Congratulations on the marriage bro. Ahahaha, I laughed my ass off about the whole tux thing. So fucking true.
I always giggle and laugh when people bring up the earth quake thing. It doesn't happen a lot, and when it does it usually shakes towns hard along the fault line. I don't have anything to worry about up on the mountain, besides rock slides caused by an earthquake. But whenever I am in SF and riding along a bridge, I have gruesome flash backs to the videos of SF on fire and cars crushed under the bridge. SF is an extra-happening town, but I wouldn't want to live in a death trap like that. But SF is fucking amazing, especially the food scene by the way. LA, San Fran, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa all have amazing food.
Hunting is allowed in CA, but it isn't like hunting in the rest of the country. Hunting is big in central CA, but everything is closely monitored by park rangers and there better not be any fiddle-fucking around or they will appear out of the woods and fuck your day up with fines. They seriously have the ability to materialize, even when you are miles deep in the middle of no where. I'm not much of a hunter, I'm not in the area for it, but the fishing is still pretty good where I am at. I know at in MI you guys are much more outdoorsy, and SoCal is very much indoors. lol. It can get kind of boring, that is why I moved up to the mountain, to get outside more. Now I'm more bored than ever though because we have 0 night life here. There is like 1 bar that stays open past 11pm.
But seriously, LA and SF has the best food in the world, as far as I'm concerned. Have you ever had Islamic Chinese food? Oh my god! Oh my fucking god, it's fucking delicious! And believe it or not, goat is pretty fucking good too. SF has vegan food that could convert me over the the herbivore side, but then I wouldn't be able to enjoy all the different restaurants up there. Why did you have to get me going on food?
Anyways, you seem to be having more problems than me with the whole molasses thing. Maybe the reservoir for that thing is just too small to accommodate the micro life created by molasses?
So who else here wishes the previews for "The Smurfs" would just stop already? God this is going to be awful, reminds me of that newer episode of South Park. You know what I'm talking about?