Thieving section....

I feel mine can be in potential danger bc my neighbor and their kids. HS punks is what they are and the parents are no better. And we all know how kids can be. So I'm going to sit out at night in a lawn chair and some Off.

I'm growing indoors. People that live near me have broken into my house and stolen my TV then pawned it at a local shop an hour later. I don't trust anyone which is why I don't let those assholes know anything about me or what goes on in my house. I have made it clear to people:

If you come into my house and steal my shit, I will shoot you. (I'm not a good shot but I'll still shoot AT you)
This stealing shit is what anti-pot folks point to and say "See, marijuana causes crime!" And if a grower has to shoot at someone to protect their crop, it makes it even worse.

This type of behavior is setting back the legalization of weed....or at the very least giving them arguments against it. Thanks for fucking things up for everyone else, thieving assholes!
This stealing shit is what anti-pot folks point to and say "See, marijuana causes crime!" And if a grower has to shoot at someone to protect their crop, it makes it even worse.

This type of behavior is setting back the legalization of weed....or at the very least giving them arguments against it. Thanks for fucking things up for everyone else, thieving assholes!
Exactly. They see it as gang related when people get shot over mh even if its for a personal crop.
This stealing shit is what anti-pot folks point to and say "See, marijuana causes crime!" And if a grower has to shoot at someone to protect their crop, it makes it even worse.

This type of behavior is setting back the legalization of weed....or at the very least giving them arguments against it. Thanks for fucking things up for everyone else, thieving assholes!

Marijuana isn't causing the shooting its the person who is violating my rights that is causing the shooting to happen. Yeah, I know I'm growing a "controlled substance" but I still have rights of my own. I'm a 115lb female. If a large sized male came into my home while I was there I would be terrified. So I'd grab my gun, give them a warning, if they proceeded farther into my home, I would have every right to start popping off rounds.

It's a cop out to blame pot for thieving. Thieves are theives, they'll steal anything not just plants.
You are (IMO) within your rights to shoot if someone is on your property stealing your stuff. Generally speaking, smokers are mellow folks who don't mess with others, and the few that are thieves hurt us all.
you can use a shotgun with some bird load or some buck shot!

that'll get em!

I'm growing indoors. People that live near me have broken into my house and stolen my TV then pawned it at a local shop an hour later. I don't trust anyone which is why I don't let those assholes know anything about me or what goes on in my house. I have made it clear to people:

If you come into my house and steal my shit, I will shoot you. (I'm not a good shot but I'll still shoot AT you)
I started all this mess and i made up my mind leave others shit alone. I would never rob a bank or steal a car so why take some plants i am not gonna take them my thread was i found mutha load and really just caused the muther load of shit an all i did was tell everybody what i found and was it wrong because i thuaght about taking them. Sorry guys leave alone what is not yours
a thought of even taking wats not yours you should be like oh cool some1 did a really good job at growinb these beautiful plant let them harvest their HARD WORK and be happyy trust me dude i found by accident my dealers plants and i told him right away to hide his shit better cuz if i found it anyone else could of found them too and because i dont want any thoughts i dont want in my head and karma treated me good he gave me some for free and now im growing my own and she looks beautiful and healthy
You ever hear of a Black Widow? Why do you think she's single? & who do you think the shotgun belonged to?
