• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
you pulse your colon when you fuck?


so do all your turds come out with cock-prints stamped into them?
Do you understand the concept of pattern? Then you can stop here.

Weather has patterns. Which are made up of systems with the two factors: temperature which causes movement like air wind or water swirling, and percentage of humidity in the air which causes rain, sleet, snow, or mist, etc.

When you're a rabbit your colon is using the rhythmic pattern, much like when you fuck. Even though the complete fucking pattern also incorporates temperature, the only needed factor is the movement. Now, go find a partner and fuck. Look at the repeated pattern you make while tapping that fine piece of ass. Pretend you're at a therapist and demonstrate how you use the rabbits colon using the same rhythmic pattern motion, like when you explain your past sexual problems using the doll. As you're doing this demonstration the fecal matter moves from the rabbit's intestines from your manipulation of its colon, and as a result temporarily opens and shuts the sphincter, which results in uniform fecal pellets.

I'm not going to actually demonstrate this. It's your duty to do the appropriate school house rock performance.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
FYI Rabbit, water as in actual pure H20 doesn't have a nutritional content.

Non-pure water has minerals etc., in it, pure water is simply oxygen and hydrogen, nothing else.
Water is a nutrient. It has a caloric value as your body converts other nutrients until it reaches body temperature and maintains that temperature. Just because water leaves unchanged, doesn't mean it's not a nutrient. Water insoluble fiber also leaves your body unchanged, but is listed as nutrient. Just because water is listed as 0 calories doesn't mean it isn't a nutrient. Calories is the temperature a substance must be heated by the body to be used that it would take to increase the temperature 1 degree Celsius. Since water is the base unit, there's no need to list water with a calorie. But either cold or hot water ingested would then require a metabolic response, which uses other nutrients to stabilize the temperature. This is all semantics, why are you being a bitch?

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Water is a nutrient. It has a caloric value as your body converts other nutrients until it reaches body temperature and maintains that temperature. Just because water leaves unchanged, doesn't mean it's not a nutrient. Water insoluble fiber also leaves your body unchanged, but is listed as nutrient. Just because water is listed as 0 calories doesn't mean it isn't a nutrient. Calories is the temperature a substance must be heated by the body to be used that it would take to increase the temperature 1 degree Celsius. Since water is the base unit, there's no need to list water with a calorie. But either cold or hot water ingested would then require a metabolic response, which uses other nutrients to stabilize the temperature. This is all semantics, why are you being a bitch?
Water is not nutritious, not a nutrient. It is a solvent, a vessel for metabolic reactions to take place. Water has no caloric value.

Yes it is necessary. But not a nutrient.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure why you think i am implying that escaping the poverty trap is easy. it's not. that's why they call it the poverty trap and not the poverty springboard into bootstrap success.
You should talk to the in-laws and see if they will lower the rent on all of their apartment units. On average, people who rent apartments are on the lower end of the totem pole. If he won't lower the rent to what Pada thinks is acceptable, he's just another white dude, holding down minorities caught in the poverty trap.


Well-Known Member
so i am wrong to think people shouldn't start a pursuit situation if they see a black kid walking home from the store?

you seem more than OK with such racist practices, but i think we are better than that.

feel free to keep telling us more about you, but just realize i don't often respond to people like you unless i am getting a fair bit of amusement at their expense.

You seem to think that the world could some day be a pretty place where everybody hugs each other and there is never a conflicting moment.

Delusional? Or just naive?

The world is full of Bigots, Racists, Child Molesters, Murderers, Crooks, Cons and Thieves. Always has been, always will be. All your whining about how an innocent Black child was unjustly murdered means nothing. You seem to have a really had time accepting the simple realities of LIFE.

Maybe you can open a small business that employs only Gay Black Jewish people.


Well-Known Member
or they get hunted down while walking home with skittles.

or they get arrested for weed at four weed the rate as white kids despite similar usage rates.

or they get pulled over, searched, and arrested at higher rates than white people and then get worse outcomes in the legal system for the same offenses as white people.

or they have to send out nearly twice as many resumes to get the same number of callbacks as a white person.

all this after many start behind the start line in the first place thanks to the institutional racism that people like you and your daddy shower upon them.

that you try to frame this as an issue created and perpetuated by black people rather than racist assholes like yourself is just another cheap and shitty ploy in your bag of racism.

can't wait until you relapse.
everything you posted, for the most part is within their control.

