The Democrats are now pro war.

Yes, it is I, Tulsi Gabbard
I wasn't talking to you.

I noticed you conveniently didn't respond to the post where I was.

Can't handle the truth?

The article was written in Feb of this year. Below the histrionic title is a subtitle that is less dramatic:

In their zeal to oppose any policy associated with Trump, the Democratic Party’s leaders in Congress are starting to sound like warmongers.

So, in the author's opinion, Democratic party leaders are starting to sound like warmongers. That's a bit less dramatic, wouldn't you say? Now then, fast forward to the present. Name and cite a Democratic Party leader advocating war. Except Tulsi Gabbard, nobody is rattling sabers. That's all happening on the Republican side.

Pokerjay is an assbite troll who can't stop raving in fake conspiracy theories when he's not screwing up his posts with Russian-to-English translation issues. So I'm not even responding to him.

Cite a Democratic Party leader who is advocating war. Stay in the current time frame. What they said in 2001 isn't relevant to poker's OP.

Repeat: Cite a Democratic Party leader who is advocating war. Stay in the current time frame. What they said in 2001 isn't relevant to poker's OP.
He's going to 3rd party vote and give Trump his vote then say he's not a Trumper lol

It’s like my religious views... I do not care what religion you are as long as you are a good person.

Same with politics... if you are anti war, and anti establishment... as in pro commoner like myself, than I am for you... if patriot act joe gets up there we are screwed. I’ll choose the anti war candidate every time.
It’s like my religious views... I do not care what religion you are as long as you are a good person.

Same with politics... if you are anti war, and anti establishment... as in pro commoner like myself, than I am for you... if patriot act joe gets up there we are screwed. I’ll choose the anti war candidate every time.
So let me ask you this.. I don't an explanation or an essay. Who should win 2020?
Haha you idiots are in here beating your war drums... but ask some of us that have actually been... You see the negative consequences on a television screen; we had to live through it and still have issues.
I agree we went to war for something that didn't involve us. Pre 9/11.

But you can't go somewhere and stir up everything then just roll when you get tired of it. Like real life. You fuck something up . You fix it.
It's not time to roll out yet after the shit we did
I agree we went to war for something that didn't involve us. Pre 9/11.

But you can't go somewhere and stir up everything then just roll when you get tired of it. Like real life. You fuck something up . You fix it.
It's not time to roll out yet after the shit we did

That is exactly what General Betrayus (patraeus) said in 2006. So another 8 years in Syria???
warren/yang ticket.
I actually like yang. It's be cool if he got picked up as a VP. He's a smart dude. But no way he's getting on a ticket as the nominee. I'd vote Warren too. Any dem has my vote.
The Republicans killed their party by sticking with Trump
Pokerjay is really not interested in the OP

I'll just continue with the thread.

Turkey Readies Major Attack on Northeast Syria
U.S. and Kurdish officials expect Turkey to launch a military operation within 24 hours as Trump tries to backpedal.

US. and Kurdish officials said late Tuesday that they expect Turkey to launch a major offensive into northeast Syria within the next 24 hours, after U.S. President Donald Trump appeared to give Ankara the green light to begin the operation.

The preparations come as the administration sought to backpedal on Trump’s surprise Sunday announcement, following a telephone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that he was ordering the withdrawal U.S. troops from the border with Turkey, paving the way for Ankara to move forward with a potentially devastating attack on America’s Kurdish allies.

With the fifty or so US troops no longer in the way, Donald Trump's actions are leading to an invasion by Turkey to stomp out the Kurds who have been the US's best allies in the area. 60,000 ISIS fighters and their families are in protective custody by Kurds. What happens to them when Kurdish fighters are forced to turn their attention to protecting themselves and their families from Erdogan?

It doesn't seem as if Trump is being the aggressor here but he is enabling Erdogan's war on the Kurds. Did somebody say Zionist? How did that conspiracy theory creep into this?

No need to respond, pokerjay, your posts are meaningless. This is more for @RocketBoy , who has a hard on for Zionist conspiracy theories too.
I don't complain about health care but I do bleieve everyone has a right to healthcare.

War isn't like taking a shitty course in college. You can't just walk out if you don't like it.

So if the war (pick one...there's always at least one) was a horrible mistake to begin with, that creates an obligation to continue a horrible mistake ? Why?
op, who is russian, tried to start a pro-sucking trumps dick sock puppet account called “kag2020”

but he pretends that he does not suck trumps dick

Op is a stupid fuck who should be banned already

4th lie from buck in the last 24 hours. I posted pictures yesterday of playing cards at the American legion + a gas station. Good luck getting into the legion in the south if you are Russian. Many of these people grew up during the Cuban Missile crisis. They halfway don’t even warmup to me because I’m considered a “carpetbagger.”

Gabbard supports war and atrocities in Syria. But of course, that's not what she says. Is this where you tell us that the real atrocities are being committed by Assad's Kurdish opponents? Are you going to tell us that Syrian rebels dumped Sarin gas on their neighbors in a false flag incident?

Tulsi Gabbard’s Syria record shows why she can’t be president

Listening to Gabbard, one might think the United States initiated the Syrian conflict by arming terrorists for a regime-change war that has resulted in untold suffering. But Gabbard knows better. She has heard the testimony of children who have been maimed and orphaned by the actual murderers, the Assad regime, but she chooses to ignore them.

Gabbard’s candidacy should be taken very seriously — not because she has a significant chance of being president, but because her narrative on Syria is deeply incorrect, immoral and un-American. If it were adopted by her party and the country, it would lead the United States down a perilous moral and strategic path.

Other Democratic candidates have promised to end U.S. military adventurism without making excuses for a mass murderer. It’s neither progressive nor liberal to defend Assad, a fascist, totalitarian psychopath who can never peacefully preside over Syria after what he has done.

4th lie from buck in the last 24 hours. I posted pictures yesterday of playing cards at the American legion + a gas station. Good luck getting into the legion in the south if you are Russian. Many of these people grew up during the Cuban Missile crisis. They halfway don’t even warmup to me because I’m considered a “carpetbagger.”
STFU Russian troll
4th lie from buck in the last 24 hours. I posted pictures yesterday of playing cards at the American legion + a gas station. Good luck getting into the legion in the south if you are Russian. Many of these people grew up during the Cuban Missile crisis. They halfway don’t even warmup to me because I’m considered a “carpetbagger.”
None of those pictures were of you

your assignment is to post a picture of yourself next to an american gas station pump

you’ll never do that

but you did get busted for starting a sock puppet account with trumps reelection slogan you dumbass
None of those pictures were of you

your assignment is to post a picture of yourself next to an american gas station pump

you’ll never do that

but you did get busted for starting a sock puppet account with trumps reelection slogan you dumbass

*troll *troll *troll

You do realize I posted my VA Id on here??
None of those pictures were of you

your assignment is to post a picture of yourself next to an american gas station pump

you’ll never do that

but you did get busted for starting a sock puppet account with trumps reelection slogan you dumbass
Bring back the sock on the shoulder. Only definitive method