The UK Growers Thread!

So you think it’s good that people with cannabis convictions keep their criminal records because information on them is useful to others, you cry about some kid in a coffee shop who’s getting stoned and you think cannabis is harmful and should remain illegal despite the fact that it helps many and more just enjoy it for pleasure. What the fuck are you doing on a weed forum? You sound like some old granny or a half wit cop or a tory wannabe.

Yes some laws are popularly yet subjectively not wanted, but for the greater integrity of a civil society you should abide by the laws and democratically fight to change them. Or you suffer the punishment of breaking said law, in this case a criminal record. The principle society is formed on is what matters, not responsibility avoiding self preservation. If you broke the law, be man enough to deal with the consequence. I don't think cana should be completely illegal, I also would not cry about a criminal record since two wrongs and all that.

Strong pain killers (inc morphine) help millions of people in serious pain, yet they have to be prescribed by a doctor. That is because they have heavy side effects that are only justified if you have a good reason to take them. They are highly addictive so making them readily available to the general public is not a good idea, for obvious reasons. Cannabis falls under the same category. Again I'll ask, would you like to work beside a guy high on weed operating heavy machinery?, not that it would ever be allowed ''if they knew''. Alternatively would you like to work with him when he isn't high and is an angry intolerable bastard?. The guy smokes too much green for no real reason. If you fully legalize cannabis, unregulated you'll be dealing with more people like that. And yes, eventually more people with psychosis, like a brother, son or close friend. Sorry I don't share the opinion that cannabis is riding a pink fluffy unicorn over a win/win rainbow, the real world shows otherwise.

Tory wannabe, as if voting labour is a good plan?. Jeramy corbyn, the working mans hero, yet he won't stand firmly behind democracy and the vote to leave the eu. As if he thinks the working class are all voting remain because they haven't got the selflessness to understand that a few jobs lost is worth the sacrifice to govern our own country. And even if he was right about that, he'd sail democracy down the river just to hold on to votes?. I would have voted for him a few year ago, glad the referendum happened and he exposed his true goal, more self preservation, you voting for him?.
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do you work for the Daily Mail? :)

and as for the pyschosis mental ward thing, another thing that could be controlled through legalisation I believe. Mental health is hereditary so to blame peoples psychosis on a plant is far from accurate. they had that article in the daily.mail if memory serves me correctly.

And come on, people being stoned at work. They already are. Have you been on a building site recently at break time?

Again, something that legalisation would help in my opinion, Proper investment and research on how to detect or stop people being stoned and operating machinery, not arb tests that can tell if you have had a joint in the last month.

A gift from the gods, ffs you don't know me, I am a hethen through and through, Sunday school was the closest I got to God. I believe cannabis is a plant, just like the tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers etc that I also grow and consume. If I could make a legal living out of growing then even better, but not essential in my life. I have been involved in a cannabis seed company for some years on a hobby basis and see no difference in this industry to any other (apart from the illegal aspect that run alongside it).

Feel free to comment again, this is def my last post on this subject.


How exactly does legalising cannabis aid in reducing psychosis?, could you apply the same principle to legalizing heroin to reduce over doses?. If that comparison seems ludicrous you don't get it.

Mental health is hereditary?. Ok I know what's up here, you've been reading far to many bias pro cannabis articles. So much of that is wrong but one simple counter is look up drug induced psychosis. It can be compared loosely to ptsd in soldiers or people who have traumatic experiences.

People are stoned at work yes. More canna on the street, fully accessible means more people will be smoking it, inevitably leading to more people smoking it at work. I feel like this is obvious but genuinely shocking to me at-least that it isn't. Again I don't know how on earth you think legalization of cana or ANYTHING makes dealing with the issues of said thing easier. They are pretty good at detecting cocaine, how exactly would they get better at it if it were legal?. You're mind fucking me here.

I'm pretty sure pro canna is all you've ever read from the last bit. You say it's just a plant so it's fine, as to imply it's nature and anything in nature is fucking A. Do you know how many billions have died building up human immunity's to all the ''harmlessness'' of nature?. It's ongoing. But don't take my word for it, fill that nut bowl up with freshly peeled caster beans, you've earned it champ.

I fucking love that mentality though. If only grenade launchers were legal, we'd be better at putting out fires. I mean shit.. legalize guns so we can half the murder rate by 2020. I wonder if we legalize tax evasion more people would pay it?. That's a unicorn I could back.
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How exactly does legalising cannabis aid in reducing psychosis?, could you apply the same principle to legalizing heroin to reduce over doses?. If that comparison seems ludicrous you don't get it.

Mental health is hereditary?. Ok I know what's up here, you've been reading far to many bias pro cannabis articles. So much of that is wrong but one simple counter is look up drug induced psychosis. It can be compared loosely to ptsd in soldiers or people who have traumatic experiences.

