The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

Um... I am astonished that you find it astonishing. The fact that Conservatives have long been authoritarian in nature (in the sociological and psychological sense" indicates that they compartmentalize and ignore in order to conform with their "inside" group and their preselected leaders. It really is a rather simple set of formulas. Of course they have Soros to point to when you speak of such manipulations.
It's just one of those things that never ceases to amaze me. Like, you'd hope that people would figure it out over time but it just never happens and the movement continues.:-|
So I guess wanting the Constitution to be obeyed is anti american these days huh? That's how far we have come offtrack from our origins. Pointing out hipocrasy in our government is antiamerican? I think it is the most American thing anyone can do that really cares about America.

Russia Today is a government funded news agency...full of exaggeration and anti-American vitriol...the same for Alex Jones (the anti-American sentiment). "The Real News" is actually news, but slathered with a "liberal" slant that does border on being anti-American. Which is funny, because it is being run and frequented by the same type of "elites" that everyone here seems to hate so much...Double standard anyone?
So I guess wanting the Constitution to be obeyed is anti american these days huh? That's how far we have come offtrack from our origins. Pointing out hipocrasy in our government is antiamerican? I think it is the most American thing anyone can do that really cares about America.

You're not getting it. The point is that your interpretation of the constitution isn't necessarily the only and correct one.
I hate the republicans equally as much as the democrates and am definately not conservative so I asked you already to quite labeling me as a conservative. I think campaign contributions should be limited to 250. bucks period and no soft money and no corporate money!!!!!!!!! ITs nice to see you at least do recognize the corporate involvment in our political system. No you only need to realize the extent of it. There may be hope for you yet.

I actually find it quite astonishing how conservatives have been able to demonize 'the establishment' and 'the elite' despite the fact that all of their 'grassroots' organizations(Heritage, Cato, the Tea Party) are, in fact, funded by corporations such as Koch industries...

I mean, how fucking blind can people be?
How and in what way do those sources actually hold the government accountable? Do they vote to change our leaders? Have they brought any positive change about that you've seen?

I haven't seen it...

The double standard with RT & Alex Jones should be obvious...Alex should GTFO of America if he is so upset, it's not like he doesnt have the MONEY....And real news, seriously? The guy who runs it is a total fucking elitist...

Just because this goes against your sensibilities doesnt mean that it's not a sensible approach to evaluating "news sources"

I wasn't was sarcasm...wooosh!

They were but an example...and they would still be better news sources than Turner or Murdoch run media. What was your point again?

PS. That's more sarcasm!
I actually find it quite astonishing how conservatives have been able to demonize 'the establishment' and 'the elite' despite the fact that all of their 'grassroots' organizations(Heritage, Cato, the Tea Party) are, in fact, funded by corporations such as Koch industries...

I mean, how fucking blind can people be?

Mame, could you provide an example of how the Tea Party is being funded by anyone other than its members? The very nature of the Tea Party means it is decentralized and has no "leader". They are therefore intrinsically less vulnerable to being bought. The reality is that the various Tea Party groups across the country have resisted most attempts at nationalization.
The constitution if pretty clear about reserving unto the nation the power to print money and not five it over to an outside third party. Can we agree on that at least?

You're not getting it. The point is that your interpretation of the constitution isn't necessarily the only and correct one.
So I guess wanting the Constitution to be obeyed is anti american these days huh? That's how far we have come offtrack from our origins. Pointing out hipocrasy in our government is antiamerican? I think it is the most American thing anyone can do that really cares about America.

We love to point the finger in this country...except at ourselves. How long was this country asleep at the wheel? The machine continued rolling where it wanted to, but the driver is still alive, albeit still lost a haze and unclear as to what he's doing. Mellowman, I asked you a question you never answered: Are you even American?

