The UK Growers Thread!

I am not asking for my criminal record to be cancelled or whatever, but having been through it I don't believe others should. I live in Amsterdam and have done for nearly 2 decades. I was busted for growing weed over 25 years ago. I am educated in Economics to a University level (and yes I tipped my cap, but due criminal record I was never getting a job in that industry). In my opinion cannabis should be legalised, end of:). It is an industry that will certainly allow for craft producers and smaller local producers. A large proportion of society craves to reduce their footprint of damage on the world.
If you are a very talented botanist/weed grower what do you think the future is?. You will be competing with corps that can throw billions into it. chances are you will be swamped out like most other ''self employed'' or small businesses. Or, you get hired by the big corp and probably make more money with them than you could alone. The big corps pouring money into this are not going to aproach some mj grower and fund them, not even if you have a phd in botany. Thay are going to go to botanists and company's already involved in food or agriculture of some sort. Company's with experience, logistics, land, man power already in place. The market is as good as cornered already you can see it. Us ''skilled'' growers will amount to nothing much more than trimming buds for them.

Not trying to sound pessimistic but this is literally how things work.
I don't agree. I am not an educated botanist, but know someone who is willing to get capital to fund a medium scale business (when its legal). And that's a 1m+ investment.
I am not asking for my criminal record to be cancelled or whatever, but having been through it I don't believe others should. I live in Amsterdam and have done for nearly 2 decades. I was busted for growing weed over 25 years ago. I am educated in Economics to a University level (and yes I tipped my cap, but due criminal record I was never getting a job in that industry). In my opinion cannabis should be legalised, end of:). It is an industry that will certainly allow for craft producers and smaller local producers. A large proportion of society craves to reduce their footprint of damage on the world.

Did you ever run a hydrostore before leaving UK?
I am not asking for my criminal record to be cancelled or whatever, but having been through it I don't believe others should. I live in Amsterdam and have done for nearly 2 decades. I was busted for growing weed over 25 years ago. I am educated in Economics to a University level (and yes I tipped my cap, but due criminal record I was never getting a job in that industry). In my opinion cannabis should be legalised, end of:). It is an industry that will certainly allow for craft producers and smaller local producers. A large proportion of society craves to reduce their footprint of damage on the world.

A criminal record can stop you doing many lines of work or even gain access to other country's, it's a poor argument to want to legalise said action to reverse that. The real issue here is that company's or governments need to accept that people can change, depending on the severity of the crime. I do not believe that deleting a criminal record of any crime is a good idea, since knowledge is power. The more you know about people the better, but it should not be used exclusively as a profiling method, that much I agree with.

In your opinion cannabis should be legalised ''end of''. Tyranny much?. Legalising cannabis is not a definitive net positive, start from there if you value democracy.

Just because you know somebody who is willing to put 1 mil into a business (that's penny's on a corporate scale) it does not mean that said business will prosper. Start up and small company's go bust, all the time.

The oversight here is obvious. It isn't hard to set up a business, costs a bit of money etc etc. The problem is advertising. You could have a better product than X party but X party has half a bil to advertise to the masses and drown you out, they can also drop prices to a point you can't compete, they can run at a loss just to fk you over. Like Advanced Nutrients for example, how many what could have been good nutrient company's do you think they've sunk over the years?. It's hard to say but a few at-least.
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Please stop.on this reversal nonsense. It just shouldn't be illegal to grow a plant. I don't know what people knowing or not knowing that I grew a plant and had hash and weed in my house has to do with anything. People with cannabis convictions are victims in my eyes. I am licky to have carved a decent life with a cannabis criminal record. Others are not so lucky.

Re the investment, that's why I said medium business, yet you still try to belittle the weight of individuals being able to raise capital to start small to medium sized business. And yet you mention democracy.....

Are you not confident in your ability to succeed in a world where cannabis is legal?

I have had my own small business which exists among many large businesses for over a decade (non MJ related). I am more than confident in combining legitimate business practices within a cannabis related field (providing its legal).

Yea, advertising and marketing is important. But there are many ways to market a product or service. Do you think all large corporations came from some sort of ACME large corporation making machine?, they start as small businesses.
Last post I'll make on this discussion. It's been.......... pointless really.
no, I was a bigger cunt than that, bahahaha, I sold assurance/insurance.

Ha. I was working with an old boy recently who used to do that, he said similar, was a very dodgy job by all accounts.

