The UK Growers Thread!

I agree scrambo but how many people even have half a brain in the ends these days lol
Mostly dedication is needed id read for yrs before I dropped a penny now u got noobs setting up 12000 watt grows with no experience.let the markets flood with cheap weed well just charge more for the cronic
It’s like that but this thread has fast tracked many a good grower, it’s a shame some wAnt the thread for personal psychotherapy
Well u know what they say; talk is the best therapy and mental health shouldn't be stigmatised in anyways,I assure you, youll regret it. Rip on anything else like we always did but mental health is a big problem that shouldn't be laughed at.
Ive seen full blown psychotic episodes amd its like the dude is possessed with super strength..not same at all so the sooner the stigma is dealth with sooner younger and younger people will seek help like cognative behavioural therapy and distress tolerance but have helped me tremendously so much so im thinking of becoming a drug councilor and occupational therapist
Every1 is different Z, just cause ive put a funny spin on my meltdown posts dont think i aint having a meltdown and ive had more than a few in here over the yrs just either put a funny spin on the post or slagged some other member off n gone to ewars cause im just trying to deflect my own shit.

Ive found growing a lonely old game especially when its not just a hobby and imo you dont need a army of lights to be a cash cropper 4lights can earn you a wage, but when its your wage thats pressure and its lonely cause you carnt let anyone no your business its too risky, so this thread has been my own counseller my outlet my way of keeping sane for many of them yrs.
Very well said mate,u know exactly what I went through so I couldn't agree with you more,great to offload to complete strangers n tbh a few times ive pmd u u been a fucking legend.
Oh and zedd throughout the years youve spun some highly implausible tails that no way in hell can be believed (u probably believe them) to total strangers.
You alao have an obscenely large ego which is probably why u need to big ur shit up onpine to make some mates cuz the ones you have got sick of your personality disorder.
You could possibly be a sociopath or maybe a compulsive lier. Im going to leave it at this because im going great lately and im not up for your passive aggressive digs filled only with malicious intend..when u fucked off loads of new ppl joined so dont be a dick and share ur knowledge or hey post a pic
I've still not got over him pretending to be a bird lol
Wjat are you? Yeah that shows propper mental issues man he messaged loads of people...buffalo bill type shit here n hes the nerve to call me delusional when he pretends yo be a woman online...hard to truat someone like that n lad he wouldn't make a good woman. He looks like one of those English builder type guys.ud never take him as a grower
I’m a fukin old noob like everyone, it’s all about the high/stone with my buyers, they couldn’t give a fuk about flav

Only because I genuinely can't identify flavour in weed :p all I can tell is whether it is smooth, or tastes like ass. Though gave up smoking 2 weeks ago including joints, and beginning to notice a bit more now using the volcano (pretty much first time I've used the thing since buying it 5 years ago!)
Oh and zedd throughout the years youve spun some highly implausible tails that no way in hell can be believed (u probably believe them) to total strangers.
You alao have an obscenely large ego which is probably why u need to big ur shit up onpine to make some mates cuz the ones you have got sick of your personality disorder.
You could possibly be a sociopath or maybe a compulsive lier. Im going to leave it at this because im going great lately and im not up for your passive aggressive digs filled only with malicious intend..when u fucked off loads of new ppl joined so dont be a dick and share ur knowledge or hey post a pic

I've not been on here for a good while so have no idea what you're talking about, but having met Zeddd, I couldnt hope to meet a nicer chap.
I've not been on here for a good while so have no idea what you're talking about, but having met Zeddd, I couldnt hope to meet a nicer chap.

Haven't met him but couldn't agree more ttt.
Slipper ur spouting a lot of shite about zeddd saying its hard to trust someone like him, if I really had to pick out of you and him for someone to trust it'd be zeddd all the way m8, I've fuckall against u slipper bar threatening to disclose peoples location, which you know should never be done on here and for that reason zeddd score higher in the trust charts for me
Im still about, lurking as you say MG lol

Coming up to a year of the hard shit this month on the 23rd, yr seems to have flown by tbh and most stress free yr ive had since i was a kid i think lol been trying to lose some weight done 13lb in 6wks thats with still drinking most nights and 2wks of them 6 not dieting so am pleased about that.

As for the thread, spose it was always gonna end up this way, the way noobs been treated the last few yrs no new blood and older members dropping like flys, more life in the irish thread nowdays didnt think id ever say that lol

I knew you'd be lurking lol. Good you been off the hard shit m8, gotta feel a lot better for it and as for losing the weight, it's hard as fuck for most while still drinking a fair bit, if you took a break from the booze you shed a load more but can't see that happening lol, one step at a time!

As for the thread, it's hard when youve got fuck all growing like mesel
I've not been on here for a good while so have no idea what you're talking about, but having met Zeddd, I couldnt hope to meet a nicer chap.
Oh hes supposed to be lovely alright(in person) but he says some propper offensive thing meeting for a pint but a whole different lad when he makes petty jabs about my recent time in a psychiatric ward but yet hes the one that compulsively lies and creates fake profile pretending to be a woman..but aye a real nice chap putting down every noob with nothing but malicious intent
Haven't met him but couldn't agree more ttt.
Slipper ur spouting a lot of shite about zeddd saying its hard to trust someone like him, if I really had to pick out of you and him for someone to trust it'd be zeddd all the way m8, I've fuckall against u slipper bar threatening to disclose peoples location, which you know should never be done on here and for that reason zeddd score higher in the trust charts for me
Well u got amoke from him for yrs so of course hes gonna be nice to you.
Never threatened to disclose any location just named a few areas near him in pm to shut the diick up.
U really trust a man that creates fake profiles to mess with ppls heads or all the new members that never came back after his abuse let alone never posting a worries, each to their own
But please clarity the shit, I can prove everything ive saod about him
Ive found growing a lonely old game especially when its not just a hobby and imo you dont need a army of lights to be a cash cropper 4lights can earn you a wage, but when its your wage thats pressure and its lonely cause you carnt let anyone no your business its too risky, so this thread has been my own counseller my outlet my way of keeping sane for many of them yrs.

Aye lad, can be a lonely game keeping mates at arms length and been suspicious of new folks that we meet along the way.
Half the people I meet I just want to shake them and ask why they are buying shite that's chopped early and hardly dried, wana say here ya go have some of this. But then its phone calls and questions, can you get me some more of that shit and introduce me to your guy...

Anyhow, congrats on the weight loss, good going considering you've not cut out the booze. Only weight I lose is a pound in the morn after a coffee and that takes two flushes to get rid.. :bigjoint:

As far as this thread goes, took me years to even come in here, its a bit like walking into a party when you know nobody there, everyone's in the middle of a conversation you don't have a grasp of and there's history between folk you cant ask about.
Oh hes supposed to be lovely alright(in person) but he says some propper offensive thing meeting for a pint but a whole different lad when he makes petty jabs about my recent time in a psychiatric ward but yet hes the one that compulsively lies and creates fake profile pretending to be a woman..but aye a real nice chap putting down every noob with nothing but malicious intent

You are probably in the wrong thread then tbh :) This has always been a thread where there is no tiptoing around the bushes. As GWN said in a different thread a few days ago, in this thread we use "cunt" more than yanks use the word "and". When I was regular here, many years before you joined up, this was a thread for drug induced banter and ribbing with the odd bit of grow advice mixed in, largely relating to "we don't have a walmart so what's the best alternative in the UK". If you wanted actualy grow advice, then that was what the rest of the forum was for.

If you think zedd is bad, thank fuck you were not here in the days of Dura (was that his user name? the batshit crazy scot). He'd have left you a jibbering mess :D