Even if you are not (you should stop saying "our government then btw), chances are that if you are doing well enough to be smoking weed and using a computer, you probably have American initiative to thank for that...How did you come to be, dude? Think about it, don't just give it a knee-jerk reaction, but actually THINK about what you have in relation to the rest of the world. The government is not perfect, believe me, I have spend my time uncovering unsavory details....A long time was dedicated to that avenue in my life. And personally, what more freedoms and liberty do you expect? We have the most socially liberated populace in the world. We don't have restricted movement, laws change state to state, and you can basically go where you please, and do what you please, as long as you aren't hurting anyone or flagrantly committing crimes.

Furthermore, if you or your family falls on tough times, who's there to hand you a check to do absolutely nothing? Who's there offering you free services to find a job? Who's there offering food? I was RAISED by the government and its social support systems, I should have been the last motherfucker calling them out - but I did it anyway and it did absolutely NOTHING for me. It did not improve my situation, infact, it always left me feeling morose, depressed, and pissed off that I WASNT DOING MORE...

The Constitution allows you to express your opinion freely, a freedom that is not necessarily affored to people in say RUSSIA If it makes sense to you that a country with absolutely NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH can criticize us, or that Alex Jones can use that same freedom to line his pockets, or that some wealthy canadian can advance his agenda and voice his opinion of our country, if that's what you think the Constitution was made to protect, then you have a lot to learn.

I wasn't was sarcasm...wooosh!

They were but an example...and they would still be better news sources than Turner or Murdoch run media. What was your point again?

PS. That's more sarcasm!

The point is that the media shouldn't have a side, you should look at it as an information conduit. Drown out the BS. Or stop watching it all together, because it's not helping anyone by watching it (which means you are supporting it, which means you are helping the very people you despise). There are more options than major media outlets...
YEs of course I am American or why would I even give a shit about this it wouldnt be my problem. Have you travelled much because you state we are the most socially liberal country in the world yet I have been many places where I felt freer. In the states now we have robots that take a picture of you doing a moving violation and you get a ticket in the mail. Talk about control. No matter that the violation occurs at 4 am with no other traffic around.

In your last paragraph you mention that I have the constitution to protect me yet the constitution has and is being overridden by Edicts in your own words and that's ok. So how much real protection do we really have when even our citizens are fine with the constitution being shit upon while the Supreme court does nothing accept in many cases ratifies these violations with some arcane law they stretch as far as taffy to try and justify their perverse rulings.

As far as Alex Jnes goes they will shut him down they are already limiting commercial speech. Just watch. OR he will be Arcanized under the assassination edict which is ok with you.

Try driving through texas or new mexico or arizona and you will be stopped by a suspicionless checkpoint and asked questions. If you refuse to answer as is your constitutional right you will be tazzed. Just ask Pastor Anderson.

We enjoyed the things we have because we had a good system and rule of law backed by habeous corpus and other constitutional rights. Without those safeguards we will seize to enjoy this lifestyle. When they finally have too implement austerity measures like in Argentina there will be no help for me. Maybe a workfarm or something where I get worked to death but at least get my daily gruel. Something ala Shindlers list. They call them FEMA camps.

We love to point the finger in this country...except at ourselves. How long was this country asleep at the wheel? The machine continued rolling where it wanted to, but the driver is still alive, albeit still lost a haze and unclear as to what he's doing. Mellowman, I asked you a question you never answered: Are you even American?

Even if you are not (you should stop saying "our government then btw), chances are that if you are doing well enough to be smoking weed and using a computer, you probably have American initiative to thank for that...How did you come to be, dude? Think about it, don't just give it a knee-jerk reaction, but actually THINK about what you have in relation to the rest of the world. The government is not perfect, believe me, I have spend my time uncovering unsavory details....A long time was dedicated to that avenue in my life. And personally, what more freedoms and liberty do you expect? We have the most socially liberated populace in the world. We don't have restricted movement, laws change state to state, and you can basically go where you please, and do what you please, as long as you aren't hurting anyone or flagrantly committing crimes.

