The dream is dead.

if that's one of your mates...doesn't speak highly for your ability to pick good companions...but then again, you like assface...
and i'm tired of your snide comments and holier than thou shit too, bye
Umm its what the toothless Bogan guy said in the interview you posted...

Nice rant but.

I have no idea what arse face is..lmao.
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Why do you care?
Just interested. The whole post is about the Aussie dream being dead but people keep making it about Americas dream and im just wondering what that dream is.
Aussies all know the Australian dream is owning their own home.
Whats Americans dream?
Whats the American dream to you?

I must say for a new Australian he picked up on the aussie dream and why its dead pretty fast so he must be fairly intelligent.
Horatio Alger wrote a series of books that promoted a false idea that got baked into the myth about the US. It's just propaganda. Never was real.

The propaganda promoted some sort of idea that everybody could become successful and rich if they worked hard an followed the rules.

But I'm not taking exception to your touting Australia as some sort of icon of freedom. You go ahead and do that. Canadians do just the same. It's OK.

Oh, who is your leader over there? I can't remember their name.
Horatio Alger wrote a series of books that promoted a false idea that got baked into the myth about the US. It's just propaganda. Never was real.

The propaganda promoted some sort of idea that everybody could become successful and rich if they worked hard an followed the rules.

But I'm not taking exception to your touting Australia as some sort of icon of freedom. You go ahead and do that. Canadians do just the same. It's OK.

Oh, who is your leader over there? I can't remember their name.
But what is the American dream to you?
Just interested. The whole post is about the Aussie dream being dead but people keep making it about Americas dream and im just wondering what that dream is.
Aussies all know the Australian dream is owning their own home.
Whats Americans dream?
The same, along with being able to give your children an opportunity that was greater than yours.
I grew up on canned veggies and cube steak. Furthering education was a nogo.
Mine have had better dinners, and an opportunity for college education
See some Americans got upset over the first Paragraph of an editorial about how the Australian dream is dead and tried to make the whole thing about them.. then they cannot answer what the American dream is and therefore makes the first Paragraph true...

Not everything is about America.
The same, along with being able to give your children an opportunity that was greater than yours.
I grew up on canned veggies and cube steak. Furthering education was a nogo.
Mine have had better dinners, and an opportunity for college education
So similar to what injinj said earlier. A better life for each generation.

i was just going to pick a couple of juicy ones...but holy fucking two kangaroo fuckers have time to talk about America's political scandals when you have this staring at you every day? what age do they start teaching all of you to be fucking hypocrits? or do they start intravenously while you're still in the womb
I told you already. It's a myth.

Why is it that nobody can remember your who your Prime Minister is?
I'd rather not mention his name but if you don't want to use Google he is a cocksucker God botherer. But at the moment the Liberal party who are in power have elected Scott Morrison as the Prime Minister. Slo Mo as he is known.
No, Australians love where we came from. We even had rum as a currency. Its very hip for a family to have a Convict past. In fact a lot of our early famous people were freed convicts. Has someone tried swimming to NZ?
i'm just fkin with ya. i've been there a few times for work. absolutely loved it. brisbane and north of melbourne