The UK Growers Thread!

I'm not familiar with that story, but I get the feeling that's the point.

Why are you dangerous, because you don't seem to understand (or worse don't care?) what doesn't hurt some does hurt others. Just look a few posts up, you seem to get a hard on when people pass out from your extra strong weed, don't act like you were not loving telling that story. I had a friend like you, we were trying to have a nice drink with friends and wanted just a light joint, but na, he fills it full of crystal and 45 min later only two of us were left. Not because I could handle it, but because I could not move. He's a grown man yet adolescent in his views and actions. I'm not saying that's what you done or you are as bad as him, you just remind me of him.
How many cocks can you fit in your mouth?
What pisses me off is they specifically targeted and demonised skunk in the press for decades as did many politicians here in the uk they bang on about the dangers etc then you fast forward to now and you got cunts like gw pharmaceuticals growing the very same under licence
What pisses me off is they specifically targeted and demonised skunk in the press for decades as did many politicians here in the uk they bang on about the dangers etc then you fast forward to now and you got cunts like gw pharmaceuticals growing the very same under licence
It’s the most bizarre shit ever, I haven’t smoked anything as weak as skunk since the 90’s yet it’s spoken of as if it’s meth or smack. I think it’s a way out for all the politicians who smoked weed at Oxford and can claim today’s shit is much worse and causes mass psychosis like that fool flowkill
Are you that guy who drinks too much then slaps his third eye on the table and calls it a party trick? ;p.

That's not a trick, this is a trick. I got into a heated drunken debate with a closet feminist a few year back. As she got more drunk and talked more shit about social engineering being able to remove gender difference (completely false) I put her in the nut job box and just started trolling her. ''Yeah I agree, we can make both genders equal, but the biggest hurdle we have is why can't women pee standing up?''. Normally that would be troll rage check mate, but I shit you not she went to the corner of the garden and started pissing standing up, using some straw type feminist bs contraption. It was awkward as fuck but hats off to her, a very flappy solution to a pressing equality issue. Well, I can't exactly call it ballsy can I?, but that's a matter of time by the idiocy of it all.
No if I did that trick I would be 4eyes not 3
It’s the most bizarre shit ever, I haven’t smoked anything as weak as skunk since the 90’s yet it’s spoken of as if it’s meth or smack. I think it’s a way out for all the politicians who smoked weed at Oxford and can claim today’s shit is much worse and causes mass psychosis like that fool flowkill

You can't objectively prove over use of cannabis has no link to psychosis or various other mental issues, as well as I can't prove it does, yet the caution is there (along with the other more dominant side effects you keep failing to respond to). Some tread lightly into the unknown, it's a core instinct that normal people have. Others put their hand in a hole they can't see into and leave it up to dawinism.

But never the less I agree that something iffy happened with cannabis. I've never doubted it's healing ability for those who have good reason to use it daily. I do also think that governments claiming they have done little testing on cana over the years is a lie. I think (most likely the US) found that cannabis has good healing properties (side effects aside) yet it's a drug that can not easily be controlled by corporate business. The amount of money involved in cancer research, chronic illness and treatments is monumental, it's not something you can repeat in your back yard with some dirt and the sun. I don't know if I'd go as far as to say the knew of it's cancer fighting ability back then, but certainly of chronic pains, insomnia and all the other lower tier treatments. I'd hazard a guess the pain killer business was the culprit.
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You can't objectively prove over use of cannabis has no link to psychosis or various other mental issues, as well as I can't prove it does, yet the caution is there (along with the other more dominant side effects you keep failing to respond to). Some tread lightly into the unknown, it's a core instinct that normal people have. Others put their hand in a hole they can't see into and leave it up to dawinism.

But never the less I agree that something iffy happened with cannabis. I've never doubted it's healing ability for those who have good reason to use it daily. I do also think that governments claiming they have done little testing on cana over the years is a lie. I think (most likely the US) found that cannabis has good healing properties (side effects aside) yet it's a drug that can not easily be controlled by corporate business. The amount of

You can't objectively prove over use of cannabis has no link to psychosis or various other mental issues, as well as I can't prove it does, yet the caution is there (along with the other more dominant side effects you keep failing to respond to). Some tread lightly into the unknown, it's a core instinct that normal people have. Others put their hand in a hole they can't see into and leave it up to dawinism.