Furthermore, if you or your family falls on tough times, who's there to hand you a check to do absolutely nothing? Who's there offering you free services to find a job? Who's there offering food? I was RAISED by the government and its social support systems, I should have been the last motherfucker calling them out - but I did it anyway and it did absolutely NOTHING for me. It did not improve my situation, infact, it always left me feeling morose, depressed, and pissed off that I WASNT DOING MORE...

The Constitution allows you to express your opinion freely, a freedom that is not necessarily affored to people in say RUSSIA If it makes sense to you that a country with absolutely NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH can criticize us, or that Alex Jones can use that same freedom to line his pockets, or that some wealthy canadian can advance his agenda and voice his opinion of our country, if that's what you think the Constitution was made to protect, then you have a lot to learn.

The point is that the media shouldn't have a side, you should look at it as an information conduit. Drown out the BS. Or stop watching it all together, because it's not helping anyone by watching it (which means you are supporting it, which means you are helping the very people you despise). There are more options than major media outlets...
Mame, could you provide an example of how the Tea Party is being funded by anyone other than its members? The very nature of the Tea Party means it is decentralized and has no "leader". They are therefore intrinsically less vulnerable to being bought. The reality is that the various Tea Party groups across the country have resisted most attempts at nationalization.
Koch industries fund conservative groups such as Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works; These groups fund the Tea Party. So, in effect, Koch industries finances the Tea Party organization. Rupert Murdoch, another very rich man(Fox news ring a bell?) is also reported to be funding the Tea Party... So much for "grassroots".
We love to point the finger in this country...except at ourselves. How long was this country asleep at the wheel? The machine continued rolling where it wanted to, but the driver is still alive, albeit still lost a haze and unclear as to what he's doing. Mellowman, I asked you a question you never answered: Are you even American?

Even if you are not (you should stop saying "our government then btw), chances are that if you are doing well enough to be smoking weed and using a computer, you probably have American initiative to thank for that...How did you come to be, dude? Think about it, don't just give it a knee-jerk reaction, but actually THINK about what you have in relation to the rest of the world. The government is not perfect, believe me, I have spend my time uncovering unsavory details....A long time was dedicated to that avenue in my life. And personally, what more freedoms and liberty do you expect? We have the most socially liberated populace in the world. We don't have restricted movement, laws change state to state, and you can basically go where you please, and do what you please, as long as you aren't hurting anyone or flagrantly committing crimes.

Furthermore, if you or your family falls on tough times, who's there to hand you a check to do absolutely nothing? Who's there offering you free services to find a job? Who's there offering food? I was RAISED by the government and its social support systems, I should have been the last motherfucker calling them out - but I did it anyway and it did absolutely NOTHING for me. It did not improve my situation, infact, it always left me feeling morose, depressed, and pissed off that I WASNT DOING MORE...

The Constitution allows you to express your opinion freely, a freedom that is not necessarily affored to people in say RUSSIA If it makes sense to you that a country with absolutely NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH can criticize us, or that Alex Jones can use that same freedom to line his pockets, or that some wealthy canadian can advance his agenda and voice his opinion of our country, if that's what you think the Constitution was made to protect, then you have a lot to learn.

The point is that the media shouldn't have a side, you should look at it as an information conduit. Drown out the BS. Or stop watching it all together, because it's not helping anyone by watching it (which means you are supporting it, which means you are helping the very people you despise). There are more options than major media outlets...
I get sooooooo tired of hearing people say things like "You're smoking weed and typing on a computer! You must have it pretty damn good so why are you complaining?" Does that mean that we have to be happy with all aspects of our government? Does it mean we have to be content and just not complain about what we see wrong? I fought for this country. I love this country, but there are things, a lot of them, which I would like to see changed. Doesn't mean it's going to happen but it doesn't prevent us from wishing does it? Just because someone is what YOU perceive to be well off doesn't mean they can't want better. It's human nature to want to improve their lot. It's also pretty weak when you go around asking people if they are from America, implying they don't have a right to bitch if they are not. America affects the entire world with her foreign policy. It's kind of like the prop 19 debate. Many of the Californians were snobbishly telling non-Californians to mind their own business in many of the threads that were up when prop 19 was getting ready to be voted on. California affects the rest of the country with her cannabis laws. She's been at the forefront of the efforts for legalization for some time now so naturally people from other states are VERY interested in what goes down regarding any change in the law. My point is we all have a right to bitch and be unhappy. That's the American way. If you don't like it, then you can go find another country to live in (just kidding!)!:-P
So I guess wanting the Constitution to be obeyed is anti american these days huh? That's how far we have come offtrack from our origins. Pointing out hipocrasy in our government is antiamerican? I think it is the most American thing anyone can do that really cares about America.

