The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

You would need a hell of a air-stone to get the size of bubble you would need to move a mass of leaves

Yeah when thiking about it more it does seem too dificult for the wet plant matter to move around with just airbubbles, great video's on youtube and great info here in the thread! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge :weed:
Also I really want to express my gratitude, Thank You Frechy for passing on the knowledge to a fellow hash maker. Ive been trying to get off of the bho hype for a bit and I know this is the way to do it! Thank you so much

Big Thanks to TCurtiss for making the video. YOU ARE THE MAN!!!
It is a joy to teach and to share, you make it worthwhile, truly! You can also give a BIG thanks to Sub because he is the one who gently stirred me in that direction.
I would give a week or so of drying but you have to realize that every strain is different at that level and experience is what will make a difference in the long run.
You will NEVER be 100% sure of your drying process so make sure to compensate on the cure or/and get equipped with some good humidity sensor
Frenchy uses the 160 as a work bag and 73 and 45 for the catch bag he is addind a 190 bag as a work bag

Hi Shawns, thanks. I also saw a thread where he stated the 220 bag he liked as well.

Is a work bag a collection of plant material and or trichromes that is disgarded for not wanting plant material and that there would not be much trichomes loss due t size?
Where a collection bag is a collection of trichomes larger then the collection bag screen size.

So what is the preferred size for a work bag, 220, 190 or 160. I understand the 73 collection is where the majority of quality trichomes are collected, these include every up to the size of the work bag one uses? Therefore since Frenchy is using 160 as current work bag, when he uses the 190 as a work bag will the 160 being used as a collection bag.

I think if I knew exactly that a work bag is to filter out unwanted material and what size trichomes are viable for use, then I could probably put it together on what size I want to use as a work bag that screens out what I do want and what collection bags to use with it depending on what size(s) quality can be collected from.

Anywise I think the picture is filling in for me on how these bags are used and what trichome sizes are preferred.
I NEVER use 220 microns in my machine or as a catch bag.
My NEW work bag is 190 but I will basically use it once to check if my 160 microns bag get anything interesting, if it does not, I will use my 160 microns as the work bag.
Ripe trichomes range between 70 to 120 microns but you may find bigger with certain strains, altitude, food supplement, growers, etc. can also be factors. The reason to check once if you have quality in your 160 microns bag by using the 190 as a work bag.
Most certainly! They bags drain super fast and are very efficient. Ive used bubble bags with the fabric sides and i was standing there breaking my back for 20 minutes shaking the thing. With these bags it takes 30 seconds to drain!!!!
Are the bags a pleasure to work with or what?????
I NEVER use 220 microns in my machine or as a catch bag.
My NEW work bag is 190 but I will basically use it once to check if my 160 microns bag get anything interesting, if it does not, I will use my 160 microns as the work bag.
Ripe trichomes range between 70 to 120 microns but you may find bigger with certain strains, altitude, food supplement, growers, etc. can also be factors. The reason to check once if you have quality in your 160 microns bag by using the 190 as a work bag.

My bad Frenchy, I went back through the threads and found a post where you mention a 220 bag comes with the machine, so that threw me off. I think you recommend them the change it out for a 190. Thanks again for your patience and willingness to teach. :hug:

These are my 4 blue cheese ladies I am about to throw to flower as soon as I get a few more inches on the smaller plant. Can't wait to take their trim through your process and hand press me some blue cheese trichomes. I've also obtain another strain ak-47 x w/ g13, I definitely can't wait for that harvest either.
Hope to get plenty of ripe trichomes of these ladies. :weed:
Thank you for your knowledge Frenchie!

i welcome you a new little thread I opened for us European Weed Nerds, I'm hoping to try and get some tips for us over here in one place so people don't have to search much, your mere presence would be amazing ;)

take care fellow nerds and keep up the good work frenchie, it's good to have a proper hash king on the site!

Oh, before i go, one thing I may ask, I've been using a old 3 bag set for a while, I only have 220, 73, 38, I get nice hash in the 73 but I know it could be a lot better, so what bags woulda recommend to complete the set.

i was thinking of getting a 120 and a 190 or shall I go 120 and 160, id rather get a little more product than lose a little so was thinking the 190 as the work bag, and in time maybe get a 160 to filter more! I'm only a personal grower with one light so never have much trim to work with, I usually get a good few g's per plant though!
Hey TrichomeBob,
Thanks for the invitation to follow your thread, make friend with me and I will have a way to check your progress and help when I can.
I use 190, 160, 73, 45 (38 will do instead)
I use a 190 microns as a catch bag on my first wash to see if I have anything of quality in my 160 microns. If there is nothing worthwhile, I use the 160 as a catch bag.
In your case I would go for a 160 microns first, you may loose a few big trichomes but you will have cleaner result as well
frenchy, where did you get the avatar? i'm sure i have seen something very similar to that somewhere before.
I noticed you did some work on the web site its looking good, do you send some stickers with your shirt orders by any chance lol
I think hes just pointing out thats what his ice wax turns to in your pocket it melts together he doesn't actually cure it in his pocket lol