"The God Molecule": 5-MeO-DMT - Natural and/vs Synthetic Forms


Well-Known Member
5-MeO-DMT is Not "DMT"
Differentiation is Wise
by the Erowid Crew
v1.0 - Nov 2009

"5-MeO-DMT and DMT may have similar names, but they are two different chemicals that should not be confused. 5-MeO-DMT is not a form of DMT. "DMT" is the common name for the chemical N,N-DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine). 5-MeO-DMT is a related chemical (5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) that is active at much lower doses and has quite distinct effects. News stories and online discussions sometimes refer to 5-MeO-DMT as "DMT", but this shorthand can cause serious problems and should not be used."

5-MeO-DMT is known for its presence in the secretions of the Bufo alvarius toad, but also occurs in dozens of plants (notably among Anadenanthera, Phalaris
, and Virola species) and at least one Amanita mushroom. In plants, it is often present in combination with N,N-DMT and other related chemicals.

I personally haven't tried this molecule but would like to. From my understanding, this molecule in natural and synthetic form has some tremendous healing powers that many can benefit from.

If anyone has any good articles, videos, or personal experience, please feel free to share. This is just meant to be an informative thread to create more awareness.

I'll start this thread with a good video on the Colorado River toad aka Sonoran Desert toad:

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"The Colorado River toad (Incilius alvarius), also known as the Sonoran Desert toad, is found in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. Its toxin, as an exudate of glands within the skin, contains 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin."


Dried venom on glass: https://erowid.org/archive/sonoran_desert_toad/5meo.htm

Please keep in mind that 5-MeO-DMT is not the only active material present in the toad venom!



5-Meo DMT - https://mycotopia.net/archives/discus/messages/5/53107.html?1069824499
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Synthetic vs Toad and Finding a 5-MeO-DMT Ceremony: A Conversation with James Oroc
Posted by Wesley Thoricatha | Aug 3, 2018 | Interviews | 0


"Man, that’s a tough question for exactly the reasons we were discussing. I don’t know where the practitioners are getting their stuff from. Personally, I would say you’re better off with synthetic than toad, while a lot of people will tell you the opposite. My reasoning is that synthetic is much more measured and you can know your exact dosage, which I think is extremely important with 5-MeO-DMT. If you do toad, no matter what they tell you, there is no way of knowing how much 5-MeO is in the amount of crystal that they pack in the pipe. They’re taking an educated guess. Now I don’t take educated guesses with something as potent as 5-MeO-DMT. I use a 3-decimal point scale." - James Oroc

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Interview with Mike Tyson :
‘Do you understand the toad?’
“I killed myself because I killed my ego and my life totally changed."

“It sounds like a movie script but it’s the real deal and now I wake up smiling and laughing and I wonder, ‘What the f*** happened?"

“It lasts forever but it only took 15 minutes. As soon as I realised I was nothing, all my fancy stuff didn’t matter."

“When you think you know everything and then you realise you don’t know anything, then it is a big awakening. You can call it growth or divine intervention."

“I won’t say it is God but it was the death of my ego, I felt so naked and afraid because all I ever had was my ego and that made me a very special and famous person.” - Mike Tyson

Note: They use the word "DMT" incorrectly in video as they are talking about the "toad".
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Interesting seeing this up.

5-MeO-DMT has recently, synchronistically come about into My news feeds.
Never have been a fan of the substance. Seeing as n,n-DMT is enough.
...More than enough, actually.

And a "psychedelic" with NO visuals?... What gives, Mates?
Doesn't sound very... Psychedelic. Forget that. :lol:
Definitely not a substance for everyone......it is a tool not entertainment. :lol:

@HeatlessBBQ - You say it doesn't sound very "Psychedelic" ?

Origin of term
The term psychedelic is derived from the Greek words ψυχή (psyche, "soul, mind") and δηλείν (delein, "to manifest"), hence "soul-manifesting", the implication being that psychedelics can access the soul and develop unused potentials of the human mind.[7] The word was coined in 1956 by British psychiatrist, Humphry Osmond, the spelling loathed by American ethnobotanist, Richard Schultes, but championed by the American psychologist, Timothy Leary.[8]

Aldous Huxley had suggested to Humphry Osmond in 1956 his own coinage phanerothyme (Greek "phaneroein-" visible + Greek "thymos" soul, thus "visible soul").[9] Recently, the term entheogenic has come into use to denote the use of psychedelic drugs in a religious/spiritual/mystical context.


^^^^^^^^ Eye guess You forgot that. :lol:
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I would much rather have an ounce of n,n-DMT vs. an ounce of 5-MeO-DMT...

Why would YOU want to do it? I need Me those visuals, broooooo.
Why would YOU want to do it? I need Me those visuals, broooooo.
I want to try it because, from my understanding so far, I think it has tremendous therapeutic potential. I don't necessarily think I need it for myself, but I know people that may benefit from it. Therefore, for me to recommend something, or help administer, I better have a good understanding of how it works and that also means personally experiencing it.

The big advantage 5 MeO has over psilocybin is duration of the session. Further, 5 MeO also has the advantage over n,n-DMT and psilocybin in its reliability to induce ego loss.

I think I'll probably only need to try it a few a times to get the gist of it. I am in no rush to actually do it, but there is a window of opportunity to acquire it and I think it may shut in the not too distant future.

