The party of hate and violence.

How come white people riot if their sports teams win? IN THEIR OWN CITIES?

This just baffles me, especially when its a non-issue riot like a team victory etc. The losing teams town should riot (not really though) because they have a reason for being upset. Winning team should be getting drunk and having a fuckin party.

But even in a situation of importance, the crowds anger is so easily misguided. Like the cop thing I said. Not condoning it, but why aren't they burning down police stations/ courthouses?

Crowds of people feed off of their own stupidity and it grows like wild fires. Individually, that type of shit would rarely happen.
Actually I have a good real world story. I was around 7 about 55 years ago. We lived in the Appalachian area. Very poor. We had hunted rabbits all day with no luck. We were heading home on a gravel road. I spotted a rabbit sitting in a hole trying to stay warm. My dad stopped the car. My city boy brother in law had never hunted. My dad took his cap off and stood in front of the rabbit and gently waved his cap while I walked behind the rabbit and picked it up by the ears while it was squealing and pooping. I dropped the rabbit in the middle of the road while my brother in law emptied the gun. The rabbit is probably still running. The moral? Watch behind you. The person in front of you is no danger. I still laugh about it.
This just baffles me, especially when its a non-issue riot like a team victory etc. The losing teams town should riot (not really though) because they have a reason for being upset. Winning team should be getting drunk and having a fuckin party.

But even in a situation of importance, the crowds anger is so easily misguided. Like the cop thing I said. Not condoning it, but why aren't they burning down police stations/ courthouses?

Crowds of people feed off of their own stupidity and it grows like wild fires. Individually, that type of shit would rarely happen.
Those college riots are by college kids and basically outsiders. Soccer team riots in Europe, basically outsiders. To say anybody is local in LA is stretching it. The riots there were fueled by people (gangsters mostly) from around the area.

I heard reports of some pretty bad acts in the recent protest in NM. I haven't seen anything to convince me that it was more than just a loud protest. If you listen to the reports, what started as a rowdy anti Trump rally became more of an anti-police demonstration. If you think there isn't a lot of unrest unrelated to Trump I'd say you are wrong. Still, I haven't heard of anybody who was really hurt. Throwing rocks from buildings? yeah that's pretty bad even if somebody didn't get hurt. Given all the unrest, anger and the hatred that Trump gives and takes, I'd say everybody including the police restrained themselves.

But really, given Trump's rhetoric, the actions of his followers and the demographics in New Mexico, don't you think this was all very predictable? Why would Trump put his rally in the middle of the city if he didn't want this kind of publicity? Trump seeks out and gains from this kind of stuff and I think it was deliberate on his part. He's a very divisive candidate.
I heard reports of some pretty bad acts in the recent protest in NM. I haven't seen anything to convince me that it was more than just a loud protest. If you listen to the reports, what started as a rowdy anti Trump rally became more of an anti-police demonstration. If you think there isn't a lot of unrest unrelated to Trump I'd say you are wrong. Still, I haven't heard of anybody who was really hurt.

Excuse me, just a loud protest? Who's being divisive? That's fuckin' nuts, just excusing disgusting crude behavior. Read the CNN news release. They were destructive including hurling bottles at defenseless horses. "The protesters had broken a glass door to the convention center. Some taunted police and jumped on police vehicles as officers in riot gear and on police horses moved them away from the convention center's exits."

Taxpayers paid for those police cars.

Some had to be escorted from the center out because of their violent demeanor. I'd vote for Trump as a statement against these punks who no doubt support Crazy Sanders.
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How come white people riot if their sports teams win? IN THEIR OWN CITIES?

Alcohol is usually involved.

Sports are used sometimes as a component of the bread and circus distractions of reinforcing obedience and reverence for a particular piece of colored cloth. Now stand at attention and salute the flag dammit!
Excuse me, just a loud protest? Who's being divisive? That's fuckin' nuts, just excusing disgusting crude behavior. Read the CNN news release. They were destructive including hurling bottles at defenseless horses. "The protesters had broken a glass door to the convention center. Some taunted police and jumped on police vehicles as officers in riot gear and on police horses moved them away from the convention center's exits."

Taxpayers paid for those police cars.

Some had to be escorted from the center out because of their violent demeanor. I'd vote for Trump as a statement against these punks who no doubt support Crazy Sander.
This from the guy who celebrates the death of a father at the hands of police. Of course you don't understand. Which is why I didn't reply to you. What's left of your brain is trying to get away from you.

Why didn't Trump's campaign pay for the police protection? It seems to me that this was all very predictable and could have been avoided by holding the rally in a different venue. I think he deliberately set the venue there to get exactly this result.
Why didn't Trump's campaign pay for the police protection?

Why don't you pay for it?

(ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer)

Speaking of stupidity based on feelings not facts:

I think he deliberately set the venue there to get exactly this result.

I see, so he sets the venue everywhere he goes and the distruptive, lawless actions of these punks is all Trump's fault? :clap:

When you get robbed at gunpoint in a Walmart parking lot as you load groceries we'll just blame you for the violent act. Fair enough?

Wheel of Blame.jpg just can't fix stupid.
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What a transition!

