The UK Growers Thread!

How we all doing lads? The usuals good me Hope's
been lurking in the background a while
Must be honest I'm itching now lol
Soon, soon?
Would you believe @DST after all i still have a cut of the dog she been through hell and back getting dwarfed and cut and recut back to preserve but shes golden same with the gg4, the my m8 has done good tbf
Anything nice around these days, no new exotic strains I should know about?
Nothing new on my radar worth mentioning tbh
Good to hear lad. Hope you got that shit sorted out.
There are so many different crosses around its mind boggling tbh. wouldn't know were to start.

Reveged GG plant actually came along great (plenty new growth)..... per usual wouldn’t give out any roots(cuttings) so had to do away with it in the end......fucking gutted that plant was by far the best Ive ever had in my rooms......showed me exactly wot I should expect from a class cut of MJ.......hope to have it when I start back up........hey D trying to get a deal for me and my lass(daughter)to get a long weekend over in a nice five star hotel some time soon ...... need some help for places to go.see,eat etc....mabay meet and do something if you’re not to busy....​
drop me a email lad.
hope your joking mate, i see a few of the old boys still about but what about Bizzle, Mastergrower, Ribena, Rel@x etc?
Bizzle bled out from all the prison raping, relax got the right meds, ice had some fungus which spread from his foot to his brain causing suicidal ideation. The rest of us are golden, how’ you been man?
Btw I would be interested in other opinions but these Tory cunts looked fukked, all the other parties want decriminalisation or fully legalised and regulated ( Lib Dem’s) are we about to see the end of prohibition in this country, I can smell blood in the water and it’s potentially good news for weed imo.
Btw I would be interested in other opinions but these Tory cunts looked fukked, all the other parties want decriminalisation or fully legalised and regulated ( Lib Dem’s) are we about to see the end of prohibition in this country, I can smell blood in the water and it’s potentially good news for weed imo.
if Brexit happens legalisation in the UK would be a very smart thing to do. If anyone with enough power(money) has the brains to see that vision remains to be seen.
if Brexit happens legalisation in the UK would be a very smart thing to do. If anyone with enough power(money) has the brains to see that vision remains to be seen.

Legalisation means bad news for uk growers I think. We don't have the sun to compete with corporations, they will have far bigger operations with electricity subsidies and also less taxes to pay. That is, if it isn't just cheaper to import thousands of pounds from new deals with America, Mexico and so on. I don't see a future in it for small timers in the uk, not growing it at-least. Some will argue that quality will give small growers the edge.. maybe, for a small while.

Once talented highly trained and experienced botanists get a sniff on the industry you're completely beat, those big corps will compete with each other in ever increasing quality (the good thing about capitalism). Eventually one company will corner the market and quality will level off due to lack of competition but still be high enough to keep the masses buying.

Apply the same principles to fruit, veg, beer, wine and anything else that you ''could'' or once did grow or produce yourself. It will be made too difficult to make a real living and justify the labour unless you reach corp status, like Asda. You can't really use America as an example since they are a lot bigger and still have conflicting state opinions. UK is very small and once legal here, I think things would move a hell of lot faster into corp monopoly. Still, feels like we have at-least 5 year before that point. The only saving grace may be that they hold a distinction in that medical use is legal but recreational is not. That way everybody still gets a piece of the pie. But you know, corps and lobbying.

Oh, hello UK ;p.
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Legalisation means bad news for uk growers I think. We don't have the sun to compete with corporations, they will have far bigger operations with electricity subsidies and also less taxes to pay. That is, if it isn't just cheaper to import thousands of pounds from new deals with America, Mexico and so on. I don't see a future in it for small timers in the uk, not growing it at-least. Some will argue that quality will give small growers the edge.. maybe, for a small while.

Once talented highly trained and experienced botanists get a sniff on the industry you're completely beat, those big corps will compete with each other in ever increasing quality (the good thing about capitalism). Eventually one company will corner the market and quality will level off due to lack of competition but still be high enough to keep the masses buying.

Apply the same principles to fruit, veg, beer, wine and anything else that you ''could'' or once did grow or produce yourself. It will be made too difficult to make a real living and justify the labour unless you reach corp status, like Asda. How long before it gets to that stage I don't know. You can't really use America as an example since they are a lot bigger and still have conflicting state opinions. UK is very small and once legal here, I think things would move a hell of lot faster into corp monopoly. Still, feels like we have at-least 5 year before that point.

Oh, hello UK ;p.
It kind of reads like you are arguing for legalisation. Lots of positive points:)
Corporate (super rich landed cunts) are already all over it in the UK. The UK being the biggest exporter of legal Cannabis this side of the Nagasaki. There are always different markets to put your wares into though. The people who still buy shite weed/hash because, "that's what they are use to", and happy with it, will also go to the supermarket and buy corporate produced cannabis (in the future possibly). If you want to make money from this plant you are going to have to be smart, and or really good. And definitely lucky. Of course money and power trumps all the above!!:).
If you have a criminal record because of cannabis I would find it really strange not to want it legalised. This point trumps any argument anyone can put forward in my mind.
I hereby endeth my dribble.