Reason i asked about the hydrostore was my local guy left about 20 years ago to the dam and started his own seed business.
The shop went to shit after that. But i figured it would be a funny thing if that were you. The world really is that small. :bigjoint:
The comparison to veg growing is moot. Weed is very variable in quality dependent on how it’s grown and by whom. I see it more like wine production, take Burgundy as an example, same grape Pinot noir grown in the same area by different people on different land parcels can sell for £10 per bottle or in the case of Romanee Conti £10,000. I don’t claim that weed has the same range of value but discerning buyers will pay for quality, the masses will be happy with shwag. Artisan weed is the way to go for small producers if it’s legalised imo
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i think makka got nicked a while back now Z and lost it, there are a few still holding it tho. I thought you was retired nowdays anyways? i aint done nowt meself for a few yrs now, me mate is doing some outdoor kali mist at the mo that are looking nice.
It’s like herpes mate you can never completely get rid of it, I’ve only got one outdoors on light dep but I feel the tingle
Please stop.on this reversal nonsense. It just shouldn't be illegal to grow a plant. I don't know what people knowing or not knowing that I grew a plant and had hash and weed in my house has to do with anything. People with cannabis convictions are victims in my eyes. I am licky to have carved a decent life with a cannabis criminal record. Others are not so lucky.

Re the investment, that's why I said medium business, yet you still try to belittle the weight of individuals being able to raise capital to start small to medium sized business. And yet you mention democracy.....

Are you not confident in your ability to succeed in a world where cannabis is legal?

I have had my own small business which exists among many large businesses for over a decade (non MJ related). I am more than confident in combining legitimate business practices within a cannabis related field (providing its legal).

Yea, advertising and marketing is important. But there are many ways to market a product or service. Do you think all large corporations came from some sort of ACME large corporation making machine?, they start as small businesses.
Last post I'll make on this discussion. It's been.......... pointless really.

Stop what, having an objective based opinion? maybe you want to learn something? instead of pretending the cannabis plant is a gift from the gods, the cure to all illness, no downside. Your opinion is it should not be illegal to grow a plant ''coz you said so''. I know plenty of coke/e/trip takers who think that should be legal, gun owners who think that should be legal. It gets messy when you want to change laws simply because they suite you, never mind the negative effects it will have on others.

My fathers best friend works within the mental health sector, most of the psychosis he comes across is related to cannabis, but in high amounts, almost rasta style. With legalization comes liberal views over time, more people smoking who normally would not, people smoking more than they might normally. Add to that strains are getting stronger and people are using concentrates more commonly. Then you have the conditions for new or casual smokers to be smoking as much as rastafarians do on a % value, given lower intolerances, drug induced psychosis follows. Legalise it today and a spike in psychosis will be notably clear within 5 year (and I refer back to that poor dutch kid).

I guess psychosis is worse case, I know a lot of long time heavy smokers and they are not psychotic but also not with ought issues. They are very irritable, angry, unpleasant to be around unless they are high. They can not sleep well unless high, they have shocking memory's, sure sound like employees of the month materiel. So legalise it, are those guys ok to be that stoned at work operating machinery next to you?, if you want to work with them when they are angry horrible bastards all day?. I do know one guy who owns a £million+ business but he was extremely lucky to walk into it, others run it for him.

I don't belittle anybody, just speaking objectively as possible based on the reality of all industry. Capitalism has been around for a long time now, family's and large corps have established themselves, land, patents, infrastructure, contracts have been bought etc. A kid leaving uni today does not have a equal footing to a kid 100 year ago, not the same cards, capitalism is the best system we have but it's monopolised now. Small and medium businesses fight for scraps or do some innovation then big corps devour the rewards (watts app). Asda has took over local fruit and veg shops, a lot of clothing, electrical, etc. To say a man wanting to start a fruit store has a better chance now than ever is an utter lie, most shopping centres are dying due to the likes of asda but also the internet ofc. Speaking of the internet, don't you see the corps slowly taking over it? you tube is all about big business adverts now, face book much the same.

I wish the best of luck to you friend, I truly do, but it's one hell of a gamble. Growing cannabis isn't an innovation, not like watts app was, the infrastructure is already in place for bigger corps. He will have to do something very special to survive. Again, best of luck to him.
Stop what, having an objective based opinion? maybe you want to learn something? instead of pretending the cannabis plant is a gift from the gods, the cure to all illness, no downside. Your opinion is it should not be illegal to grow a plant ''coz you said so''. I know plenty of coke/e/trip takers who think that should be legal, gun owners who think that should be legal. It gets messy when you want to change laws simply because they suite you, never mind the negative effects it will have on others.

My fathers best friend works within the mental health sector, most of the psychosis he comes across is related to cannabis, but in high amounts, almost rasta style. With legalization comes liberal views over time, more people smoking who normally would not, people smoking more than they might normally. Add to that strains are getting stronger and people are using concentrates more commonly. Then you have the conditions for new or casual smokers to be smoking as much as rastafarians do on a % value, given lower intolerances, drug induced psychosis follows. Legalise it today and a spike in psychosis will be notably clear within 5 year (and I refer back to that poor dutch kid).

I guess psychosis is worse case, I know a lot of long time heavy smokers and they are not psychotic but also not with ought issues. They are very irritable, angry, unpleasant to be around unless they are high. They can not sleep well unless high, they have shocking memory's, sure sound like employees of the month materiel. So legalise it, are those guys ok to be that stoned at work operating machinery next to you?, if you want to work with them when they are angry horrible bastards all day?. I do know one guy who owns a £million+ business but he was extremely lucky to walk into it, others run it for him.

