the police really fucked me

you have your medical marijuana card and let "your boys" smoke your medicine? and now you are bitching cause you got caught? You deserve whatever happens to you. Having a card is a responsibility that some take for granted, youre a perfect example. If more people had self control and used this as a medicine and not a recreational drug then we as a community, NORML, MPP, MMMA, and others wouldnt have to fight such an upward battle against the general public who still thinks marijuana is for "stoners".
You did nothing to help our cause and I wish you the best of luck but you will get no empathy or sympathy from me. I do hold a medical marijuana card and am also a caregiver.
You understand that you are going to lose your card because of this right?

Bump that.

And im sure not all card holders dont smoke with only other patients. They just dont do it driving down the street... smokin blunts.. on lunch from work... with a carload of buddies.:neutral:
there was two people with me one Ive known since we where kids and he aid he brought a blunt and smoked it in my car the other was someone who worked in the plaza and he said he smoked my weed with me.

someone called the cops and said we where back there smoking and selling weed and we had a gun im going to find out who called from a co worker
First off, you screwed up by talking to the police, you just kindly tell them that you don't talk to police if they want to know anything about you. Your buddies should have done the same. There is no law that says you have to answer their questions, but there is a right that lets you remain silent. Its very difficult for an officer to make any kind of arrest when he has no information to go on. Don't feel bad 90% of people incriminate themselves without even knowing it.
you have your medical marijuana card and let "your boys" smoke your medicine? and now you are bitching cause you got caught? You deserve whatever happens to you. Having a card is a responsibility that some take for granted, youre a perfect example. If more people had self control and used this as a medicine and not a recreational drug then we as a community, NORML, MPP, MMMA, and others wouldnt have to fight such an upward battle against the general public who still thinks marijuana is for "stoners".
You did nothing to help our cause and I wish you the best of luck but you will get no empathy or sympathy from me. I do hold a medical marijuana card and am also a caregiver.
You understand that you are going to lose your card because of this right?

why is it everytime sum1 starts a thread like this then sumbdy else has to post sumthin like this^^^. i dont understand it? supposedly mj is a god given plant but thers always sumbdy tryin to b all high and mighty and try to throw out the "ur not helpin the cause". this is bullshit. i for 1 smoke weed for recreational use and who are u to say i cant smoke for my own pleasure? ur no bttr then the fuckin government wit ur fuckin attitude. jus becuz sumbdy doesnt have a medical condition meens ther not allowed to smoke? i bet wen u started smoking weed u had a medical condiion huh? yea rite, go back wer u cam from u fuckin hipocrite
you have your medical marijuana card and let "your boys" smoke your medicine? and now you are bitching cause you got caught? You deserve whatever happens to you. Having a card is a responsibility that some take for granted, youre a perfect example. If more people had self control and used this as a medicine and not a recreational drug then we as a community, NORML, MPP, MMMA, and others wouldnt have to fight such an upward battle against the general public who still thinks marijuana is for "stoners".
You did nothing to help our cause and I wish you the best of luck but you will get no empathy or sympathy from me.

From me either...sheez, I didn't know they gave out cards to 'tards'. I've been smokin since 1964 and i've NEVER been busted or 'tossed'. I've been stopped for traffic violations with a pound in the trunk before, but it's ALWAYS yessir/no sir, till the threat is gone. Seriously, you got a problem starting with your attitude & it extends to your ahole buddies who dimed you. How old are you? Use some friggin common sense. ANd get rid of those dickweed so-called 'Friends' Geez.
why is it everytime sum1 starts a thread like this then sumbdy else has to post sumthin like this^^^. i dont understand it? supposedly mj is a god given plant but thers always sumbdy tryin to b all high and mighty and try to throw out the "ur not helpin the cause". this is bullshit. i for 1 smoke weed for recreational use and who are u to say i cant smoke for my own pleasure? ur no bttr then the fuckin government wit ur fuckin attitude. jus becuz sumbdy doesnt have a medical condition meens ther not allowed to smoke? i bet wen u started smoking weed u had a medical condiion huh? yea rite, go back wer u cam from u fuckin hipocrite
ANother nebie wannabe I just joined this site but I'm outa here- too many aholes; newbies; & spoiled little pink babies who think its 'ALL about THEM! adios MF's
not trying to defend the cops by any means but put this in another perspective, you have a prescription and a card so you're legal. Now suppose it was some other prescription drug...IDK, vicoden or something. So instead of weed you have a scrip of vicodine and you and your boys are sitting in the car outside of your job and you're all poppin your vic's, the cops come by and arrest your boys because they busted them with your scrip after you got out of the car.

see what i'm sayin? it's just like any other scrip, just because you can have it doesn't mean you can freely distribute it to everyone else.

it sounds like an iffy case, can they prove you sold it? probably not. But if you live in a state where you're lucky enough to get it legally, dont be stupid and ruin that.
the cops fucked you?...hmm no jail pretty sure theres alot of people out there who have gotten "fucked" a little bit more by police

and smoking during your lunch break in public? you should be happy all they did was take your stuff.

people always take their privileges for granted. Yes, I said privilege..NOT A RIGHT, theres a big difference.
who is anyone to give another "privilages"? we are all born of this earth in the same manner. no one man better than the other. no one has a right to tell me what i can smoke.
you have your medical marijuana card and let "your boys" smoke your medicine? and now you are bitching cause you got caught? You deserve whatever happens to you. Having a card is a responsibility that some take for granted, youre a perfect example. If more people had self control and used this as a medicine and not a recreational drug then we as a community, NORML, MPP, MMMA, and others wouldnt have to fight such an upward battle against the general public who still thinks marijuana is for "stoners".
You did nothing to help our cause and I wish you the best of luck but you will get no empathy or sympathy from me. I do hold a medical marijuana card and am also a caregiver.
You understand that you are going to lose your card because of this right?

Words of WISDOM right there. Think of it from a CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE perspective. You get a prescription for Percoset, Oxycotin or Vicodin. You and your 'buddies' go out at lunch and pop some percs. BUSTED. You goto to jail for distributing a controlled substance, illegally Long story short. It's called being a drug dealer. The whole MMJ scene is at risk because people think they can light up anywhere, anytime, with anyone. Not yet we can't I'm afraid. Small steps, small steps....
ok smoking your bud with someone is giving it to them, giving away bud is distribution, so if they really wanted to be dicks they could get you for that.

before someone says its bs, i got 9 months for giving a guy i had know for years a few grams when he came over. he was wired, i got a charge.