Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

I've got a couple of Taskenti from the last run that are getting done. These aren't the ones I selected, but they are still good. They produce a lot of rock hard bud, and their resin smells earthy even when the plants are very subtle in aromas. Nothing to do with the stinky modern hybrids.

And I'm getting ready for the next Taskenti grow. These are seeds I made in 2013 with the best cut and a male from the same batch. I'm impressed how well they germinate.
These are some Taskentis I keep in the flowering tent. They've been there for 4 weeks. I'm happy because the structure of the plants is very similar to the one of the cut. I keep cuts of all the females, so it will be a nice step forward.


And this one has been flowering for 7 weeks. Taskenti usually needs more time than the standard indica for example Northern Ligths, Black Domina, etc, but also produces more and stronger bud. I don't keep clone from this one, I've discarded it.



I can say I'm very satisfied with the evolution of this generation of Taskentis. After 7 and a half weeks I can say for sure that they are all of them very healthy and very resinous. They need more time than a Black Domina, but I'm pretty sure that they also produce more, and that wasn't that clear before.

Look at the size of the buds! I can see the tops of the plants are way bigger than those of the Black Domina. They will be ready in a couple of weeks and for sure the buds will fatten. And the conditions aren't the best, since I'm getting a lot of heat now (African heat wave) and I have a spider mites infestation that I treat with just potassic soap. I believe I'll practice a chemical genocide this summer, I've found a product that's got just a 3 days safety place and is pretty safe for everything, including bees. I've been carrying the fucking mites for years but now it is the time to put an end to it.

Kaiki, the guy who originally bred this strain out from Uzbeki seeds, said once that the best individuals, with stronger flavor and the most narcotic effect, are usually the ones that needed more time. I'd like to give them as much time as possible, but I don't think that any of them will need 10 weeks or more.

I really want to harvest and test all the individuals to see which ones are the best. As I said, I have cloned all of them, but even without selecting I can say that all of them are great. No runts, no freaks, all of them are covered with this special kind of sticky resin.



I've been growing clones and seeds from this strain for years. I do so because since I found it, in 2012, it became the model of what a pure indica should be, in my opinion. These plants are productive and strong, but the most important thing, the effect they provide, is unique. It has a strong high at the beginning that after some minutes becomes the heavier body numbness I've ever experimented using weed. I always sleep after smoking this weed, and the effect over pain due to fatigue, join inflammation, etc is yet to be equaled by any other strain.

Comparing to this, I find the effects of the strongest modern hybrids not to be up to the task in the medical section. The main problem with this strains is that the seedbank isn't offering it anymore due a lot of endogamy problems they were having. Apparently they were crossing the best specimens for years until they found their seeds didn't sprout anymore, and they discontinued it.

I found a very special keeper in one packet from the 2006-2008 (we aren't sure) a friend sent to me. It was an incredible lucky strike. I've managed to find older stock (less endogamic) from different sources and I've been working actively to produce seeds with my special clone and different males, using the females from the different stocks to evaluate their quality.

Usually the more modern Taskenti were better but more endogamic. And the ones from years before (2005) were more raw, less worked.

I'll start the thread with some pictures of my selected clone:
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I got a clone labeled "ecsd" that looks identical to this. I am sure the clone is mislabeled. Do you find cedar flavors or a sort of sour sulphur type smell in this line? like 9/10 on flavor and smell type of situation.
These are some buds from my seeds, after two months curing. I never get very good pictures from dry stash, but I thought I should try. They are quite hard and full of resin, and they present a very good bag appeal.

The smell is subtle like hash, spices, nuts and weed. Very pleasant. After grinding the spicy component increases. The flavor is quite strong, earthy and dense, and the weed smoked alone makes you cough. Very good for relaxing and sleeping. Production happened to be very good, I think than even more than Black Domina, and it is nice in such an underground strain.

These buds aren't very big, there is a clipper lighter in the background for comparison, but they look like the fire they are.

This is a zoom from the last picture.

Every piece you strip from the bunch shows a rounded bud totally covered with resin, like these ones I twisted for you to see their insides.


Now it's been a month since curing started, so I've started to make selections between the Taskenti females I had. These come from the 2012 males and some plants carry the lemony scent I remember from them.

