Too funny outdoor schwagg farm...this is ridiculous.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I couldn't believe my eyes. Listen as they say they are going to harvest this crap in 3 weeks. I don't see any buds at all. 24 inch plants and leaf and stalk.
Am I missing something here? The dude figures he's going to have 45 tons of...I haven't a clue what.
20 bucks an hour and what are they doing ...weeding the weeds.
This is too funny. The chick must be out to fucking lunch.
Anyway you see what you think.
Hey, they're going to make their oil with shake/leaves like I did :)

WTH are they thinking? 3 weeks? Sure, they will be taller, but those plants are NOT going to be ready in 3 weeks, but then again, outdoor cultivation is new here in Canada eh? Lol
Hey, they're going to make their oil with shake/leaves like I did :)

WTH are they thinking? 3 weeks? Sure, they will be taller, but those plants are NOT going to be ready in 3 weeks, but then again, outdoor cultivation is new here in Canada eh? Lol
that's whats really scary lol (::wink:
It’s a fuckin joke! I drove by this week and it’s a shit-show of epic proportions!
holy fuckin shit yer not kidding :lol: :lol: :lol: exceed expectations ...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
this is friggin AWESOME TO SEE THEM FAIL :)
if theres no dope on the plant

theres no flowers lol they have at least 8 if not 12 weeks till harvest..if they start budding now lol
LOL, when the fuck did they plant ? 4 weeks ago ?

Most auto's planted at the start of the season should be finished already.
Apparently these “autos” went in the ground 4-5 weeks ago from seed. And yes, it is all destined for extraction for the Rec they say?!?! Most of the plants are scraggly and half dead looking. Not too 10k cars drive right past that field on a daily basis. Gonna give a whole new meaning for “gassy” terps! :spew:
They didn’t look that bad to me, I’m just assuming the reported misheard about the 3 weeks and that the video is not current because it looks like they are a week or two into growing.
They didn’t look that bad to me, .
doesn't surprise me any.(:.

biggest plant NOT BUDDING IN THE FILED IS 3" max :lol:
No buds in site..thats leaves 8 to 12 weeks left before they can think about harvetsing

wonder how they plan on dealing with the shit they get in their edibles :)
cause there wont be any THC in em ,,that for shor! that for shor.. lol
I'm glad you guys confirmed my astonishment....WTF...WTF...
That's gonna be so sad it's funny. Is there NO ONE there to tell them this isn't working?
I'm glad it failed. But am surprised at how much stupidity there is there.
Your right Gb...what buds I could see. YACK to whatever that field of dreams becomes. Imagine the low end quality on that crap. Better go back to corn.
I bet the guy who sold them the seeds is laughing his ass off..far away.
Suck it LP weed dirt field schwagg grower......
45 tons...too funny...omg.....huge fail
I am going to go look for an email that was forwarded to me from a produce farmer friend. It is a prime example of slimy fucks trying to get people to grow for them. You all will laugh your ass off at the number they quote.

Cheers :)
Just look at what is being peddled by some. A complete a total scam!!!

Dear Farm Friends,
Just wondering if we could meet to talk about a joint venture into outdoor organic cannabis production.
Flemming & Singh Cannabis Inc. would help do the application and provide the consultancy required, Taproot would grow the product.
The current licence allows for 2150 sq ft. of canopy... so if you gave 16 sq ft to each plant, you would have 134 plants. You could grow these initially in a hoop house (using shade cloth to help stretch the plants) and then transplant into a fenced off field that has drip irrigation and plastic mulch.
If you received a modest 5 lbs per plant that would be over 650 lbs.... at a conservative $4/g for organic, sun-grown cannabis that would be a gross of $1.2M.
Check out this video and attached is a report highlighting the need for outdoor cannabis.

This is what prohibition 2.0 has brought us. A bunch of complete and total fucking clowns.

Cheers :)