The View From the Left

I don't think you have ever served. It doesn't quite work the way police do. I find policemen and most of the judicial system and legislature regarding criminal code to be disgraceful.

However, there are values that are instilled in us. In our oath, we first swear loyalty to the people and Constitution, and the second clause is where we swear loyalty and obedience to the President. If they conflict, most of us are going to go with the first clause, especially anyone who has ever served in combat. We know the difference between home and the enemy.
No i haven't but i come from a long line of Military family members going back to the 1800's. (perhaps further)

History tell us that this can and does happen.
I don't think you have ever served. It doesn't quite work the way police do. I find policemen and most of the judicial system and legislature regarding criminal code to be disgraceful.

However, there are values that are instilled in us. In our oath, we first swear loyalty to the people and Constitution, and the second clause is where we swear loyalty and obedience to the President. If they conflict, most of us are going to go with the first clause, especially anyone who has ever served in combat. We know the difference between home and the enemy.

I haven't thought of our obligation oath that way. A sailor. "Non sibi sed patriae" Not for self but for country.
It's very likely that it won't happen here. I don't know any man I have served with that would be willing to oppress the population. It would be an unlawful order.
Depends what "oppressing is" doesnt it? It starts small, like - "brought in to control a riot/peaceful demonstration". And end with Marshal law/ Curfew. Its for your safety to be locked up at home.

Hey were protecting you!

All the safety measures become dust once they control the armed forces for ill.
Also, I fear he will be widely successful. The pendulum swings. I like center. It's been left and now feels like it's careening right and gonna swing far past center.
Huh? It swung right of center when Reagan was inaugurated. It's been 36 years of increasingly extreme conservatism/nationalism since and now headed into fascism and aristocracy because that's the only rightward territory left.
Just wanted to say, speaking as a former soldier, we wouldn't do fuck all to stop Occupy. Many of us sympathize. The government is fucked, and we probably get it better than anyone. Besides, why would you expect a service member to oppress free speech in the same country they are in service to? (You know? Home?)
I think soldiers will follow orders, whether they're constitutional or not.
I think the problem lies in the future not the present.

We have seen Police go from preventing and solving crime and a respected parra military force to being a tool for revenue raising. Thus losing the respect of the population they protect. "us and them"

We are seeing the armed forces starting to be used as a policing force. I suggest that then they will start losing the respect of the population. This will alienate them just like it does the policeman.

This creates "us and them" and the Military force will become like the Parra military force (Police). They will do what they are told against the population they are meant to protect. And think they are in the right for doing so. "Its the law" and the law is meant to protect us.

Wont happen this year, wont happen next year but it will happen,
:clap: It's already happening; first in 'emergencies', then it becomes routine.

SWAT teams already routinely go into full attack mode to serve arrest warrants for traffic tickets. They call it 'practice'.
This will never happen again. I promise you that this generation's soldier is nothing like the men who shot those students. But this was a shameful act committed by men who were not real soldiers, as they had forgotten their oath.
It already has happened again. I know, broken record, but I have to disagree.