Tea Party People and weed

I don't even know why I start to read these political threads... Every time their are a handfull of people making insightfull arguments, while the rest (on both sides) stereotype and make ridiculous statements that are fictitious and malitious. As for the original post, the tea party has a group of well meaning liberatarians in it that have no problem with drugs. Unfortuantly the movement has been taken over by rebulicans trying to put a new face on their same old values and ideas. These assholes are the folks that made Marijuana illegal and have worked religously to keep it illegal. For the liberals out there the Dems are in power what are they doing to repeal marijuana prohibition? That's right nothing... Both parties have sold out to more powerfull special interests and now that the republicans have taken over the teaparty's message, we can expect more of the same regarding marijuana laws and overall government for the forseeable future.
I don't even know why I start to read these political threads... Every time their are a handfull of people making insightfull arguments, while the rest (on both sides) stereotype and make ridiculous statements that are fictitious and malitious. As for the original post, the tea party has a group of well meaning liberatarians in it that have no problem with drugs. Unfortuantly the movement has been taken over by rebulicans trying to put a new face on their same old values and ideas. These assholes are the folks that made Marijuana illegal and have worked religously to keep it illegal. For the liberals out there the Dems are in power what are they doing to repeal marijuana prohibition? That's right nothing... Both parties have sold out to more powerfull special interests and now that the republicans have taken over the teaparty's message, we can expect more of the same regarding marijuana laws and overall government for the forseeable future.

I just deleted my response after reading the first two sentences of your post. I'm disillusioned with both sides. Time to move.
I don't even know why I start to read these political threads... Every time their are a handfull of people making insightfull arguments, while the rest (on both sides) stereotype and make ridiculous statements that are fictitious and malitious. As for the original post, the tea party has a group of well meaning liberatarians in it that have no problem with drugs. Unfortuantly the movement has been taken over by rebulicans trying to put a new face on their same old values and ideas. These assholes are the folks that made Marijuana illegal and have worked religously to keep it illegal. For the liberals out there the Dems are in power what are they doing to repeal marijuana prohibition? That's right nothing... Both parties have sold out to more powerfull special interests and now that the republicans have taken over the teaparty's message, we can expect more of the same regarding marijuana laws and overall government for the forseeable future.

Good points. Sounds like it's time for a rebelution.
I blame all this on Foxnews. Seem's like that channel likes to brainwash people and Republicans use it to get people wiled up. That's how we ended up with the teabagger movement becoming pretty big. Every time I watch that channel all I see is nothing but negativity. Only channel I see that try to help with legalization is CNN and MSNBC. And no I dont base my political views by watching these channels. I go to the library to get my knowledge.
Not quite sure if these Tea Party folks have an opinion on weed.


Umm, don't think they have an opinion on anything for that matter. :bigjoint::bigjoint::twisted::twisted::hump::hump:
Why is it that SOME liberals are so misinformed about who smokes weed? How did they come about the notion that only lefties have a corner on smoking/growing weed? This thread is really stupid.
I would like to inform you that whichever party wins a presidential election in the United States of America usually loses seats in the house/senate etc. after said election. It's not exactly an indicator of doom.

Oh yeah, and the unemployment rates during Regan's first term (he was re-elected right?) were significantly higher than those we see today.

Get your facts straight::shock:

I thought you didnt trust the govt and they do nothing but lie, so why would you put a link to them as fact?
Never said they do nothing but lie.........your words, not mine. They are the ones that keep these statistics so I wanted to point out the fact that unemployment prior to Reagan's reelection in '84 was quite a bit lower than it is today. :dunce:
Why is it that SOME liberals are so misinformed about who smokes weed? How did they come about the notion that only lefties have a corner on smoking/growing weed? This thread is really stupid.

I take it you're a conservative. Obviously you grow and smoke herb. Great! I'm glad you do. But don't try and make like the majority of conservatives are for growing and smoking it. That would mean either 1. You're a liar. 2. You're ignorant to the issue at hand.
I take it you're a conservative. Obviously you grow and smoke herb. Great! I'm glad you do. But don't try and make like the majority of conservatives are for growing and smoking it. That would mean either 1. You're a liar. 2. You're ignorant to the issue at hand.
Do not make the mistake of confusing 'Republican' with 'Conservative.'

Republicans give a lot of lip service to 'Conservative Values' at election time.

Then they forget.
I was wondering... If the tea party people are for smaller government and no government control over individuals rights, then why are these the same people who would call the fuzz if they saw some "trees" on my property? Just throwing it out there...

Your post indicates you don't know a thing about the "tea party" ppl.

They are overwhelmingly INDEPENDENT, and the LEAST likely to call the fuzz on you.

You need to get better sources of information.
Do not make the mistake of confusing 'Republican' with 'Conservative.'

Republicans give a lot of lip service to 'Conservative Values' at election time.

Then they forget.

If that were actually true, I would feel great about it. Of course it is not true, and I do not feel great.
Your post indicates you don't know a thing about the "tea party" ppl.

They are overwhelmingly INDEPENDENT, and the LEAST likely to call the fuzz on you.

You need to get better sources of information.

Yeah, but if they found out you voted for health care reform, they will snip your propane line and try to blow up your house.
Your post indicates you don't know a thing about the "tea party" ppl.

They are overwhelmingly INDEPENDENT, and the LEAST likely to call the fuzz on you.

You need to get better sources of information.

You're right. I don't know shit about these people other than they come off as assbackward rednecks.