The Democrats are now pro war.

Shouldn't a person be limited to 2 spammy shit threads in politics a week?

Just a rhetorical question.

I'm starting a pool on how soon OP posts somewhere else he doesn't like arguing in politics again. Buck a square, somebody will hit.
I led him to TNT. he even got some likes over there. He don't seem like a terrible dude. Just someone who needs their meds adjusted

Gabbard supports war and atrocities in Syria. But of course, that's not what she says. Is this where you tell us that the real atrocities are being committed by Assad's Kurdish opponents? Are you going to tell us that Syrian rebels dumped Sarin gas on their neighbors in a false flag incident?

Tulsi Gabbard’s Syria record shows why she can’t be president

Listening to Gabbard, one might think the United States initiated the Syrian conflict by arming terrorists for a regime-change war that has resulted in untold suffering. But Gabbard knows better. She has heard the testimony of children who have been maimed and orphaned by the actual murderers, the Assad regime, but she chooses to ignore them.

Gabbard’s candidacy should be taken very seriously — not because she has a significant chance of being president, but because her narrative on Syria is deeply incorrect, immoral and un-American. If it were adopted by her party and the country, it would lead the United States down a perilous moral and strategic path.

Other Democratic candidates have promised to end U.S. military adventurism without making excuses for a mass murderer. It’s neither progressive nor liberal to defend Assad, a fascist, totalitarian psychopath who can never peacefully preside over Syria after what he has done.

Fucking pro-war propaganda by a discredited news paper known to work with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Please show me 100% substantial Evidence that Assad gassed his own people, please? And please don't show me some BS piece from known bullshit agency's or fake Syrian rebels/ white helmets.

Do some real research dummy, real Reporter's already debunked almost all the crap in this shit piece.
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Fucking pro-war propaganda by a discredited news paper known to work with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Please show me 100% substantial Evidence that Assad gassed his own people, please?

Do some real research dummy, real Reporter's already debunked almost a the crap in this shit piece.
Lol. What website would I go to for real research?