Well-Known Member
Haha I'm glad you chose to focus on the issue that meant the least, spoken like a true lib
Guy big difference on making fun of someones policy and actions then to call people names based on skin color and name. Keep it real....Look at any footage of protest from the last 10 years and you will see things like "Bush is the Antichrist", "Oil for Blood" etc.
lol...I guess you are....I just see it a different way as to why people do and say some of the things they do and say...some say it just because of hate of others and stupidity.Antichrist is not an action, skin color, or policy, and I said etc. so I'm covered right![]()
I will also add though that my "Tea Party" ideals are for limited gov't, which should mean decriminalization for ganj
More tea party goers should take after you.
If you oppose confining the Federal Government to Constitutional limits you are the radical.Now here is where it sounds funny. I and many people do not want radical teabagger change! Society and governement, thou not perfect, have been operating pretty well, thank you.
Why change things in a radical way? Health refrom is nothing more than a long over due "tweak" in the way things are done.
Why in the fuck do we need or want to radically transform society ala teabag? I love my country just the way it is, thank you.
Bush's Iraq war was an illegitemate war. If our resource were allocated as they should have been, maybe that fucking asshole Bin Laden would be dead.
Our resources are more appropriately focused now.
With respect to Bolsheviks, commies or whoever; just keep your hands off my stack dickwads!
If you oppose confining the Federal Government to Constitutional limits you are the radical.
What changed between 43 and 44 to silence the war protesters?
Answer: Bush left and Obama entered.
The same two theaters of the same war which were evil under Bush suddenly became tolerable under the Messiah. I just don't see the same level of protest now.
Conclusion: The protesters hated Bush more than they hated the war.
To a certain degree the same can be said of the Teabaggers. Most of them sat silent as Bush ran up the deficit, but are howling now.
Conclusion: They hate Obama more than they hate high taxes.
But they can hate him for being a Leftist asshole, which is completely unrelated to his race.
Alinsky disciples are well versed in the practice of appearing at opposition events in disguised as KKK, etc., to discredit those movements.
So the race card may be returned to the Proggie rectum anytime.
I just get the feeling that if I went to one of those rallies and asked as many people as I could on their views on marijuana, MOST of them would be against it. Yet, if I was giving out free beer at a rally, I'm sure the line would stretch for miles.
I don't know where you get that they want to destroy our government.
The Teabaggers are a cross-section of the population, mostly Conservatives, who want lower taxes. That is the common denominator.
Some bought into the Hopey-Changey thingee and feel betrayed.
Some honestly want a Federal government which is confined to the limits set forth by the Constitution.
Some are part of the Religious Right.
And admittedly some of the protesters would like to see a revolution in the Jeffersonian tradition.
Just like some of the war protesters of the Bush era advocated a revolution in the Bolshevik tradition.
And the war protests were much more vicious and indignant than the tea parties or the town hall meetings.
Those war protesters have become quite muted over the last year or so. I suppose it was not war they hated so much as they hated Bush.
On the whole, Democrats seem quite content with Obama's war.
Not all of those same people would do as you describe. There is no way you can prove otherwise.
Some might, in fact some probably would. But no more than currently have their pitchforks in hand over the cannabis issue.
ALOT of TEA party people are libertarians. ALOT of them smoke weed.
misconception is TEA party people are right wing extremists that beat bibles..some of them are but they are a cross section of the united states. yea people of all colors.
a buddy of mine is a huge tea party supporter .he is a american of mexican decent.he also thinks people who come into the US should do it legal. he also thinks there should be alot more entry visas issued for work.but we will know who is in our country this way. i would agree with that.but no..now the communists want to expand their voting base so they legalize millions of people here breaking the law.you know why the republicans lost so bad the last two elections? it wasnt because people liked democrats. they just wanted to get rid of the liar republicans.who kept expanding government. most people in the middle ..like tea party goers are very upset over the democrats and their BS.watch this next election. dems have lost every election but one since obama took office. new jersey. virginia mass. all liberal bastions of power. wait till elections are held in more conservative states.its going to be a slaughter
Kinda reminds me of the Progressive indignation which erupted When Bush 43 said, "You're either with us or against us." LOL!You know, I'm probably way late, and I hope this isn't way off topic in terms of where this thread is headed, but I had to respond.
Now let's see here this sounds like quite a bit of sophistry if you ask me! You did a great job of identifying with those you are criticizing by calling the Tea Party "teabaggers", good one, you're one of us....or are you...
Then you should probably lay off the MSNBC for a while if that's all you have been able to discern.As for common denominators, the only one's I've spied that seem to be prevalent in the "tea party" is ignorance and a lack of education, or common sense for that matter.
Some Teabaggers are disillusioned Obama voters and now they are pissed."Some bought into the Hopey-Changey thingee and feal betrayed." So your claim is that the Tea Party is made up of disallusioned Obama supporters? Really? As for the "Hopey-Changey" (as opposed to the apathetic and complacent thingy?) deal, maybe those bought into it because they were sick from the Bushey-Chaney thing, not hard to understand.
I do not need to review archival footage of the Bush era. I remember it quite well. The mainstream media made a point of showing the protest rallies and marches front and center whenever they occurred.As for your claim that the war-protesters were much more vicious than the Tea Party folks (seeing as how you've probably gone over all the footage of every single one that occured during Bush's reign) I'm not really sure what you base that on. But I'd much rather get vicious over an illegal war that was based on false pretenses without any accountability whatsoever when it all came to light than a small well-publicized group of individuals whose collective IQ seems to qualify them for what we call public education, but then again, I'm biased, my little brother was (is) a Marine and had the pleasure of watching his friends get shot in the face, which would have been his had he been the front-man, among other horrendous things (in Iraq). I guess that's just me...at least Afghanistan is actually connected to the terrorists that existed before we went to war, and didn't become a haven because of our presence there...
Revolution can take many forms. Are you really that obtuse that you cannot understand that?And are there really two political ideologies that contrast so harshly yet apparently both espouse the benefits of revolution, they just disagree on what 'style' of revolution?
I'm here because I support the freedom and liberty to choose how I recreate.You know what, I'm done with this. What are you even doing on a forum like this? Are you defending the "tea baggers" just to be different? Playing devil's advocate or something?
YAY! One more Progressive footstool for me to fuck with.Maybe instead of standing up for this ridiculous tea party movement you could screw your head back on and use some of the obvious intellect you have for something worthwhile.
Didn't you say you were done? LOL!I would like to inform you that whichever party wins a presidential election in the United States of America usually loses seats in the house/senate etc. after said election. It's not exactly an indicator of doom.
Oh yeah, and the unemployment rates during Regan's first term (he was re-elected right?) were significantly higher than those we see today.