SuperSkunk Manifold

So basically bigger roots more weed looks like I'll have to upgrade my pots for next grow n see if there's a diff I can do one on 11ltr and 3 18ltr pots
OK, WOW. First, I can't see the pics in the long post, but from what I can see In the second one it looks great - but it is not what I'm shooting for.

Basically what I have found is that every extra sprout you have off of a main limb detracts from the main cola and you end up with about the same amount weight-wise that you would have had with all the plants energy going to those 4 or 8 main cola. For me, it has made for a more troublesome grow crowding wise, and more larf and less dense tops to deal with.

My next grow is going to the other extreme, and having just 4 cola coming off a manifold. If I get another 3oz in a 3gallon pot, It'll prove my theory on the manifolds. That and I hate a long veg.
Also, if the 4-cylinder (which will obviously flip faster) produces the same with less spreading out, you can fit more plants at once. Square pots, one manifold limb stretched towards each corner, and keep it within the confines of the square if possible.
I want to try 2 at a time first, which is basically one under each QB - but I think that if they are not allowed a long veg, fitting 4 in wouldn't be a problem.

edited: sorry, this was a reply to @Gollyboy
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IMG_7435.JPG @diggs99 The stuff hanging (23 tops) still has some of the 'pre-flip' sprouts on them, but most are gone. As it dries and separates you can definitely see the point where you flipped. After you start seeing pistils, the shoot-stem growth slows, and the flowers get tighter together.So for your purposes, this might be what you shoot for.

I'll snip all the smaller nugs with visible stems off the tops eventually, and what is left is what I will worry about curing. There are also some decent tops on the junk on the tray, so after it dries some of that will sort into the "cure' pile. The larf on the tray and the future larf is what I will decarb and eat ;)
7th from the left, you can see how the first stem has a little larf nug, then a small top. I went back in and snipped it ;) All of them that had a stem, and more than one node got snipped.

This 23 tops plus larf will be about 3oz. My 'avatar' pic shows one of 8 buds that dried to 3oz. Same grow exactly except for the season and the pruning style.
25g of dried sugar leaves.
1st run, maybe 2 minutes of gently crushing the leaves in a gloved hand, and rubbing it lightly across the screen. You don't want to cheese-grater it, just move it around so the loose keif falls through.
5g of pure ;)
It's still fresh though, it'll lose some weight same as buds.
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I may get another 2-3 g off another dry run after it dries out more. You can use a Trim-Bin as a dry-keif sifter as well. I made this one based off that. This is one reason I double-trim mine. First is to get the burnt trash tips off, then everything else is saved. I'll run this one more time, then toss the veg in the freezer with my bubble-hash stuff.

Because of doing this, I only have a half a mason jar full in the freezer from my last harvest. This'll probably fill the jar.
The clips the buds are hanging from are for a curtain rod. They come in a 10 or 12-pack, and have a spring-clip that is strong enough to hold up a drape.

If I have another "many-top" plant I might put in another bar or two to spread them out.
One thing I have done different with these clones is that I have been watering them every 3 days at a minimum, whether the pot is light or not. I know the roots are not that well established, but the plants are heartier than a seedling of the same size, and they have a lit more going on than a seedling. So I let them drink what they can in those 2-3 days, then soak them again. So far so good.

That is what I eventually did to the GDP clone to get it to grow. Pot stayed heavy for a week, but the plant just stalled. didn't look bad, just stopped growing. I have seen definite growth spurts on these three associated with the feedings.