There are subtle differences between them, but selection is difficult and takes time: most of the plants are very resinous and strong, and at the moment I discarded only two. Next time I'll grow the seeds coming from the 2005 males to make another selection.

It is really difficult to do it with method and seriousness, and it takes a lot of time but I know I'm doing it the proper way.


I found 5 males in the last batch I planted in the last week of March, they started flowering last week. These are the Taskenti F2 from 2008. They are more than a meter high but I cut their upper half two weeks ago because I couldn't allow them to overgrow the fence of my terrace. Also, they were hidden in shady places and left with a very low dose of nutrients in 1l pots for the same camouflage reasons. So I guess they would be quite big if I had let them grow.


Also, I'm happy because I already selected a couple of females from the last step (the ones in the last post), these were made with my keeper (found in 2008 seeds) and males from 2012. These plants I selected were specifically made with my #3 male.

Now the next step is to cross these selected females with the males from the past I've identified, because the 2008 generation was the one with stronger effect and flavor. I aim for plants with a flavor and effect as strong as 2008's but with added genetic variation. So I suppose I will use most of the males. I will probably discard the ones with weaker flowering. Flower cluster structure looks very good.

Outstanding work! They look fantastic. Ive been looking for this exact strain for awhile now but I can’t find them anywhere. Does anyone know a seed bank that still has them?? I’ve heard some phenos can have extreme pain relieving properties, even being compared to straight morphine. That might be a bit dramatic but regardless this strain sounds like it has a lot to offer. I see Sannies has a similar strain from the same geographical location (it’s USC’s Line) but not sure if it’s related to Cannabiogens? Anyone have any info regarding the lineage of the two lines? Any connection between the lines?
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August is a nice month to start seeds. Temperature is good and plants can be grown using just solar light for over a month.

Last batch I selected between the plants made with my Taskenti keeper and different males from 2012 line. I keep two nice females.

Now I planted 30 seeds made with my Taskenti keeper and different males from the 2005 line. I put this batch on ground 6 days ago and most of them sprouted and look nice. I've already grown them and I know they rock.

I'll do the same I did last time: discard females and select the best female/females I find. I plan to use the pollen from the 2008 males to pollinate the females I select, I just got rid of them after freezing their pollen.

I live in a place with a very wet coastal weather. I usually don't grow indicas outdoors here, but this year I put some Taskenti and Black Domina in the terrace. I don't know if I can avoid bud rotting, but I'll try. I might have to finish them indoors.

Anyway, after a terrible summer with cold waves, and a lot of rain and wind, they don't look bad. They are all over one meter, and although the buds are little due sun lack, they start to look good.

These are some Taskentis:

And this one is a Black Domina just for comparison.

Black Domina will be ready sooner for sure, because they started flowering very early, about the first week of August. I expect to cut them the first week of October. This one keeper of Black Domina is not as squat as it could, but for sure is not stretchy like the "modern" ones, and makes bud all along the stems. Very hard dense bud.

Taskenti will need more time, but the results will be better in quantity and quality of narcotic effect. If I can finish them outdoors.

We'll have to wait a month before having pictures from my indoor Taskentis, but I guess you'll like them.

This one is a F2 from the 2008 seeds. I like very much their wild hashplant bud structure. This is the nicest breeding material, these are the plants that better show that special strong body effect. The taste of the finished bud is strong, harsh, even aggressive.

But not in the usual way the commercial varieties are. Not stinky, but intense. Medicinal. Selvatic. In Uzbekistan these plants were selected for its hash, and were not intended to be smoked like weed.

During the next four weeks the buds will start to swell, but if the weather goes too wet I'll put them indoors to finish. I love to see them bright under the sun.

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These Taskenti outdoors have been developing properly these days, but it's been announced a lot of water and bad weather for the next days, so I'll probably place them indoors.

A single cola plant:

And this one split in four:

I guess that if I could enjoy a nice dry southern-spanish weather I'd get real monsters out of that, letting them grow till the second week of october, for example.

These plants are two Taskentis that were neglected and kept in just 1l pots. I am impressed that at that point they have produced that much. I believe the best harvest point for Taskentis is around the second week of October, but for what I see these could be taken before.

whats the range on the flowering time for these babies? And are the one's CSI Humboldt offer (Uzbekistan) the same as these?