People are stoned at work yes. More canna on the street, fully accessible means more people will be smoking it, inevitably leading to more people smoking it at work. I feel like this is obvious but genuinely shocking to me at-least that it isn't. Again I don't know how on earth you think legalization of cana or ANYTHING makes dealing with the issues of said thing easier. They are pretty good at detecting cocaine, how exactly would they get better at it if it were legal?. You're mind fucking me here.

I'm pretty sure pro canna is all you've ever read from the last bit. You say it's just a plant so it's fine, as to imply it's nature and anything in nature is fucking A. Do you know how many billions have died building up human immunity's to all the ''harmlessness'' of nature?. It's ongoing. But don't take my word for it, fill that nut bowl up with freshly peeled caster beans, you've earned it champ.

I fucking love that mentality though. If only grenade launchers were legal, we'd be better at putting out fires. I mean shit.. legalize guns so we can half the murder rate by 2020. I wonder if we legalize tax evasion more people would pay it?. That's a unicorn I could back.
Your arguments are circular and specious, you are a troll to me now. Your binary approach to cannabis related psychosis is not shared by mental health professionals, we would have hundreds of thousands more schizophrenics than we do if that were the case.
I wouldn’t piss on Corbyn if he was on fire let alone vote for him, he supports Hamas and Hezbollah who are terror organisations, he uses dog whistle anti semitism to further his racist agenda.
Your arguments are circular and specious, you are a troll to me now. Your binary approach to cannabis related psychosis is not shared by mental health professionals, we would have hundreds of thousands more schizophrenics than we do if that were the case.
I wouldn’t piss on Corbyn if he was on fire let alone vote for him, he supports Hamas and Hezbollah who are terror organisations, he uses dog whistle anti semitism to further his racist agenda.

Psychosis and schizophrenia are two different conditions, are you saying cannabis has no link to psychosis?. Besides that, why are you over looking all the other side effects of cannabis?. If you want to label me a troll for unbiased objectivity then I guess we are finished here.

Corbyn is no worse than any other leading politician, although he is subjected to more hateful right funded propaganda. Corbyns biggest flaw (aside from the eu thing) is his socialist views, tax the rich and give it too the poor.. it's not that simple, bad long term plan. However a slight kick back central over the next few year by some socialist ideologies is currently a better option than more tory cuts on basic infrastructure while giving tax relief to big business. But then factor back in corbyn's lacklustre backing for democracy, he is unjustified to govern.

Who exactly would you vote for right now in a general election?, I don't see a good option.. to the point where tory, as much as I hate to admit it, make more sense short term.
Psychosis and schizophrenia are two different conditions, are you saying cannabis has no link to psychosis?. Besides that, why are you over looking all the other side effects of cannabis?. If you want to label me a troll for unbiased objectivity then I guess we are finished here.

Corbyn is no worse than any other leading politician, although he is subjected to more hateful right funded propaganda. Corbyns biggest flaw (aside from the eu thing) is his socialist views, tax the rich and give it too the poor.. it's not that simple, bad long term plan. However a slight kick back central over the next few year by some socialist ideologies is currently a better option than more tory cuts on basic infrastructure while giving tax relief to big business. But then factor back in corbyn's lacklustre backing for democracy, he is unjustified to govern.

Who exactly would you vote for right now in a general election?, I don't see a good option.. to the point where tory, as much as I hate to admit it, make more sense short term.
Thanks for proving me right you Tory twat. Have you got a boner for Jacob?
Thanks for proving me right you Tory twat. Have you got a boner for Jacob?

Boris actually. So who is it you'd vote for again?.

Schizophrenia is a type of psychosis, as gg4 is a type of weed, do some homework you fucking retard

You said cana should lead to more cases of schizophrenia if it had mental side effects. Schizophrenia can lead to psychosis but psychosis can develop for other reason that have nothing to do with schizophrenia, such as drug induced psychosis or highly stressful situations. You also completely ignored the other side effects I've mentioned once again, convenient.
Boris actually. So who is it you'd vote for again?.

You said cana should lead to more cases of schizophrenia if it had mental side effects. Schizophrenia can lead to psychosis but psychosis can develop for other reason that have nothing to do with schizophrenia, such as drug induced psychosis or highly stressful situations. You also completely ignored the other side effects I've mentioned once again, convenient.
Schizophrenia causes psychosis. Psychosis is a general term. What other effects are you referring to? That weed will cause people operating heavy machinery to ? That pubs are closing is good? That crying about someone stoned in a coffee shop shows your compassion? Do you grow or smoke weed?
Schizophrenia causes psychosis. Psychosis is a general term. What other effects are you referring to? That weed will cause people operating heavy machinery to ? That pubs are closing is good? That crying about someone stoned in a coffee shop shows your compassion? Do you grow or smoke weed?

Yes psychosis is a general term and I won't pretend to know all the symptoms or issues that fall within it since even the experts don't fully understand it, but it isn't about that. You claimed canna is fine because you've seen no peak in schizophrenia, specifically. So lets cut to the chase, do you believe moderate to heavy cannabis use has zero mental risk?. You seem to keep twisting the context into a narrative that supports your view while ignoring other issues you have no counter for.