But never the less I agree that something iffy happened with cannabis. I've never doubted it's healing ability for those who have good reason to use it daily. I do also think that governments claiming they have done little testing on cana over the years is a lie. I think (most likely the US) found that cannabis has good healing properties (side effects aside) yet it's a drug that can not easily be controlled by corporate business. The amount of money involved in cancer research, chronic illness and treatments is monumental, it's not something you can repeat in your back yard with some dirt and the sun. I don't know if I'd go as far as to say the knew of it's cancer fighting ability back then, but certainly of chronic pains, insomnia and all the other lower tier treatments. I'd hazard a guess the pain killer business was the culprit.

Weed is not the cause of any mental health issues it may trigger or bring on early something you already have. This i can see in very rare cases but as a whole for most people weed is pretty harmless we live in a country plagued by alcoholism benzo /opioid addiction depression and even fake drugs killing people right now i think cannabis is the last thing to worry about to be honest
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You can not prove that weed has no stand alone impact on mental issues, while it does seem to have a stronger accepted link with people who were apparently ''on that path'' I tend to think that is dismissive. You could argue certain soldiers are more prone to ptsd, I'd tend to agree. But you could also argue that the ptsd was very unlikely to have arose in day to day life, war or the likes was above the threshold trigger for said people, so they lost it. I think the same is true with drugs, one person is fine on E, the next not, other fine on heavy canna use, the next not. Also is the complicated issue of drug mixing, many do it.. and understanding how such drugs may interact with each other to worsen possible side effects is anyone's guess.

The real problem with identifying the links between drugs and mental issues is you can not put the same person back in time and test if they were to have issues while not taking X, Y or Z drug. Yet, we do know that heavy drug use of any sort has a correlation with mental issues, be it bringing them out almost ptsd style or not.

Never at any point did I say the severity or frequency of canna side effects are as prominent as other drugs but it is a poor, dismissive argument to condone the over use of cannabis on that basis. Cannabis does have side effects and as the strains/concentrates get stronger and stronger the frequency and severity of those side effects will rise, and then the frequency will rise some more if fully legalized because more people inevitably begin using it. You have to keep in mind, when we were new smokers even so close back as 10 year, dope and low grade weed was everywhere, this meant your body and mind had time to adapt. The kids and even new adult smokers these days have a lot stronger strains (even if only from being better grown) and ever increasing strength of concentrates. I do believe those concentrates especially, will be the prime suspect for triggering the ptsd style shock into psychosis for novice or liberal smokers who get too heavy too quick. Butt hat's ofc worse case side effect, the more frequent side effects are once again over looked as meaningless. Becoming anti social from too much smoking is not a good thing, it's very damaging to family, friend and work ties, to the point continuation becomes life changing.

For the record though, if I was forced to choose the drug my children would one day become addicted to, it would most definitely be cannabis. But that is cannabis in it's most natural state. Weighing up the pros and cons of it and other drugs, it is the lesser of most evils.. but that doesn't make it right. Heavy cannabis use for no good reason is not a good idea.
You can not prove that weed has no stand alone impact on mental issues, while it does seem to have a stronger accepted link with people who were apparently ''on that path'' I tend to think that is dismissive. You could argue certain soldiers are more prone to ptsd, I'd tend to agree. But you could also argue that the ptsd was very unlikely to have arose in day to day life, war or the likes was above the threshold trigger for said people, so they lost it. I think the same is true with drugs, one person is fine on E, the next not, other fine on heavy canna use, the next not. Also is the complicated issue of drug mixing, many do it.. and understanding how such drugs may interact with each other to worsen possible side effects is anyone's guess.

The real problem with identifying the links between drugs and mental issues is you can not put the same person back in time and test if they were to have issues while not taking X, Y or Z drug. Yet, we do know that heavy drug use of any sort has a correlation with mental issues, be it bringing them out almost ptsd style or not.