Looks like a dude with long hair to me
Why don't you pay for it?

(ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer)

Speaking of stupidity based on feelings not facts:

I see, so he sets the venue everywhere he goes and the distruptive, lawless actions of these punks is all Trump's fault? :clap:

When you get robbed at gunpoint in a Walmart parking lot as you load groceries we'll just blame you. Fair enough? just can't fix stupid.
From the man who wants to see Baltimore Burn from fires set by its own police. I'm not expecting anything much other than a few animal grunts from your direction. You never exceed expectations.

Trump can set the venue anywhere he wants. Downtown Albuquerque? Ok, its a shithole, I get it, the place can have a few major fires and might improve with them. But Trump controls the venue and set it in the middle of a city certain to have a hostile crowd. Seems like he's trying to make you happy about fires. The crowd disappointed both of you. Rowdy and unlawful behavior, absolutely and I hope some of the people throwing burning stuff or rocks at the cops see some justice. But you'd like to have seen more and I think Trump was counting on it.
From the man who wants to see Baltimore Burn from fires set by its own police. I'm not expecting anything much other than a few animal grunts from your direction. You never exceed expectations.

Trump can set the venue anywhere he wants. Downtown Albuquerque? Ok, its a shithole, I get it, the place can have a few major fires and might improve with them. But Trump controls the venue and set it in the middle of a city certain to have a hostile crowd. Seems like he's trying to make you happy about fires.


Every candidate or conservative speaker on college campus has the right to express themselves without a bunch of trouble makers acting like a bunch of mad apes. YOU DO NOT have the right to block roads or disrupt a candidate's right to speak nor disrupt or block those thousands who want to hear his message in person.

Every candidate or conservative speaker on college campus has the right to express themselves without a bunch of trouble makers acting like a bunch of mad apes. YOU DO NOT have the right to block roads or disrupt a candidate's right to speak nor disrupt or block those thousands who want to hear his message in person.
People have the right to protest hate speech. Protesters can and often do block roads or disrupt Trump's speeches. Protests are, well, protesting, they aren't about sitting around fountains singing kumbaya.

A man running for president who called millions of people that came to this country seeking a better life, "criminals and rapists", is not going to be surprised by angry protests in downtown Albuquerque New Mexico. Trump sought this out.

Now about this rhetoric, "mad apes". Exactly what I'd expect from somebody who immediately assumed the people of Baltimore would go all crazy and burn down their own homes in anger over a ruling regarding murder by cop that freed one of the participants in that murder. You are basically calling the "coloreds" animals who can't control their actions. You were wrong in Baltimore, of course. But you can't learn. You just go on with calling others animals, who by the way, did not riot and lose control of the situation.

But hate on, dude, I don't expect anything sensible from your anus shaped mouth.

Every candidate or conservative speaker on college campus has the right to express themselves without a bunch of trouble makers acting like a bunch of mad apes. YOU DO NOT have the right to block roads or disrupt a candidate's right to speak nor disrupt or block those thousands who want to hear his message in person.

I have an absolutely fundamental right to block roads or disrupt a candidate's right to speak. You can't pick and choose the 1st Amendment to apply to your needs, dumbass. Why do I have this absolute fundamental right? Because I have a right to protest, and I have freedom of assembly. This should be a no brainer for someone who's so "up on the 1st Amendment and the Freedom of Speech," which you obviously aren't. Are you so upset that someone disagrees with you that you have to call the cops and hop they'll "come bash some heads?" Man, who's lacking the testosterone now, or did it all go when your balls shriveled up with age?

I bet if this was 1776 you'd be crying about a bunch of radicals in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York upsetting the status quo and we should all stay with the Crown.

Were you also bitching about people blocking traffic in 1965 with the Selma to Montgomery marches? Did you bitch about a bunch of people blocking the view of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 during the March on Washington?
This is just the beginning. Its going to be a long hot summer with protests and violence. Trump is stirring the emotions of ignorant uneducated white bigots and racists who are already fearful of losing everything given current changes in this world. There are reports of media members hauled down and beaten on the street by people proclaiming fealty to Trump while doing so. Trump glorifies violence like any good fascist leader would and people like Uncle Ben are attracted to that kind of stuff. So be it.

Not that I think those crackers are getting what they deserved. Although their job skills aren't a good match for today's economy, they worked hard mostly for their whole lives and are approaching retirement in debt up to their ears. This is not the fault of "China" or "Mexicans" or "the media", all of whom Trump would have his minions hate. Their position is caused by long term favoritism given to the wealthy by politicians with influence in how laws and taxes are applied. With so much wealth concentrated in so few hands, there is much less to go around for the working classes and everybody other than the 1% are hurting.

In opposition to Trump's crackers are a huge population of young, well educated under employed or unemployed people who also are getting a raw deal. They are angry too. But they see right through Trump's deceptive speech and recognize him as just another representative of the 1% with the twist of using hate speech to attract the cracker vote. Many of them are part of the groups that Trump denigrates. So, angry protesters, meet angry supporters and spirits run high.

The irony is, this summer angry Trump supporters are going to beat on angry anti-Trump protesters and vice-versa. When they both should be setting sights on Wall Street.