The party of hate and violence.

Does anyone else draw parallels between Hitler/The Nazi Party and Trump/The Trumpkin Patch?

"Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Fuhrer!"
- Nazi Party Chant

“...the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.”

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf


"Make America Great Again! Build The Wall!"

"Mexican Thugs!"
it is the liberals who are full of hate, venom, and violence


This just baffles me, especially when its a non-issue riot like a team victory etc. The losing teams town should riot (not really though) because they have a reason for being upset. Winning team should be getting drunk and having a fuckin party.

But even in a situation of importance, the crowds anger is so easily misguided. Like the cop thing I said. Not condoning it, but why aren't they burning down police stations/ courthouses?

Crowds of people feed off of their own stupidity and it grows like wild fires. Individually, that type of shit would rarely happen.

how come you only complain when black people riot over racial injustices, and never when white people riot over a sports team victory?
Violence is pretty well-ingrained in the pursuit of American freedom and culture, though. When all else fails, fight back. Nothing wrong with that, as long as all other peaceful means have been exhausted. C'est la vie Américain.
We can completely change the direction our government is heading every 2 or 4 years.... really 2. The fact that it is not changing to suit your preference means you're in the minority. Deal with it, is the only response worthwhile, because in this country, the voters get what they want when they want it bad enough.
We can completely change the direction our government is heading every 2 or 4 years.... really 2. The fact that it is not changing to suit your preference means you're in the minority. Deal with it, is the only response worthwhile, because in this country, the voters get what they want when they want it bad enough.
I just said I would deal with it. The same way you deal with any corruption or injustice within the government when peaceful protest fails: Revolution. Everyone knows the DNC is rigging the system on their side and fucking Bernie royally.
The problems that face America are like a common cold and the liberals are like AIDS. Easy to fight a common cold unless you have AIDS.

you joined 3 months ago and 108 of your 128 posts have come in politics. everything from blowing up mexicans with landmines to barring all muslims from the country to bemoaning "anchor babies" to calling black people genetically inferior to mocking gays for just being gay.

do you consider yourself to be an intelligent, tolerant person who is not filled with hatred for people based on their skin color, religion, or sexual orientation?
The problems that face America are like a common cold and the liberals are like AIDS. Easy to fight a common cold unless you have AIDS.
You should probably go fuck yourself as soon as possible. We're only in this position because of the Draconian rule of Conservatives to begin with. Pretty sure it was a Conservative who envisioned the Iraq War, a Conservative who came up with the War on Drugs, a Conservative who invented mandatory minimum sentences and the private prison concept. Need I say more?
you joined 3 months ago and 108 of your 128 posts have come in politics. everything from blowing up mexicans with landmines to barring all muslims from the country to bemoaning "anchor babies" to calling black people genetically inferior to mocking gays for just being gay.

do you consider yourself to be an intelligent, tolerant person who is not filled with hatred for people based on their skin color, religion, or sexual orientation?
Post a bud pic flower pic anything all you do is trolland, I troll ya back
Post a bud pic flower pic anything all you do is trolland, I troll ya back

you're not trolling though.

you're dead serious about building a retarded wall and putting land mines around it. not even the KKK is as extremist as you are.

you're dead serious about banning muslims from coming to the united states, despite the unconstitutionality of such an extremist and hateful idea.

you're dead serious when you complain about "anchor babies" and you want to send those american citizens back to a country they never lived in.

you're dead serious when you called a black man genetically inferior.

and you top it all off by saying that "all life is precious" so we should ban all abortions. clearly you don't think all life is precious, you just buy into the right wing conservative dogma and repeat it like a retard, which you are.

you are either a horrible sock puppet (the odds on favorite) or just a really hateful, intolerant, violent, shitty racist loser. quite possibly both.

kill yourself. make it 23 today.
Yeah, you are to be respected for your wonderful acts of peace.


You're a total waste of police resources.
Police are actually a total waste of American resources with the extents they go to these days. However: Being that I'm both a combat vet and libertarian, how could you even confuse me for supporting something like that? That's not liberal violence, that's hooliganism.
Trump and supporters are going to stomp on the cockroaches you are.
I know you have violent fantasies, Ben. It's my guess that you imagine the good guys winning like John Wayne did in his numerous cowpoke movies. And of course you are one of the good guys. A "good guy" who wants to see the police burn Baltimore down.:dunce:

What Trump is doing is holding rallies in cities where it is a dead certainty that protests will be vocal and rowdy. But instead of the John Wayne cowpoke Trump supporters "stomping cockroaches" what actually happens is a horde of pale flabby Jabba the Hut lookalikes giggle their fat worm shaped bodies into and out of Trump rallies behind police barriers that are put up to keep those old white men safe from vigorous and fit protesters. They then leave it to the police to control the situation. When home safely watching TV and sitting in their Barco-lounge, they slaver over images of the police doing their best to keep everybody safe. They then fantasize about "stomping cockroaches".

But facts aren't important to Trump supporters. I've come to realize this.
Guys like Ben have a MASSIVE hard on for Trump. lol I mean MAAASIVE.. Trump could start speaking german and doing the Nazi salute and that would only make Ben like him more.. Trump could say he's going round up all the pot smoking liberals and kill them.. Ben wouldn't bat an eye.