They are walking around smoking weed or they would not be arrested for it.


Well-Known Member
Water is a nutrient. It has a caloric value as your body converts other nutrients until it reaches body temperature and maintains that temperature. Just because water leaves unchanged, doesn't mean it's not a nutrient. Water insoluble fiber also leaves your body unchanged, but is listed as nutrient. Just because water is listed as 0 calories doesn't mean it isn't a nutrient. Calories is the temperature a substance must be heated by the body to be used that it would take to increase the temperature 1 degree Celsius. Since water is the base unit, there's no need to list water with a calorie. But either cold or hot water ingested would then require a metabolic response, which uses other nutrients to stabilize the temperature. This is all semantics, why are you being a bitch?
It's not semantics.

Water has no nutritional value, as it has no nutrients in it.

It's only hydrogen and oxygen. Fact.

If you put nutrients INTO the water, it's not the water that's providing the nutrients, it's the nutrients IN the water.


Yep. That's the nutritional value of water.

What you are proposing is equal to saying cheesies are a source of vitamin C if you shove a multivitamin into it. The cheesie, doesn't have a source of vitamin C, but the pill inside it does.

Water does not have nutritional value, the contaminants IN THE WATER do.


Well-Known Member
watercont.jpg watercont1.jpg

EDIT: The ONLY reason there is sodium, calcium, and manganese are only present because the water isn't actually pure water.


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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You seem to think that the world could some day be a pretty place where everybody hugs each other and there is never a conflicting moment.

Delusional? Or just naive?

The world is full of Bigots, Racists, Child Molesters, Murderers, Crooks, Cons and Thieves. Always has been, always will be. All your whining about how an innocent Black child was unjustly murdered means nothing. You seem to have a really had time accepting the simple realities of LIFE.

Maybe you can open a small business that employs only Gay Black Jewish people.
But no one gives a fuck when po' black chile kills the meanie cracka. Cause kids gonna be kids!

This black guy killed four hispanics (black on hispanic crime, rather than hispanic on black like Trayvon) in a 10 day killing spree. He first demanded a bench trial hoping to get denied and be able to use that during his regular trial as part of his jury defense that it's unfair he's treated like an animal not a human being. But the judge didn't fall for his trick and let him have a bench trial. His next trick was plea guilty to first degree murder which would then have a death sentence. He thought his plea would get thrown out because pleading to the death penalty meant he was too stupid to understand the consequences of his actions, in order to mess with the system even more. None of his bullshit worked and he's currently in the death penalty phase, with no jury but he finally gets a lawyer since a death penalty phase is complicated even for a seasoned lawyer. But this isn't blasted all over the news. Even though this dipshit actually did it, there's no question he did it, and he admits to his evil actions. Yet America hates black people! :dunce: Had this been a white guy who did this against 4 innocent black people minding their own business. It would be all over CNN and MSNBC how this KKK dude is evil and a meanie and should get a hate crime doubly bad death sentence!

Canndo, this is exactly what I'm talking about and liberals like you are suckers and being played by corporate interests to manipulate how you should feel. I'm the one confused? Haha! This is done because of corporate interests to promote the Democrat agenda. Making this trial a spectacle like the Trayvon Zimmerman case would ruin their whole SES bullshit Buck and the rest of liberal land want to fool dumb asses with.



Well-Known Member
As I have already clearly point out, it amuses me.

And it is most definitely whining. If you were "just pointing out" you would point it out and move on. You instead whine, day in and day out about the same handful of complaints. If it's really such a concern to you you would get out there and do something about it. You obviously really don't care or you would. Which has been my point all along. "So what" if people are racists and Blacks have it harder than others. What are you going to do about it? Other than sit here and whine, all day.

Continue. Please. It doesn't bother me in the least. I come here to enjoy your anguish.
Well, you just totally summed up Uncle Buckys existence. Except you forgot narcissism.