5 MeO DMT (synthetic - RC) is still legal to buy and possess in Canada at the moment.....that is why I have been doing research on it.........even a half-gram properly stored would last my life time and potentially treat many. I believe you live in the UK and therefore, don't have easy access to the the synthetic?........may not be worth it to you. However, you could still have a 5 MeO combo and the visuals via Ayahuasca :idea: .......that's the direction I'm heading :lol:

I would much rather have an ounce of n,n-DMT vs. an ounce of 5-MeO-DMT...
Do you even "Jaguar" bro? :lol:

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I would much rather have an ounce of n,n-DMT vs. an ounce of 5-MeO-DMT...

Why would YOU want to do it? I need Me those visuals, broooooo.

Deep thinking psychonaut you are. Lol.

I have to admit I absolutely love visuals too.

But a week ago I shared some honest experience. You replied with insults and talked to me like a child. Than cracked a joke about being a shamen.

For the record you come accross a 80% dumb ass and 20% drug conneseuer (not to bright either). Keep copying info of the rest of the internet and inserting your poorly derived opinions about how others enjoy their psychedelics. While you didn't even know what they are for. Enjoy the colors duuuude.

Deep thinking psychonaut you are. Lol.

I have to admit I absolutely love visuals too.

But a week ago I shared some honest experience. You replied with insults and talked to me like a child. Than cracked a joke about being a shamen.

For the record you come accross a 80% dumb ass and 20% drug conneseuer (not to bright either). Keep copying info of the rest of the internet and inserting your poorly derived opinions about how others enjoy their psychedelics. While you didn't even know what they are for. Enjoy the colors duuuude.

Thank You.

I will. :)
Thanks for the info Quad! I know an older fella that has 2 of these toads he raises to protect them. He has never harvested from them and refuses to. I'm under the impression that harvesting is tramatic to the animal. Maybe its that the animal has to be frightened or in danger to release the venom, I'm not real sure I havn't read a ton on it.

Anyway this was some very interesting info, and I hope you post more and about your experiences.
Thanks for the info Quad! I know an older fella that has 2 of these toads he raises to protect them. He has never harvested from them and refuses to. I'm under the impression that harvesting is tramatic to the animal. Maybe its that the animal has to be frightened or in danger to release the venom, I'm not real sure I haven't read a ton on it.

Anyway this was some very interesting info, and I hope you post more and about your experiences.
That is good your friend has concern for the toads. I don't like the idea of hurting them either; however, from what I have read it is possible to milk the venom without causing too much stress - wether that is true I don't know. I also think it is possible for some individuals, whom have a genuine care, to form a symbiotic relationship and thus the toad may even wish to share its knowledge.

Nevertheless, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the harvest of venom and is currently being discussed. That is why I believe there is role for lab-made 5 MeO - DMT.....it is not sustainable to rely strictly on all-natural venom.

I am glad you find the subject interesting as this molecule has tremendous power. John Hopkins University has also started conducting studies on 5 MeO and you will see more to come. You may see this name more in the future as he works with John Hopkins: Rafael Lancelotta, the administrator of the site, 5meodmt.org (5 Hive)

I am just doing as much research as I can right now and if I come across anything interesting I will post it for those interested. And if you, or anyone, find any interesting information please post it because I want to learn as much as I can. :peace:
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Fast-Acting Psychedelic Associated With Improvements In Depression/Anxiety

Johns Hopkins researchers have discovered that use of the synthetic psychedelic 5-methocy-N,-N-dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) appears to be associated with unintended improvements in self-reported depression and anxiety when given in a ceremonial group setting. 5-MeO-DMT is a psychedelicthat is found in the venom ofBufo Alvariustoads, in a variety of plants species, and can be produced synthetically.

In a survey of 362 adults, approximately 80 percent of respondents reported improvements in anxiety and depression after use. These improvements were related to more intense acute mystical effects during the 5-MeO-DMT experience, as well as increases in rating of the personal meaning and spiritual significance of the experience. Improvements were also related to stronger beliefs that the experience contributed to enduring well-being and life satisfaction. These results were published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse.

One of the unique properties of 5-MeO-DMT is the fast action and short duration of the psychedelic effects when compared to other psychedelics. “Research has shown that psychedelics given alongside psychotherapy help people with depression and anxiety. However, psychedelic sessions usually require 7 – 8 hours per session because psychedelics typically have a long duration of action,” saysAlan K. Davis, Ph.D., a postdoctoral research fellow in the Behavioral Research Unit, at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “Because 5-MeO-DMT is short-acting and lasts approximately 30-90 minutes, it could be much easier to use as an adjunct to therapy because current therapies usually involve a 60 – 90 minute session.”

Last year, Davis published a study inFrontiers in Psychologythat found that 5-MeO-DMT administered in a psychospiritual retreat setting produced comparable ratings of mystical experience as a high-dose psilocybin session in the laboratory setting. Another study by Davis that came out last year inThe Journal of Psychopharmacologyshowed that 5-MeO-DMT had a safe profile of use and low risk for health and legal consequences.

“It is important to examine the short- and long-term effects of 5-MeO-DMT, which may enhance mood in general or may be particularly mood enhancing for those individuals experiencing clinically significant negative mood,” says Davis. “Regardless, this research is in its infancy and further investigation is warranted in healthy volunteers.”

The authors on this paper were Alan K. Davis, Sara So and Roland R. Griffiths of Johns Hopkins, Rafael Lancelotta of University of Wyoming and Joseph P. Barsuglia of New School Research.

Link: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/new...ciated-with-improvements-in-depressionanxiety