Trump administration signals a possible crackdown on states over marijuana

Dont waste your time Wolfie, these guys just circle jerk each other to the same comments. Repeated over and over again. They dont want to discuss anything, just make accusations and ridiculous claims that are "facts" because of their emotion.

However, if you ever need a good laugh, these guys are A GREAT SOURCE!!

Wishing a shitty day to Lou, buck, and the rest of your other lemmings!

Thanks for the moral support, there, joe! Yeah, they can come up with some insults (even leveled toward me) that have me rolling on the floor... Then I remember how very very sad that it is to me what this #FakeStreamMedia brainwashing effort HAS accomplished that I just have to quit taking the Troll bait. I'll just give them one more chance here to make me laugh through my tears by repeating what I posted elsewhere here ONE MORE TIME....

Mark my words, all U anti-Trump-er's..... HALF or many more than half of you will HAPPILY vote to keep him in office in 2020.

There ya go guys, throw that hilarious litany of troll-bait my way... I can handle it! That doen't mean I will take that bait again...
Thanks for the moral support, there, joe! Yeah, they can come up with some insults (even leveled toward me) that have me rolling on the floor... Then I remember how very very sad that it is to me what this #FakeStreamMedia brainwashing effort HAS accomplished that I just have to quit taking the Troll bait. I'll just give them one more chance here to make me laugh through my tears by repeating what I posted elsewhere here ONE MORE TIME....

Mark my words, all U anti-Trump-er's..... HALF or many more than half of you will HAPPILY vote to keep him in office in 2020.

There ya go guys, throw that hilarious litany of troll-bait my way... I can handle it! That doen't mean I will take that bait again...
I'm not talking about kicking us growers in, I'm talking about kicking the doors of all those multi million dollar investment groups with ties to tobacco companies that have no business meddling with our beloved cannabis.
Yea cause everyone knows our gov ALWAYS goes after the millionaires and their companies and never the street level people....