Special K?

Obviously you are not very familiar with these 2 drugs. K predates PCP:confused:, why do people from the 70-80 talk about PCP and not K. Do some research K was synthesized for an alternative of PCP.

Also, if you cook up 1 drop of berry extract you will end up with .001 grams/1 mg, not much for 1 10 ml vial if you ask me. I wasn't trying to make a buck, just trying to get rid of the nasty drip.

Doctors were administering ketamine in the late 60s and early 70s. They stopped using it because of side effects by 1975. Today, doctors use doses that are as little as 1/10 of the original dosing amount. Perhaps even smaller doses than that.

A nurse told me she had personally seen several ER cases die in front of her. So special K is a very dangerous drug.

SO, do some research, BEFORE you open your mouth and make a complete stupid ass of yourself.

ok i have to step in hear...

Ketamine/ketaset/ketacet blah blah blah genaric this genaric that...


i get it about 1 or 2 times a month, my friend get its regularly and I buy about a gram, it lasts a long time (as long as what you get is pure). i would never shoot it...i would never shoot anything and in all my years of drug use i have never shot anything up.

but she gets liquid viles by the 10's and does most of it but since she's my x-gf she saves a gram or 2 for me. she cooks it up buy boiling water over the stove and suspending a plate of it over the boiling water using wooden spoons across the top of the potshe does all 4 burners of the stove at once with 4 pots/plates, that way you don't hurt your pressious K.

you get about a gram a vile, which is worth 90-150$ where i am, but i get it for less ;)

and it's pure.

shit will make you uuuhh...well it's reallty heard to describethe effects of tranqulizers...but it is great, just do a small bump to start, so you can verify the streingth, then do w/e you want, no way you could snort enough to die...but you could split a gram up into about 20-30 good size doses if you wanted to be really specific, but you will only really need a small bump/line.

you will get a huge tollerance to it very quickly, especially if you do it and then go to bed a few hours later...the next day your tollerance will have like doubled.

but the shit is great and it's not dangerous at all... i don't know where all these people ar egetting there info...i'v snorted K prolly somewhere around 700-800 times and have no permanent damage and have never been in any danger...

but i would not suggest going out to the club/rave wile doing it, it is a tranquilizer and it will make you kinda retarded while on it. but it always puts alot of my life and problems in perspective, and everything makes perfect sence in a simple way...lol i love the shit...

it is addictive so don't let it get you, you need to have self controle.

sorry for rambeling i kinda drunk...and i did some K earlyer...lol

The microwave:confused: ouch! you are losing almost half of your product that way. Take into concideration splatering and over heating. Ketamine should never be heated over 211F it will start to decompose. The slower you evaporate the liquid the better, but I have come up with a good method as mentioned before.
Not if you put a plate over the top you can keep it all and it cooks in 2 min not 20!
You only have two so no big deal. About 8 years ago a lot of my friends were arrested by the fed for this shit but they were getting cases (144 = a case) sometimes 10 at a time they flooded the rave scene from New York to Miami. there are a lot of bullshit lies about this drug the firs one being over dosing Yes you can over dose but you would have to do the hole bottle at once. In 1999 the DEA shut down fort dodge this was the company making the shit in the USA. since then K is not even worth doing any more it's just not the same. they took something out of the formula...
Now about K-holes I fucken used to love them it's like you pass out but your dreaming these wild ass dreams on some real matrix shit. I liked K some much I would shoot it "IM" not in my vines and about 5cc damn those were good times , but the shit thats out there now just sucks.
If you have some of this now and you don't know about it please take a small amount and try to cook it in the oven if it turns to a gel get rid of it it will poison you
Not if you put a plate over the top you can keep it all and it cooks in 2 min not 20!
You only have two so no big deal. About 8 years ago a lot of my friends were arrested by the fed for this shit but they were getting cases (144 = a case) sometimes 10 at a time they flooded the rave scene from New York to Miami. there are a lot of bullshit lies about this drug the firs one being over dosing Yes you can over dose but you would have to do the hole bottle at once. In 1999 the DEA shut down fort dodge this was the company making the shit in the USA. since then K is not even worth doing any more it's just not the same. they took something out of the formula...
Now about K-holes I fucken used to love them it's like you pass out but your dreaming these wild ass dreams on some real matrix shit. I liked K some much I would shoot it "IM" not in my vines and about 5cc damn those were good times , but the shit thats out there now just sucks.
If you have some of this now and you don't know about it please take a small amount and try to cook it in the oven if it turns to a gel get rid of it it will poison you

The microwave still decomposes the chemical. So even though you still end up with the same weight, the product is not of the best quality.

To each their own, I cook on very low heat.:peace::joint:
ill never look at some of you the same again. And surprised noone said but needles are disgusting and absolutely for losers! at that point you might as well dedicate your life to drugs cause thats a whole different level. shooting crack in your eye isnt going to let you meet god, or the devil. I think it takes you further from spiritual awakening as that stuff is internal (mind over matter) to begin with. not a conduit like weed and lsd.
You guys got your facts fucked up, K isn't that dangerous I don't give a fuck what you've heard or experienced, I'ma copy and paste this from another site...

Its mostly used on humans though it "can" be used on animals.

