Well-Known Member
Yeah, he seemed honest enough. Too bad republicans threw him under the bus when they claimed they didn't have any witnesses testify in the house, poor guy.Yeah, that was odd.
Nice guy though.
Yeah, he seemed honest enough. Too bad republicans threw him under the bus when they claimed they didn't have any witnesses testify in the house, poor guy.Yeah, that was odd.
Nice guy though.
Crazy. She reminds me of that lacy chick that got away with murdering her kid.
I'm not a troll, I just only act in good faith with good faith actors. He claims to be against the right but defends us empire, bootlicks troops and bad faith attacks a beige moderate like Bernie. Dems are enemies of the working class just like Republicans, two sides of capital.
OMG. Open borders your asking for crime u idiot! And tearing down wall that helps law enforcement. I don't care about immigration your talking about illegal immigration not LEGAL IMMIGRATION are u that dumb!? And free what nothing is free like whatever country you or your spouse is from go live there. Most Americans don't want illegal aliens period. And free driver's license, free everything why do u get free college,etc and I didn't I had to pay. And many others. And I. From a military family it won't happen everrrrrr here in my lifetime sorry bro!
I am moving on from this thread before my head explodes from the ignorance of believing that Marxist ideologies are good for people....lmfao....I hope you all realize that these ideologies, historically, mass murder those that are their most ardent supporters...HISTORICALLY SPEAKING....I mean like hundreds of examples throughout history or some could say the entirety of History since civilization began...You may believe I am retarded, but my history and facts are not...by the way retarded is an offensive term, thought you SJWs were all PC and shit...oh and it actually means backwards...which according to your stupidity is 100% correct...proud to be retarded...lol
We can spice it up a bit if you want to actually debate about something...how about the fact that I despise the current use of the confederate flag because of what it stood for at the time and how it has been used since, but I am just some dumb hillbilly racist Trump loving incest having redneck from WV...so what do I know....lmfaoOne star thread, would not recommend to friends and family.
it seems like you were raped by ellipses and now you’re trying to use them all up to get revengeDude I fought next to all races, colors, and creeds in Iraq...I bet you barely leave your mom’s basement...I have a self built fully active grow room in my basement with automation on lighting, water, and environment...yep, just a dumb hillbilly...you what it takes to program and environmental automation program that measures soil moisture for watering and temp/RH? Probably not since you can’t even type different responses between your multiple accounts...I have more good ideas in one day than you have had in your entire lifetime...
We can spice it up a bit if you want to actually debate about something...how about the fact that I despise the current use of the confederate flag because of what it stood for at the time and how it has been used since, but I am just some dumb hillbilly racist Trump loving incest having redneck from WV...so what do I know....lmfao
No. I would rather debate about foreskin. Important or not?
Sometimes I wish, late at night, that I still had mine.
Loosing sleep, it must be important.