Too funny outdoor schwagg farm...this is ridiculous.

Just look at what is being peddled by some. A complete a total scam!!!

Dear Farm Friends,
Just wondering if we could meet to talk about a joint venture into outdoor organic cannabis production.
Flemming & Singh Cannabis Inc. would help do the application and provide the consultancy required, Taproot would grow the product.
The current licence allows for 2150 sq ft. of canopy... so if you gave 16 sq ft to each plant, you would have 134 plants. You could grow these initially in a hoop house (using shade cloth to help stretch the plants) and then transplant into a fenced off field that has drip irrigation and plastic mulch.
If you received a modest 5 lbs per plant that would be over 650 lbs.... at a conservative $4/g for organic, sun-grown cannabis that would be a gross of $1.2M.
Check out this video and attached is a report highlighting the need for outdoor cannabis.

This is what prohibition 2.0 has brought us. A bunch of complete and total fucking clowns.

Cheers :)

" A modest 5lbs per plant " LMFAO.

Just sign off on these papers so your only outlet is me and don't worry you will do great.

For the record none of the 3 farming friends of mine signed on to this bullshit. All three asked me about it and I was tempted to hunt these cocksuckers down and show them what real extortion is. The face to face kind where no tricks are needed other then do this or you get fucking hurt.

Cheers :)
" A modest 5lbs per plant " LMFAO.

Just sign off on these papers so your only outlet is me and don't worry you will do great.

For the record none of the 3 farming friends of mine signed on to this bullshit. All three asked me about it and I was tempted to hunt these cocksuckers down and show them what real extortion is. The face to face kind where no tricks are needed other then do this or you get fucking hurt.

Cheers :)
they expect autos to produce 5 pounds per plant.. says it all right there..
they expect autos to produce 5 pounds per plant.. says it all right there..

I don't give a fuck what kind of plant it is. Can you imagine trying to state that on any online forum.
Yup anyone in Canada can match the top dogs of them all on yield for outdoor weed. What a complete and total fucking joke. Just like the rest of prohibition 2.0.

** full disclaimer ***
I am not saying it CAN"T be done, I am saying only a few do it even in the prime outdoor spots in Canada. To try and pass this off like they were is a complete and total scam.

Cheers :)
I don't give a fuck what kind of plant it is. Can you imagine trying to state that on any online forum.
Yup anyone in Canada can match the top dogs of them all on yield for outdoor weed. What a complete and total fucking joke. Just like the rest of prohibition 2.0.

** full disclaimer ***
I am not saying it CAN"T be done, I am saying only a few do it even in the prime outdoor spots in Canada. To try and pass this off like they were is a complete and total scam.

Cheers :)
uhuh and easily seen....
not this year anyway.I started late :lol: :)

Have cutting already for next year ..

So even if this year was your first grow, which we all know it isn't, next year still wouldn't fall under that lameass emails projections.
Again I am not saying it can't be done. I am saying 99% of outdoor Canadian growers can't even come close to hitting 5LBs a plant. And thats even when it is no fault of their own.

Cheers :)
So even if this year was your first grow, which we all know it isn't, next year still wouldn't fall under that lameass emails projections.
Again I am not saying it can't be done. I am saying 99% of outdoor Canadian growers can't even come close to hitting 5LBs a plant. And thats even when it is no fault of their own.

Cheers :)
that's the funny part.. :lol:
I'd love to see the shit on their face come harvest and PAY DAY hahahahahaha
Someone needs to drive by and pollinate that place....nice n seedy. Maybe a pickup truck bed loaded with some freshly cut male hemp plants to just to up the quality for them.
Or crop dust em with hemp pollen.
Maybe some of these plants...not far away I think. Go to this video and see the field of hemp. All males Pug says. Go to 10:45 to see the field...pretty big. Must be lots of second rate spunk for those girls there. Ask the guy if you could buy a few of those males and drive em around that schwagg farm. Instant seeds.
zoom to 10:45. The rest of the vid is stupid the but the hemp part is interesting imo.
This thread makes no sense whatsoever. I decided to spent a few minutes and it turns out that they were planted in May, so that video of the fields was most likely taken in mid May. The head grower there looks like he knows what he is doing because he has a facebook page with much larger plants than the ones in the video. I also found a pic of what he was doing indoors which is below.
Just thought you guys might be interested in some real info to go with the bad story.
Hey :idea:(: weasel up dude man!

The VIDEO POSTED HERE AT OUR SITE........ was taken JUST THIS PASSED WEEK lol Go have a drive by and see for yerself

Just like YOU!..... they don't have a friggin clue ;)

cheers freak ears!

why is it you are so keen on LP poopoo eh?!?!:blsmoke:
This thread makes no sense whatsoever. I decided to spent a few minutes and it turns out that they were planted in May, so that video of the fields was most likely taken in mid May. The head grower there looks like he knows what he is doing because he has a facebook page with much larger plants than the ones in the video. I also found a pic of what he was doing indoors which is below.
View attachment 4377135
Just thought you guys might be interested in some real info to go with the bad story.
You missed the part where they said they'd harvest in 3 weeks. This was a local news story just aired here 2 days ago.
You missed the part where they said they'd harvest in 3 weeks. This was a local news story just aired here 2 days ago.
Thats why Im saying it makes no sense. Those plants are months away. Thats why Im thinking they sat on the video for a while or something for some reason. But I came to the thread because the title seemed funny and what I saw was otherwise decent looking young plants. My eyes and the info presented don't match up. Something is fcked up.
Thats why Im saying it makes no sense. Those plants are months away. Thats why Im thinking they sat on the video for a while or something for some reason. But I came to the thread because the title seemed funny and what I saw was otherwise decent looking young plants. My eyes and the info presented don't match up. Something is fcked up.
I agree...we're all pretty stunned on this as well. But you see what we see.
Maybe your unaware or are quit aware that in this forum there are NO LP lovers or even sympathizers. ANYTHING that happens bad to them we like. We work for it honestly.
Any hint of failure is greeted here with joy and excitement. This will not change here.
This is a group of people who have been fucked and remember it. Mostly anyway.
It's a rather long story but that's the jist anyway. This a savvy group here with a lot of inside knowledge.
Maybe your unaware or are quit aware that in this forum there are NO LP lovers or even sympathizers. ANYTHING that happens bad to them we like. We work for it honestly.
Any hint of failure is greeted here with joy and excitement. This will not change here.
This is a group of people who have been fucked and remember it. Mostly anyway.
It's a rather long story but that's the jist anyway. This a savvy group here with a lot of inside knowledge.

Just saw the thread, from Asia in America. I understand Canada has gone legal, that’s about it
To understand this group it would take you some reading here.
Bottom line is we don't agree with legalization as they did it. This group here is VERY against it.