Well-Known Member
So you think it’s good that people with cannabis convictions keep their criminal records because information on them is useful to others, you cry about some kid in a coffee shop who’s getting stoned and you think cannabis is harmful and should remain illegal despite the fact that it helps many and more just enjoy it for pleasure. What the fuck are you doing on a weed forum? You sound like some old granny or a half wit cop or a tory wannabe.
Yes some laws are popularly yet subjectively not wanted, but for the greater integrity of a civil society you should abide by the laws and democratically fight to change them. Or you suffer the punishment of breaking said law, in this case a criminal record. The principle society is formed on is what matters, not responsibility avoiding self preservation. If you broke the law, be man enough to deal with the consequence. I don't think cana should be completely illegal, I also would not cry about a criminal record since two wrongs and all that.
Strong pain killers (inc morphine) help millions of people in serious pain, yet they have to be prescribed by a doctor. That is because they have heavy side effects that are only justified if you have a good reason to take them. They are highly addictive so making them readily available to the general public is not a good idea, for obvious reasons. Cannabis falls under the same category. Again I'll ask, would you like to work beside a guy high on weed operating heavy machinery?, not that it would ever be allowed ''if they knew''. Alternatively would you like to work with him when he isn't high and is an angry intolerable bastard?. The guy smokes too much green for no real reason. If you fully legalize cannabis, unregulated you'll be dealing with more people like that. And yes, eventually more people with psychosis, like a brother, son or close friend. Sorry I don't share the opinion that cannabis is riding a pink fluffy unicorn over a win/win rainbow, the real world shows otherwise.
Tory wannabe, as if voting labour is a good plan?. Jeramy corbyn, the working mans hero, yet he won't stand firmly behind democracy and the vote to leave the eu. As if he thinks the working class are all voting remain because they haven't got the selflessness to understand that a few jobs lost is worth the sacrifice to govern our own country. And even if he was right about that, he'd sail democracy down the river just to hold on to votes?. I would have voted for him a few year ago, glad the referendum happened and he exposed his true goal, more self preservation, you voting for him?.
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