Mr. Blue
Active Member
you have your medical marijuana card and let "your boys" smoke your medicine? and now you are bitching cause you got caught? You deserve whatever happens to you. Having a card is a responsibility that some take for granted, youre a perfect example. If more people had self control and used this as a medicine and not a recreational drug then we as a community, NORML, MPP, MMMA, and others wouldnt have to fight such an upward battle against the general public who still thinks marijuana is for "stoners".
You did nothing to help our cause and I wish you the best of luck but you will get no empathy or sympathy from me. I do hold a medical marijuana card and am also a caregiver.
You understand that you are going to lose your card because of this right?
Bump that.
And im sure not all card holders dont smoke with only other patients. They just dont do it driving down the street... smokin blunts.. on lunch from work... with a carload of buddies.