The dumbest thing you've ever done while high

I used to love to watch the walls breath when I was doing acid. I've done my share of windowpane, Ousley, various "barrel", microdots, and others. The best named one was "Turkish Black Death"; I dropped two of them at the Byron Pop Festival; man I was flying!!!

Never heard of Turkish Black Death, but the rest I ran across. Also blotter and esp Mr Natural blotter was kick ass. The barrel and microdot could not hold a candle to pane or good blotter. That 4-way pane was ridiculous, it was super tiny to begin with and you're supposed to cut it into 4 pieces!
I made a thread like this a little while ago
Me and a frien robbed a mac-wielding drug dealer because my friend and I had no money
I'm sure this just got you banned.

Also. I came in the same girl, again, without a condom. Living on the edge! Its no pull out march.
I wasn't the one who robbed him if it helps, I was just walking with him thinking weeds on him today. You guys don't have a point system?
leaving hydro after packing up order..going back in for my sunglasses and asking hydro if he saw them and having hydro say "DUDE THEY'RE ON YOUR FACE"..
Not if it treats theft and assault in a cavalier manner. cn

A thief is a thief dumb is dumb and a lier is a lier.
I'm not calling anyone a lazy, stupid, dumb assed lier that steals weed either.
I'm sure this just got you banned.

Also. I came in the same girl, again, without a condom. Living on the edge! Its no pull out march.
Normally this is where I put my arm around your shoulder and tell you that it's fine and you just may have to accept the fact and man up if you created a baby. Instead I gotta say bad move bro. Don't do it again until you know you're not going to do a bid. It's really not a situation I would want to see you in. 5 years locked up and a baby on the way. No Bueno my friend, no bueno.
I'm not proud of this and I'm lucky to be alive but at least I learned from it. I was around 17, I helped my old man logging since I was 14. Well I pretty much took care of the log yard alone(you have to cut whole trees into 8ft lengths). So thinking I was a smart sneaky invincible teenager I smoke a joint to myself after lunch 1 day, next thing I know a huge double poplar tree gets brought into the log yard. Everything seems normal, I mark it out and start cutting it up still stoned aka with my head up my ass, well I started at the butt of the tree and cut the 1 side off next thing I know the side I didn't cut flips right over top of my fucking head. 4 tons of tree almost hit me in the face, I sat down for a bit and never smoked on a dangerous job again, still to this day