You are asking for an example on why operating heavy machinery (or any job with risk) while stoned is a bad idea, is this a troll or ignorance?.

Again you completely ignored the side effect of heavy cannabis users being at higher risk of mood swings leading to break downs in social interactions. Is social interaction not extremely important?, don't you think that's a substantial side effect?.

These are objective issues that are clearly worth considering during the legalisation process or even as a smoker, yet all you can do to counter them is insult me. That's a terrible legalisation strategy. In-fact it's a terrible anything strategy.

People like you are dangerous, ignorance in leading others to believe cana has no side effect. If you've done that to anybody, and they develop an issue, you are partly to blame.
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Yes psychosis is a general term and I won't pretend to know all the symptoms or issues that fall within it since even the experts don't fully understand it, but it isn't about that. You claimed canna is fine because you've seen no peak in schizophrenia, specifically. So lets cut to the chase, do you believe moderate to heavy cannabis use has zero mental risk?. You seem to keep twisting the context into a narrative that supports your view while ignoring other issues you have no counter for.

You are asking for an example on why operating heavy machinery (or any job with risk) while stoned is a bad idea, is this a troll or ignorance?.

Again you completely ignored the side effect of heavy cannabis users being at higher risk of mood swings leading to break downs in social interactions. Is social interaction not extremely important?, don't you think that's a substantial side effect?.

These are objective issues that are clearly worth considering during the legalisation process or even as a smoker, yet all you can do to counter them is insult me. That's a terrible legalisation strategy. In-fact it's a terrible anything strategy.

People like you are dangerous, ignorance in leading others to believe cana has no side effect. If you've done that to anybody, and they develop an issue, you are partly to blame.
Do you believe in the skunk story promoted in the MSM ? Why do you consider me dangerous?
That looks the bollocks, I actually had complaints that it was i) too strong, ii) it clogged up the grinder. iii) one bud stank the house out. There’s no pleasing some people but I love it. Yields fairly well too.
You can't deny its a great bit of weed, ticks most boxes in my opinion. Complaints, hahaha, some folk jeezo.
You can't deny its a great bit of weed, ticks most boxes in my opinion. Complaints, hahaha, some folk jeezo.
I was at a garden party last summer and was introduced to a 70 year old who had cured himself of cancer by making oil, he was an old head long hair the works. I pulled out a fat gg4 pure joint and offered him some, he tugged away on it like he was sucking a golf ball through a hose pipe and passed out, full on whitey, I had to fetch his wife and some iced water. Then he blamed me for lacing the weed, I asked him what he thought it was laced with? Old wifey was giving me the evils and told me she was a social worker who had to take kids into care due to drug addict parents. Fucking worst party ever.
I was at a garden party last summer and was introduced to a 70 year old who had cured himself of cancer by making oil, he was an old head long hair the works. I pulled out a fat gg4 pure joint and offered him some, he tugged away on it like he was sucking a golf ball through a hose pipe and passed out, full on whitey, I had to fetch his wife and some iced water. Then he blamed me for lacing the weed, I asked him what he thought it was laced with? Old wifey was giving me the evils and told me she was a social worker who had to take kids into care due to drug addict parents. Fucking worst party ever.
sounds a bit too triangle cucumber sandwiches for my liking. If you smoke pure best not puff puff passing. Exit stage left!!
sounds a bit too triangle cucumber sandwiches for my liking. If you smoke pure best not puff puff passing. Exit stage left!!
It wasn’t cucumber sandwiches it was the ayahuasca/ st Pedro tripping crew party, hypocrites everywhere these days.
Only 1 with to many eyes around here ;-)

Are you that guy who drinks too much then slaps his third eye on the table and calls it a party trick? ;p.

That's not a trick, this is a trick. I got into a heated drunken debate with a closet feminist a few year back. As she got more drunk and talked more shit about social engineering being able to remove gender difference (completely false) I put her in the nut job box and just started trolling her. ''Yeah I agree, we can make both genders equal, but the biggest hurdle we have is why can't women pee standing up?''. Normally that would be troll rage check mate, but I shit you not she went to the corner of the garden and started pissing standing up, using some straw type feminist bs contraption. It was awkward as fuck but hats off to her, a very flappy solution to a pressing equality issue. Well, I can't exactly call it ballsy can I?, but that's a matter of time by the idiocy of it all.
Do you believe in the skunk story promoted in the MSM ? Why do you consider me dangerous?

I'm not familiar with that story, but I get the feeling that's the point.

Why are you dangerous, because you don't seem to understand (or worse don't care?) what doesn't hurt some does hurt others. Just look a few posts up, you seem to get a hard on when people pass out from your extra strong weed, don't act like you were not loving telling that story. I had a friend like you, we were trying to have a nice drink with friends and wanted just a light joint, but na, he fills it full of crystal and 45 min later only two of us were left. Not because I could handle it, but because I could not move. He's a grown man yet adolescent in his views and actions. I'm not saying that's what you done or you are as bad as him, you just remind me of him.