I don't belittle anybody, just speaking objectively as possible based on the reality of all industry. Capitalism has been around for a long time now, family's and large corps have established themselves, land, patents, infrastructure, contracts have been bought etc. A kid leaving uni today does not have a equal footing to a kid 100 year ago, not the same cards, capitalism is the best system we have but it's monopolised now. Small and medium businesses fight for scraps or do some innovation then big corps devour the rewards (watts app). Asda has took over local fruit and veg shops, a lot of clothing, electrical, etc. To say a man wanting to start a fruit store has a better chance now than ever is an utter lie, most shopping centres are dying due to the likes of asda but also the internet ofc. Speaking of the internet, don't you see the corps slowly taking over it? you tube is all about big business adverts now, face book much the same.

I wish the best of luck to you friend, I truly do, but it's one hell of a gamble. Growing cannabis isn't an innovation, not like watts app was, the infrastructure is already in place for bigger corps. He will have to do something very special to survive. Again, best of luck to him.
Your dads best friend, lol, you sound like a pig
No need for name calling, four eyes ;p.
So you think it’s good that people with cannabis convictions keep their criminal records because information on them is useful to others, you cry about some kid in a coffee shop who’s getting stoned and you think cannabis is harmful and should remain illegal despite the fact that it helps many and more just enjoy it for pleasure. What the fuck are you doing on a weed forum? You sound like some old granny or a half wit cop or a tory wannabe.
Stop what, having an objective based opinion? maybe you want to learn something? instead of pretending the cannabis plant is a gift from the gods, the cure to all illness, no downside. Your opinion is it should not be illegal to grow a plant ''coz you said so''. I know plenty of coke/e/trip takers who think that should be legal, gun owners who think that should be legal. It gets messy when you want to change laws simply because they suite you, never mind the negative effects it will have on others.

My fathers best friend works within the mental health sector, most of the psychosis he comes across is related to cannabis, but in high amounts, almost rasta style. With legalization comes liberal views over time, more people smoking who normally would not, people smoking more than they might normally. Add to that strains are getting stronger and people are using concentrates more commonly. Then you have the conditions for new or casual smokers to be smoking as much as rastafarians do on a % value, given lower intolerances, drug induced psychosis follows. Legalise it today and a spike in psychosis will be notably clear within 5 year (and I refer back to that poor dutch kid).

I guess psychosis is worse case, I know a lot of long time heavy smokers and they are not psychotic but also not with ought issues. They are very irritable, angry, unpleasant to be around unless they are high. They can not sleep well unless high, they have shocking memory's, sure sound like employees of the month materiel. So legalise it, are those guys ok to be that stoned at work operating machinery next to you?, if you want to work with them when they are angry horrible bastards all day?. I do know one guy who owns a £million+ business but he was extremely lucky to walk into it, others run it for him.

I don't belittle anybody, just speaking objectively as possible based on the reality of all industry. Capitalism has been around for a long time now, family's and large corps have established themselves, land, patents, infrastructure, contracts have been bought etc. A kid leaving uni today does not have a equal footing to a kid 100 year ago, not the same cards, capitalism is the best system we have but it's monopolised now. Small and medium businesses fight for scraps or do some innovation then big corps devour the rewards (watts app). Asda has took over local fruit and veg shops, a lot of clothing, electrical, etc. To say a man wanting to start a fruit store has a better chance now than ever is an utter lie, most shopping centres are dying due to the likes of asda but also the internet ofc. Speaking of the internet, don't you see the corps slowly taking over it? you tube is all about big business adverts now, face book much the same.

I wish the best of luck to you friend, I truly do, but it's one hell of a gamble. Growing cannabis isn't an innovation, not like watts app was, the infrastructure is already in place for bigger corps. He will have to do something very special to survive. Again, best of luck to him.
do you work for the Daily Mail? :)

and as for the pyschosis mental ward thing, another thing that could be controlled through legalisation I believe. Mental health is hereditary so to blame peoples psychosis on a plant is far from accurate. they had that article in the daily.mail if memory serves me correctly.

And come on, people being stoned at work. They already are. Have you been on a building site recently at break time?

Again, something that legalisation would help in my opinion, Proper investment and research on how to detect or stop people being stoned and operating machinery, not arb tests that can tell if you have had a joint in the last month.

A gift from the gods, ffs you don't know me, I am a hethen through and through, Sunday school was the closest I got to God. I believe cannabis is a plant, just like the tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers etc that I also grow and consume. If I could make a legal living out of growing then even better, but not essential in my life. I have been involved in a cannabis seed company for some years on a hobby basis and see no difference in this industry to any other (apart from the illegal aspect that run alongside it).

Feel free to comment again, this is def my last post on this subject.

Ha. I was working with an old boy recently who used to do that, he said similar, was a very dodgy job by all accounts.

Reason i asked about the hydrostore was my local guy left about 20 years ago to the dam and started his own seed business.
The shop went to shit after that. But i figured it would be a funny thing if that were you. The world really is that small. :bigjoint:
it is amazing how small the World is, but on this occasion tis not me.