I'm not proud of this and I'm lucky to be alive but at least I learned from it. I was around 17, I helped my old man logging since I was 14. Well I pretty much took care of the log yard alone(you have to cut whole trees into 8ft lengths). So thinking I was a smart sneaky invincible teenager I smoke a joint to myself after lunch 1 day, next thing I know a huge double poplar tree gets brought into the log yard. Everything seems normal, I mark it out and start cutting it up still stoned aka with my head up my ass, well I started at the butt of the tree and cut the 1 side off next thing I know the side I didn't cut flips right over top of my fucking head. 4 tons of tree almost hit me in the face, I sat down for a bit and never smoked on a dangerous job again, still to this day
whoa..i can feel the wind of it as it passed by your head..that was def a day to thank the universe.