The dumbest thing you've ever done while high

i did that all day at college however, they were still there, the bike was locked up and everything, my little ebike of course so no one stole it cause well who the fuck wants an ebike hahahaha

I bought an eZip, I loved your little bike so much. I'd like a cool one like yours but I do like my eZip.

I read a finshaggy thread :|
That's nothing... I think I actually "liked" one of his comments...

Ok, ok, I am so ashamed. I answered one SERIOUSLY and I knew better even as I did it AND when I knew who he was! (oh and I'm sure this was not the first time I did that)

The year 1972 place some ancorage in Hawaii
A buddy and I spent the whole day sipping beer and smokin reefer.
We was throwing a tennis ball back and forth when he threw a far one,
I go running after it full bore trying to catch it and..... Ran outta pier.
Fuck what a rush falling about 20' to the water.

Holy shit, did you come up with the ball? I thought I was the only idiot to play around piers. From the above I think I've finally found my village. I attempted to shoot the HB pier at night. Imagine going from mercury vapor light to immediate darkness and try to avoid the pilings. The score, last time I looked, was HB Pier 1, Annie 0. I did get past 1 of the pilings. I plowed into an internal piling, above the barnacle line which is why I'm alive, and last but not least my eyes accommodated right before splat.
I miss my old Jackson, I had a Stealth HX I bought new in '95. Busted my ass and saved every extra penny I could. Fixed bridge, three humbuckers. I used to love me some metal. I had a nice clean, wet patch setting I liked as well. Good old days. I wish Chicago would have panned out for me sometimes.
Or even a Gibson! cn

But . . . but . . . He did it on porpoise.

Then I won't fret. :mrgreen: cn

The year 1972 place some ancorage in Hawaii
A buddy and I spent the whole day sipping beer and smokin reefer.
We was throwing a tennis ball back and forth when he threw a far one,
I go running after it full bore trying to catch it and..... Ran outta pier.
Fuck what a rush falling about 20' to the water.
A couple days later we kidnapped a cow.....kidnaped cow 001.jpg
A couple days later we kidnapped a cow.....

I must admit every time I get loaded the first thing I think of is the location of the nearest cow! HUH? WTF? No... Ok when we got loaded we'd take one of those new Honda cars from Japan and we'd pick them up and sit them on the lawn or put them in other odd locations. Let's see we put a shark in the high school pool. (That one was real dedication because as surfers we were usually surfing at the crack of dawn but that day we were lined up with all the binoculars everyone's dads owned faithfully awaiting our swim team's reaction when they realized they were sharing the pool with a shark ha!). It was even better than we hoped.

It got even better because after the girls ran off screaming and the gym teacher clucking after them we netted the shark and took it back surfing with us and no it wasn't a big shark it was a pretty small one. So when the officials all got back to the pool, VOILA no shark. We got newspaper mention for that particular bit of idiocy.

Ok maybe I get the cow.... you'd be fun to get loaded with, it appears we have a few things in common.
The very first time I smoked hash, I hot knifed way too many hits. I was super young and super stoned. Walked outside with my friends to smoke a cigarette and tried to lean against a fence that apparently was not there. At all. I fell flat on my back and everybody just stared at me while I laid there so confused. We still laugh about that.
Running around the house in a rush to leave the house, looking for my mobile whilst actually talking on it. Now, that's super stoned!
I must admit every time I get loaded the first thing I think of is the location of the nearest cow! HUH? WTF? No... Ok when we got loaded we'd take one of those new Honda cars from Japan and we'd pick them up and sit them on the lawn or put them in other odd locations. Let's see we put a shark in the high school pool. (That one was real dedication because as surfers we were usually surfing at the crack of dawn but that day we were lined up with all the binoculars everyone's dads owned faithfully awaiting our swim team's reaction when they realized they were sharing the pool with a shark ha!). It was even better than we hoped.

It got even better because after the girls ran off screaming and the gym teacher clucking after them we netted the shark and took it back surfing with us and no it wasn't a big shark it was a pretty small one. So when the officials all got back to the pool, VOILA no shark. We got newspaper mention for that particular bit of idiocy.

Ok maybe I get the cow.... you'd be fun to get loaded with, it appears we have a few things in common.

We used a VW Thing to transport the cow, lucky for us it didn't mind riding in the back.
Running around the house in a rush to leave the house, looking for my mobile whilst actually talking on it. Now, that's super stoned!

I do this with my keys all the time.. or my hat.. both of which I know I keep hung up by the door.. but I dont remember till about 5 mins into looking for them some place on the desk or elsewhere..

I have put in burrito's in the microwave then went to sleep.. and forgot all about them.. (this was more of an ambein-soma mix tho.. ) wifey wondered why she found them in the microwave the next day..