Its a psychedelic dissociative. It "tranquilizes" meaning it does separate the body and the mind in feeling and motor skills. But if you think tranquilizers are bad for you youre highly mistaken. Ketamine is roughly on par with Marijuana in terms of physical and mental alteration.

copied from a drug expert...

Addiction - Haha.. Ive met hundreds of K users and only 1 or 2 people I would classify as addicts, and even they could have quit without any physical withdrawals. Maybe a psychological want for it, but nothing too serious. The biggest reason for me to binge on it sometimes is simply because its FUN.. AS... HELL, you dont really want to leave the world it shows you sometimes.

Hallucinations - Can happen if you do enough at any time. Aka thats the reason I do it. Major audio and visual hallucinations. Instead of the room morphing and shifting, like on Acid, the room might all of a sudden become 10-dimensions of layers, and you'll be lookign up at them from the bottom. Either you can try to escape or you can just go deeper and deeper until youre so psychedelically out of this world that your brain essentially shuts down all human-thinking values. Thats the "K-Hole"... and nothing is dangerous about it even though that sounds like intense shit.. which it fucking is. Ketamine is no joke, and it sucks people abuse it at parties and stuff.

Nausea - Only if you combine with alcohol, and "sometimes" on people's first and second time using the drugs.

Loss of Memory - no more than marijuana.

Loss Of Sense of Time - YES... YES YES YES. baahhahah... holy fuck, Ive made time slow down to 1/10 of the real time. Ive watched someone come busting into my door while I was K'd, and I literally watched it unfold like one of those high-intensity "slow motion" cameras. Ive also been tripping on MDMA + K and all of a sudden time started going backwards. Everything I and my friends were doing in the past few minutes started coming back, just in reverse. I even saw my friend get up and walk backwards back to where she came from, and our friend not on K said that never happened. That one was probably one of the scariest drug moments because i was still lucid about it...

Numbness - Well its a tranquilizer, but I still say "no".

Delerium - ... see above. But naw, not true delerium.

Heart Rate - mine doesnt get affected and I do l-i-n-e-s.
copied from a drug expert...

Addiction - Haha.. Ive met hundreds of K users and only 1 or 2 people I would classify as addicts, and even they could have quit without any physical withdrawals. Maybe a psychological want for it, but nothing too serious. The biggest reason for me to binge on it sometimes is simply because its FUN.. AS... HELL, you dont really want to leave the world it shows you sometimes.

Hallucinations - Can happen if you do enough at any time. Aka thats the reason I do it. Major audio and visual hallucinations. Instead of the room morphing and shifting, like on Acid, the room might all of a sudden become 10-dimensions of layers, and you'll be lookign up at them from the bottom. Either you can try to escape or you can just go deeper and deeper until youre so psychedelically out of this world that your brain essentially shuts down all human-thinking values. Thats the "K-Hole"... and nothing is dangerous about it even though that sounds like intense shit.. which it fucking is. Ketamine is no joke, and it sucks people abuse it at parties and stuff.

Nausea - Only if you combine with alcohol, and "sometimes" on people's first and second time using the drugs.

Loss of Memory - no more than marijuana.

Loss Of Sense of Time - YES... YES YES YES. baahhahah... holy fuck, Ive made time slow down to 1/10 of the real time. Ive watched someone come busting into my door while I was K'd, and I literally watched it unfold like one of those high-intensity "slow motion" cameras. Ive also been tripping on MDMA + K and all of a sudden time started going backwards. Everything I and my friends were doing in the past few minutes started coming back, just in reverse. I even saw my friend get up and walk backwards back to where she came from, and our friend not on K said that never happened. That one was probably one of the scariest drug moments because i was still lucid about it...

Numbness - Well its a tranquilizer, but I still say "no".

Delerium - ... see above. But naw, not true delerium.

Heart Rate - mine doesnt get affected and I do l-i-n-e-s.

Delerium, numbness, and low heart rate are all a part of K use. It isn't a hallucinagen, it is a deleriant/depresant, like alcohol!
Im pretty sure ketamine is a dissociative, all the deleriants ive done leave me talkin to people that arent there and hearin those million whispers goin on all around you im done with deleriants ive gone out on datura for a few days once it was NO fun.
Im pretty sure ketamine is a dissociative, all the deleriants ive done leave me talkin to people that arent there and hearin those million whispers goin on all around you im done with deleriants ive gone out on datura for a few days once it was NO fun.

I am talking about in real doses, not what people sell for 20 bucks. Anything that makes you think you are comunicating with the T.V. is deffenitly a deleriant! If it was purley dissociative I wouldn't have even noticed the T.V.

No matter how much K I do I still notice my environment, no matter how distorted it may be. I will not disagree with you though, K is dissociative, but also a deleriant in high doses.
I guess to sum it all up, K feels like a depresent in low doses, a dissociative in normal doses, and has all of these qualities plus makes you delerious in very high doses!:peace:
ive been trying to find ketamine for about a year.. I want to try it. I have friends from Utah who say its all over down there. Oregon sucks i guess.
Delerium, numbness, and low heart rate are all a part of K use. It isn't a hallucinagen, it is a deleriant/depresant, like alcohol!

Yea I understand that is has possible side effects according to the persons body/ brain chemistry, but I copied and pasted that from a REAL drug forum, not a website dedicated to growing weed. Furthermore, it was the main mod over at bluelight....a real drug forum.