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It kind of reads like you are arguing for legalisation. Lots of positive points:)
Corporate (super rich landed cunts) are already all over it in the UK. The UK being the biggest exporter of legal Cannabis this side of the Nagasaki. There are always different markets to put your wares into though. The people who still buy shite weed/hash because, "that's what they are use to", and happy with it, will also go to the supermarket and buy corporate produced cannabis (in the future possibly). If you want to make money from this plant you are going to have to be smart, and or really good. And definitely lucky. Of course money and power trumps all the above!!:).
If you have a criminal record because of cannabis I would find it really strange not to want it legalised. This point trumps any argument anyone can put forward in my mind.
I hereby endeth my dribble.


Na, I'm just observing and applying what I think will happen given the history of every industry to date.

Making something legal just to remove a criminal record is a sketchy proposition that is easy to un-trump. It assumes you know full well legalising cannabis is a net positive, I don't agree. I've been to Amsterdam before and after it got cleaned up. I will never ever forget that 17 year old Dutch kid stuck in the bowls of psychosis, I'll save you the details. The same way it pains me to see 13 year old kids today in the uk with drinking problems that can be blamed on nothing else but the mass drinking culture and liberal views on it through the 80's, 90's and some of the 0's. Most pubs are shutting down now so things are improving. But that isn't true, drink is simply cheaper in shops and the problem is even worse. If drinking were illegal here and on my record, I would not be jumping to legalise only for that.
Legalisation means bad news for uk growers I think. We don't have the sun to compete with corporations, they will have far bigger operations with electricity subsidies and also less taxes to pay. That is, if it isn't just cheaper to import thousands of pounds from new deals with America, Mexico and so on. I don't see a future in it for small timers in the uk, not growing it at-least. Some will argue that quality will give small growers the edge.. maybe, for a small while.

Once talented highly trained and experienced botanists get a sniff on the industry you're completely beat, those big corps will compete with each other in ever increasing quality (the good thing about capitalism). Eventually one company will corner the market and quality will level off due to lack of competition but still be high enough to keep the masses buying.

Apply the same principles to fruit, veg, beer, wine and anything else that you ''could'' or once did grow or produce yourself. It will be made too difficult to make a real living and justify the labour unless you reach corp status, like Asda. You can't really use America as an example since they are a lot bigger and still have conflicting state opinions. UK is very small and once legal here, I think things would move a hell of lot faster into corp monopoly. Still, feels like we have at-least 5 year before that point. The only saving grace may be that they hold a distinction in that medical use is legal but recreational is not. That way everybody still gets a piece of the pie. But you know, corps and lobbying.

Oh, hello UK ;p.
Interesting perspective man, my local pub sells a beer called English Lore produced by guy Ritchie, it’s a small production but very popular with the locals. I think there will be room for artisanal growers with clone onlies and good skills. Have you seen the fucked up plants grown by GW pharma, botanists obviously can’t grow as well as most on this thread.
Interesting perspective man, my local pub sells a beer called English Lore produced by guy Ritchie, it’s a small production but very popular with the locals. I think there will be room for artisanal growers with clone onlies and good skills. Have you seen the fucked up plants grown by GW pharma, botanists obviously can’t grow as well as most on this thread.

Ofc I don't suggest everything is sold by big business only, but a huge proportion is. Do you know anybody who owns a car built buy a small independent company?, they do exist but very rare. Well, I could go on but won't. Cannabis in a fully legal country I feel will end up the same as food. Some have an allotment or nice garden and grow a little for hobby or pleasure, but that's about it. Like food in most cases it is cheaper to buy it if you work out time spent farming it vs working a job.

As for current ''real botanists''. Maybe you are right, they grow shit weed, can't say I've checked. I would argue though, that perhaps theirs a reason you are over looking. You don't have access to testing like they do. The plant might look like shit but the oil they are extracting may be more superior than what we could make. Or that's not true, and they lack competition so the product really is shit. How do you compete with oil I guess is obvious. They will grow plants that yield more of it and of different composition once they make solid links to what ratios do what medically. Again, something we can never do given our clear lack of utility and brain power. Do you truly suppose you will be growing better plants than leading botanists indefinitely?.

If you are a very talented botanist/weed grower what do you think the future is?. You will be competing with corps that can throw billions into it. chances are you will be swamped out like most other ''self employed'' or small businesses. Or, you get hired by the big corp and probably make more money with them than you could alone. The big corps pouring money into this are not going to aproach some mj grower and fund them, not even if you have a phd in botany. Thay are going to go to botanists and company's already involved in food or agriculture of some sort. Company's with experience, logistics, land, man power already in place. The market is as good as cornered already you can see it. Us ''skilled'' growers will amount to nothing much more than trimming buds for them.

Not trying to sound pessimistic but this is literally how things work.
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