Who's interprestation of the Constitution do you want obeyed?
...........says the guy clinging to Obama's nutsack like a baby possum.:roll:
The thing is, we know Obama is not perfect... The difference is that we know that he's still the best candidate for the job by far. I mean, you can't seriously think that Trump or Palin is gonna win the 2012 election right? The GOP's best candidate, Romney, wont even be able to argue against health care reform without looking like a hypocrite and that's the GOP's biggest political weapon against Obama. If the GOP is going to have any chance at winning the presidency it's going to be in 2016 - and that's IF Hill-dog Clinton doesn't run... Good luck.
You see, the right thinks that Obama's failures are so self evident that any dog catcher or evangelical could beat him without lifting more than a finger or two. This demonstrates how consitantly out of touch these people really are. They hate the guy so much that they believe everyone who does not is..."clinging to his nutsack". This is the nature of a group who actually thought that a dottering, angry old man and a (now professional) airhead would certainly be enough to defeat a community organizer. They won't do any better this time.
Who's interprestation of the Constitution do you want obeyed?
I'd personally like the founding fathers interpretation. What do you think they would have to say about what we have done with their little experiment? Do you think they envisioned a government that forced us to buy health insurance, forced us into their retirement plan (SS), forced us to pay for others' sub par education, fabricated money out of thin air with nothing to back it, gave billions of dollars to other countries while running trillion dollar deficits, denied us the use of a plant with many beneficial properties that they grew themselves. Holding our government accountable and speaking out is exactly what our founders wanted. This government has become nothing more than a corrupt bloated charity where you have no choice but to "donate".
I get sooooooo tired of hearing people say things like "You're smoking weed and typing on a computer! You must have it pretty damn good so why are you complaining?" Does that mean that we have to be happy with all aspects of our government? Does it mean we have to be content and just not complain about what we see wrong? I fought for this country. I love this country, but there are things, a lot of them, which I would like to see changed. Doesn't mean it's going to happen but it doesn't prevent us from wishing does it? Just because someone is what YOU perceive to be well off doesn't mean they can't want better. It's human nature to want to improve their lot. It's also pretty weak when you go around asking people if they are from America, implying they don't have a right to bitch if they are not. America affects the entire world with her foreign policy. It's kind of like the prop 19 debate. Many of the Californians were snobbishly telling non-Californians to mind their own business in many of the threads that were up when prop 19 was getting ready to be voted on. California affects the rest of the country with her cannabis laws. She's been at the forefront of the efforts for legalization for some time now so naturally people from other states are VERY interested in what goes down regarding any change in the law. My point is we all have a right to bitch and be unhappy. That's the American way. If you don't like it, then you can go find another country to live in (just kidding!)!:-P

Improve the country: Stop Bitching and do something.

And it totally makes a difference if the person is American or not, this is OUR country, and we have to bear the burden of its laws and decisions - not outsiders. I am not saying that they cant have an opinion, it's just disingenious to be so critical of another country while refusing to answer as to the origins of your own (and to say "our government, our country, our president, etc"). The point of asking the question is to illustrate the point that pretty much ANYONE on this forum has America to thank...

And prop19 was total bullshit anyway.
Ditto, I would like them to read the damn constitution and follow it to the letter instead of usurping states rights and soveriegnity with bullshit total bullshit like the commerce clause. They used the commerce clause to totally obliterate state sovereignty.