Never at any point did I say the severity or frequency of canna side effects are as prominent as other drugs but it is a poor, dismissive argument to condone the over use of cannabis on that basis. Cannabis does have side effects and as the strains/concentrates get stronger and stronger the frequency and severity of those side effects will rise, and then the frequency will rise some more if fully legalized because more people inevitably begin using it. You have to keep in mind, when we were new smokers even so close back as 10 year, dope and low grade weed was everywhere, this meant your body and mind had time to adapt. The kids and even new adult smokers these days have a lot stronger strains (even if only from being better grown) and ever increasing strength of concentrates. I do believe those concentrates especially, will be the prime suspect for triggering the ptsd style shock into psychosis for novice or liberal smokers who get too heavy too quick. Butt hat's ofc worse case side effect, the more frequent side effects are once again over looked as meaningless. Becoming anti social from too much smoking is not a good thing, it's very damaging to family, friend and work ties, to the point continuation becomes life changing.

For the record though, if I was forced to choose the drug my children would one day become addicted to, it would most definitely be cannabis. But that is cannabis in it's most natural state. Weighing up the pros and cons of it and other drugs, it is the lesser of most evils.. but that doesn't make it right. Heavy cannabis use for no good reason is not a good idea.
Piss off you wind bag go and post in The daily Mail comments section. You will get some likes there you fucking troll.
I'm sensing some hostility.
Tell us again why you think people with criminal records for cannabis convictions should not have them scrubbed cos it’s useful to have information on them. Tell us why you cried when you saw someone stoned in Amsterdam.
g fairy snips can be arranged.
Piss off you wind bag go and post in The daily Mail comments section. You will get some likes there you fucking troll.
I stopped reading at his second essay(post) yerself and DST said it can be managed in a proper way whither in a business sense or recreational sence.....he's just blowing steam.......hey D is that a cut from your reveged plant......?looks as good as its always been.......nice to no you've still got it........I had NO choice about letting mine go (fkn gutted)I'm off the smoke for now until I get this fkn medical out the way.......but........still got a stash put away for when its done (love the stuff) emailing you as soon as the wife gets off my back about bringing my daughter with me to the dam for a good long weekend..........
The other good thing about decrimed would be the selection of excellent clones available at car boots and plant sales. Not skunk plants of course as they should definitely remain illegal as they and only they will send you to the nuthouse.
Tell us again why you think people with criminal records for cannabis convictions should not have them scrubbed cos it’s useful to have information on them. Tell us why you cried when you saw someone stoned in Amsterdam.

I've given plenty of objective based statements that show heavy cannabis use isn't all positive, tell ''me'' why you think all of them are a none issues. If I am so wrong then you can easily link the facts where all of the issues I've brought up are complete bs. Instead you will call me a name, reference schizophrenia (off topic) and answer nothing on topic. Is it because you are ignorant and know nothing or are you a troll?.

In case you forgot what heavy cannabis use can/could do.

Drug induced psychosis
Enhancing or bringing on depression
Enhancing or brining on anxiety
Memory loss
Aggression when not high
Trouble sleeping when not high
High while daily driving, operating machinery or other tasks that could lead to nasty situations (unless heavy weed users stay indoor 24/7, thats a good thing right ^^).
Not exercising as much and eating more leading to weight and/or fitness issues.
Continues heavy smoking of cannabis alone (tobacco aside) can cause a whole range of lung disorders, including cancer.

Most of these side effects lead to poor social connections, connections that are needed to form positive long lasting friendships, relationships, employment and personal well being. The more severe obviously have an effect on quality of life and will also impact mental state thus social outlook etc etc. Since I know you are not going to respond to any of this like an adult, maybe another adult will step in your place. I'm more than willing to take on and think about ideas or counter arguments.

I don't know where the connection was made that just because a person who can grow good weed, they know what they are talking about medically.
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I've given plenty of objective based statements that show heavy cannabis use isn't all positive, tell ''me'' why you think all of them are a none issues. If I am so wrong then you can easily link the facts where all of the issues I've brought up are complete bs. Instead you will call me a name, reference schizophrenia (off topic) and answer nothing on topic. Is it because you are ignorant and know nothing or are you a troll?.

In case you forgot what heavy cannabis use can/could do.

