Some buddies and I went to spend a few days at a cabin in Kentucky in the late 70's. We got there at sunset tripping balls on 4-way windowpane (L-25), the most potent acid around. Well we went down to the dock to do a little catfishing in the dark, and we all were sitting in lawnchairs casting off the side of the dock parallel to shore. Well we immediately all started getting "bites" as our rod tips kept "moving", because we were Seriously Trippin Balls. Never caught a fish but we sat there quite a while "getting bites" and it was blowing our minds that we could not hook one as we were getting constant bites.
One guy eventually went back to the cabin to get a strong flashlight for something and when he returned he shined the light in the direction we were casting and we discovered all 4 of us had been casting back on dry land where a little spit stuck out from shore. All 4 lines ended up at an impaled nightcrawler crawling around on the grass about 50' away.
Not the stupidest but the funniest, we laughed our trippin asses off.