The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Is there anyway for TC to tape the lecture like they did for the School of Dank?

I would totally understand if you didnt wanted, when i go at a conference i hate to see people snatching pics at someones slides without asking them first if they can. Preparing a lecture is a lot of work and you might not want to get it al over the net.
The school of dank video and the other Sub's lectures were a great way for those who live outside of the US to have the chance to see that. I'll be a treat to see yours as i'm not coming to Cali anytime soon - someday maybe :)

The lecture will be on history and a tour of producing countries and their products. A lot of slide and little talk, difficult to film but I will ask TC if he can manage something for you guys
Sounds great thank you very much - frenchy if you dont have the time to wright you should think about having your own podcast, you got a lot of story to tell and it's not as time consuming :)
My old machine broke on me last night so I am now all Boltdbag equipped.
Pretty nice to use new stuff, I did not want my hold one to feel bad about replacement so I gave her work until she died.
Let me rephrase that:
I work with small machine because I have not found the big one I want. Hopefully Boltdbags will make me a custom made one as Harry offered during his Santa Claus visit
lol you know you knowledgable when you have a company making there products to you specific needs, I'm glad to have you as our teacher
I just watched your two part tutorial on youtube. Very informative, and to the point. Thank you very much for taking the time to do so,,, and your pursuit for nothing but the highest quality is admirable, if only everyone else had the same attitude.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge, techniques, and passion.

First run went better than expected. I mimicked your every move and it was a breeze! They quality came out nice and i have a few questions?

How long to you think it will take to dry considering bay area temps. And I want to press when its completely dry.

July 13 003.jpgJuly 13 004.jpgJuly 13 005.jpgJuly 13 006.jpg
Also I really want to express my gratitude, Thank You Frechy for passing on the knowledge to a fellow hash maker. Ive been trying to get off of the bho hype for a bit and I know this is the way to do it! Thank you so much

Big Thanks to TCurtiss for making the video. YOU ARE THE MAN!!!
Hey Dank,
I actually do not mix my different grade most of the time. It happens with the 73 microns when the quality is high but otherwise I keep them separate

Frenchy I'm a little confused now with the different size bags. You currently using 220-73-45, 220-190-73-45, or 220-160-73-45?

I thought you use only three bags that have ?-73-45 and the first bag being the work bag do you keep what's in 220 or 190? What is the actual bag sizes you use besides 73 and 45?

I guess what I need is a run down what trichrome sizes are to be collected and used and why one size is better or the next and if you mix any which ones and why.

Sorry I am in this trichome fog...
Since aggitating the material is really not that good, you only want movement in the water and the trichome heads fall easy. How about using airstones in the buttom of a bucket, fill it with some ice, cannabis matrial, more ice and water. Turn the pump on and let it bubble for awhile, you think it will be enough to get the heads off the material? (For those of us that dont use machines :-P)
Frenchy uses the 160 as a work bag and 73 and 45 for the catch bag he is addind a 190 bag as a work bag

Frenchy I'm a little confused now with the different size bags. You currently using 220-73-45, 220-190-73-45, or 220-160-73-45?

I thought you use only three bags that have ?-73-45 and the first bag being the work bag do you keep what's in 220 or 190? What is the actual bag sizes you use besides 73 and 45?

I guess what I need is a run down what trichrome sizes are to be collected and used and why one size is better or the next and if you mix any which ones and why.

Sorry I am in this trichome fog...
Since aggitating the material is really not that good, you only want movement in the water and the trichome heads fall easy. How about using airstones in the buttom of a bucket, fill it with some ice, cannabis matrial, more ice and water. Turn the pump on and let it bubble for awhile, you think it will be enough to get the heads off the material? (For those of us that dont use machines :-P)
You would need a hell of a air-stone to get the size of bubble you would need to move a mass of leaves
OK Dank
190 microns: catch bag not work bag because I do not work the material in my bag but in a machine or a bucket by hand.
160 microns: catch bag if after first wash nothing interesting show in this bag, only a few plants will give you trichomes over 160 microns size and you do not want to miss such a quality size that is why I added the 190 microns and why it should be use at least once on first wash to make sure of the size of your trichomes
73 microns: collecting bag
45 microns: collecting bag