Drug induced psychosis
Enhancing or bringing on depression
Enhancing or brining on anxiety
Memory loss
Aggression when not high
Trouble sleeping when not high
High while daily driving, operating machinery or other tasks that could lead to nasty situations (unless heavy weed users stay indoor 24/7, thats a good thing right ^^).
Not exercising as much and eating more leading to weight and/or fitness issues.
Continues heavy smoking of cannabis alone (tobacco aside) can cause a whole range of lung disorders, including cancer.

Most of these side effects lead to poor social connections, connections that are needed to form positive long lasting friendships, relationships, employment and personal well being. The more severe obviously have an effect on quality of life and will also impact mental state thus social outlook etc etc. Since I know you are not going to respond to any of this like an adult, maybe another adult will step in your place. I'm more than willing to take on and think about ideas or counter arguments.

I don't know where the connection was made that just because a person who can grow good weed, they know what they are talking about medically.
Cool story man tldr I’m a bit wasted and I’ve got a crane to operate later so I’ll catch up after my shift.
I've given plenty of objective based statements that show heavy cannabis use isn't all positive, tell ''me'' why you think all of them are a none issues. If I am so wrong then you can easily link the facts where all of the issues I've brought up are complete bs. Instead you will call me a name, reference schizophrenia (off topic) and answer nothing on topic. Is it because you are ignorant and know nothing or are you a troll?.

In case you forgot what heavy cannabis use can/could do.

Drug induced psychosis
Enhancing or bringing on depression
Enhancing or brining on anxiety
Memory loss
Aggression when not high
Trouble sleeping when not high
High while daily driving, operating machinery or other tasks that could lead to nasty situations (unless heavy weed users stay indoor 24/7, thats a good thing right ^^).
Not exercising as much and eating more leading to weight and/or fitness issues.
Continues heavy smoking of cannabis alone (tobacco aside) can cause a whole range of lung disorders, including cancer.

Most of these side effects lead to poor social connections, connections that are needed to form positive long lasting friendships, relationships, employment and personal well being. The more severe obviously have an effect on quality of life and will also impact mental state thus social outlook etc etc. Since I know you are not going to respond to any of this like an adult, maybe another adult will step in your place. I'm more than willing to take on and think about ideas or counter arguments.

I don't know where the connection was made that just because a person who can grow good weed, they know what they are talking about medically.

You ever even smoked a joint in your life ?..
Im guessing you dont know anyone personally who has cancer or epilepsy or depression or for whatever who uses weed as it is the ONLY thing that works for them are you saying there wrong there opinion is flawed because some studies say negative things what about all the studies that confirm positive results and the countless people on this planet that only live or enjoy a better quality of life because of this plant ???
Im guessing you dont know anyone personally who has cancer or epilepsy or depression or for whatever who uses weed as it is the ONLY thing that works for them are you saying there wrong there opinion is flawed because some studies say negative things what about all the studies that confirm positive results and the countless people on this planet that only live or enjoy a better quality of life because of this plant ???

This is what happens when you jump into a conversation with ought reading properly. I said the heavy smoking of cannabis has downsides that are only worth the risk if you have good medical reason to heavily smoke it. As I already said, that is because the upsides ''can'' vastly out do the downsides. But that isn't guaranteed, you could take it for pain relief yet end up with depression.

This means that during legalisation those factors on my last post should be taken into account and that it isn't fully accessible to the general public. As you and others have falsely implied... it isn't a magic potion that anybody can freely smoke with no worry about becoming a heavy smoker. With the kind of 0 downsides attitude you and many many people have that is the risk, people take it far too lightly, and they should not, because that leads to over use. Cannabis abuse because of these factors sneaks up on people, I've seen it enough with my own eyes.

I smoke casually and set a limit, I know people who smoke heavy yet have no medical issues, it isn't doing them any favours, they comment on wanting to stop or cut back, why do they say that if it's so harmless?. Maybe they realise they are not getting real upsides because they have no real reason to heavily smoke it?. My uncle used oil for his MS, a work colleague gives it to his epileptic daughter. I've encouraged a few people with pain issues such as arthritis to give oils a go. What I would never do, is recommend anybody to smoke cannabis recreationally or even medically, because of the lung issues that can vastly out weigh the softer upsides. The same as I would not recommend a person to smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.. because they come with risks that I can not condone for the sake of fun. that isn't to say I have a problem with people doing these things, just that it isn't something I'd deem a responsible encouragement.
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