (spelling?) basically someone could peform surgury on you and you wouldnt know it

ive had k holes that range from encounters with extraterestrial beings, to speaking with god, to becomeing a rainbow colored fragment of a giants toe nail it is fucking amazing shit

that said its worth about 40 bucks a vial

i will say that this drug is wasted if you do not iv it snorting and iming will not bring you to the state of spiritual awakening that shooting it will
ketamnine isnt dangerous well maybe if you snort it or something gay like that but if you shoot it you will be unconsious LONG before you could OD
ketamnine isnt dangerous well maybe if you snort it or something gay like that but if you shoot it you will be unconsious LONG before you could OD

When people start to come up, but are still in a daze, they stumble out into traffic, or drop out of windows, or stab demons and bleed to death.

Eventually, they will become like the bears in Yellowstone Park. Psychotic.
Not true. Ketamine predate PCP. It is a very dangerous drug. Many people that use it wind up in the emergancy room or the morge.
Obviously you are not very familiar with these 2 drugs. K predates PCP:confused:, why do people from the 70-80 talk about PCP and not K. Do some research K was synthesized for an alternative of PCP.

Also, if you cook up 1 drop of berry extract you will end up with .001 grams/1 mg, not much for 1 10 ml vial if you ask me. I wasn't trying to make a buck, just trying to get rid of the nasty drip.
When people start to come up, but are still in a daze, they stumble out into traffic, or drop out of windows, or stab demons and bleed to death.

Eventually, they will become like the bears in Yellowstone Park. Psychotic.

ok i guess i should have explained you dont like do k at parties its a spiritual experience you need to have a friend to watch you and you turn all the lights off and lay on the couch in safety yeah doing k in public is probably dangerous lol
Obviously you are not very familiar with these 2 drugs. K predates PCP:confused:, why do people from the 70-80 talk about PCP and not K. Do some research K was synthesized for an alternative of PCP.

Also, if you cook up 1 drop of berry extract you will end up with .001 grams/1 mg, not much for 1 10 ml vial if you ask me. I wasn't trying to make a buck, just trying to get rid of the nasty drip.

lol sorry i wasnt bitching about the wieght i just didnt wanna shoot up berry/vanilla extract i prefer untapped bottles of liquid
lol sorry i wasnt bitching about the wieght i just didnt wanna shoot up berry/vanilla extract i prefer untapped bottles of liquid

I understand, I do not have much experience IVing K. I guess it would be kind of dumb not to get a sealed vial in your situation.

Also, you could probably die if you tie off when shooting K IV.
? why is that
pass out with it tied off?

that never happened to me but it did happen to my friend he had used the giant animal needle from the vet and he went into the hole before he could untie and recap his rig so he had a stream of blood shooting out of his arm onto hisa laptop i had to help get him situated so he could enjoy his hole so yeah i never thought of that until now but your right

i dont tie off anyway

i know there is a major stigma with shooting drugs and i dont shoot them anymore well maybe an occasional oc 80 about twice a year but i used to do it like 8=10 times a day but if i could still get hold of k i would be shoting it til it was gone i love that shit sooooooo much