Well-Known Member
as much as I don't particularly like the police, that's usually what is the best idea.I would just call the police, but if some1 came on my private property threatening my life...
The Taser would come out first!
as much as I don't particularly like the police, that's usually what is the best idea.I would just call the police, but if some1 came on my private property threatening my life...
The Taser would come out first!
no pms amos? do u have a thread with the bubba in it?
Think he meant no private messages?
There are no restrictions on my private mail as far as I know. Others have made the voyage with success.
Amos, have you changed your security settings lately? The option to "Start a Conversation" with you is no longer availble and your profile is no longer viewable.Your box might be full.
In the form of one of the many clone only lines he has finagled and throws pollen at to charge you fools $10 per seed.strongest tga strain is at subs house he aint releasin it
lmao. also he's from Canada which I know only has a handful of black people. and I bet Canadian black dudes are super nice. so yeah it's a bit odd.
I think I read the white supremacist quote in a recent thread about him on IC if anyone wants to go dig it up. Supposedly he's been working on some new stuff.
I like the organics section, I don't think I've ever ignored a single user in that section could be wrong. Some sub forums are better then others with keeping the bullshit down.
Organics people are trying to reach the same goal and help each other.
Most the people that do stupid shit, like in this thread, arent' worth the time to read their posts in the first place. So I ignore. Or like that Richard simmons guy who showed up and spams 1 liners in 50 threads a day to get his post count up. Lots contribute but there are also lots here to strictly disturb the flow of information for their own lulz
Then there's always the strong opinions, which sometimes leads to bickering, but at least that strong opinion had some substance rather then a juvenile rant concluded with a violent man-bro threat.
Please elaborate to me which strain he just renamed and redistributed, claiming it as his own?they take a strain that someone else has developed and change the name to appear that they developed it....when in actuality its just another strain that's been renamed.
Please elaborate to me which strain he just renamed and redistributed, claiming it as his own?