Special K?

Portland, salem, eugene and ashland are my main stays when I go to OR I hobo around alot.:mrgreen:
Go down town to pioneer square and talk with some street kids theres everything floatin down there or run up to washington park my first time smoking herb there someone came out of nowhere and dosed me for a smoke out, ah how i miss OR.
last new years i got yellow penguin X from pioneer square, best roll ever. Totally forgot about the place. I always smoke ppl out at the gresham transit center. lol, hit me up. haha
Yea I understand that is has possible side effects according to the persons body/ brain chemistry, but I copied and pasted that from a REAL drug forum, not a website dedicated to growing weed. Furthermore, it was the main mod over at bluelight....a real drug forum.

Why are you hear then? To tell us what other people told you on a REAL drug forum, why don't you kick rocks and go back to swinging on the big dogs nuts then.:twisted:
its ok your lack of drug knowledge isn't my fault....

My lack? Bro, I have read all your post, none of which are from your own notes. So, maybe it is YOUR lack of knowledge that makes you feel you have to quote things from other sites.

Why not stick to first hand accounts, and not argue over someone elses notes. Where you there?
My lack? Bro, I have read all your post, none of which are from your own notes. So, maybe it is YOUR lack of knowledge that makes you feel you have to quote things from other sites.

Why not stick to first hand accounts, and not argue over someone elses notes. Where you there?

That doesn't even make sense, "none of which are from your own notes", are you trying to discredit me, because you know I quoted that they are other sources....

rofl@"none of which are from your own notes"
Well I have to say K is one of my top three drugs.
1 Blow
2 Acid
3 K
4 Weed
5 E
We get here in canada already poder form for 60 g and 900 oz. Its my womans favorite drug so I call her "kmart". Once you have it in powder form only snort half the amount that you would of blow cause if you do to much you will hit the"k" hole and thats no fun. You get real fucked up and shit gets bad. If that happens you need to get your hands on a fat rail and get it up your nose that will take the "k" hole away in about 5 min. K is a fun drug and there is all kinds and each one is a little diffrent. Some can be real wonky and some not. I'm not sure if its diffrent brands of ketamine that does it or not. Snort some and jump around or find a trampoline its a blast. I will mix it with blow to as the blow hits you instantly and the k takes about 5 min. Have fun!
Well I have to say K is one of my top three drugs.
1 Blow
2 Acid
3 K
4 Weed
5 E
We get here in canada already poder form for 60 g and 900 oz. Its my womans favorite drug so I call her "kmart". Once you have it in powder form only snort half the amount that you would of blow cause if you do to much you will hit the"k" hole and thats no fun. You get real fucked up and shit gets bad. If that happens you need to get your hands on a fat rail and get it up your nose that will take the "k" hole away in about 5 min. K is a fun drug and there is all kinds and each one is a little diffrent. Some can be real wonky and some not. I'm not sure if its diffrent brands of ketamine that does it or not. Snort some and jump around or find a trampoline its a blast. I will mix it with blow to as the blow hits you instantly and the k takes about 5 min. Have fun!

Jon is that you?! LOL I kid I kid, you just sound like my best pal. Trampolines and drugs....fuckin classic