UK window sill grow - absolute newb

So today, 4th July, more growth but slightly worried due to the amount that the plant is bending towards the light. Will it topple over?


Now I know i'm not gonna get a huge yield from a window sill plant but by choosing an autoflowering "beginner's" strain, i'm hoping I might get a couple of grams.

How is the plant looking? Can anyone offer a complete newbie any advice (apart from to put it under a growlight!)?


Well-Known Member
You could try staking it with something like a kebab skewer to keep it up right but all new growth will turn to the light thats what happens with window sill tries in the UK.

Maybe rotating it daily to turn to the window so that when it leans over you turn it so that the turn is the opposite way and it will turn back then rotate. etc.

Other than that get a grow light. You could grow this plant with a £25 CFL and a £10 reflector.

It is looking a little light in colour maybe give is some grow nutes. You want it to get a bit darker than it is.

Cheers J. Can you let me know where I can get a cheap grow light and reflector? Been looking online and getting confused about ballasts, hangers, safety equipment (as I read that lights can fry standard home electrical sockets).

If you could PM me a site selling a cheap growlight setup I'd be really grateful.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post sources on this forum but i've just found a site selling a 125watt self ballasting CFL (either red or blue) with reflector for £39.99. Can get also get the reflector with both red and blue lamps for £59.99. Will this be powerful enough?

I have a large closet that can be painted white and is completely light proof when the doors are closed. The plan is only to grow enough for personal consumption so 1 or 2 plants (maybe a haze and an indica after I'm more experienced with the easier auto strains) would be plenty. I've done a lot of reading about light cycles, nutes etc but haven't really gone too in depth with the current plant as it is an experiment more than anything at this stage.

Or shall I save the money and just have another weekend in the Dam?


I have planted in window sills before and depending on the situation and proximity of prying eyes...I have taken flowers and cut the blossom off...then I place the blossoms in the weed plant for the desired effect.




Well-Known Member

If you can find one with both lamps red and blue for £59.99 with a reflector then thats a good deal. GET IT.

I have planted in window sills before and depending on the situation and proximity of prying eyes...I have taken flowers and cut the blossom off...then I place the blossoms in the weed plant for the desired effect.


Genius!!! I may just have to try that!


So today, 4th July, more growth but slightly worried due to the amount that the plant is bending towards the light. Will it topple over?

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Now I know i'm not gonna get a huge yield from a window sill plant but by choosing an autoflowering "beginner's" strain, i'm hoping I might get a couple of grams.

How is the plant looking? Can anyone offer a complete newbie any advice (apart from to put it under a growlight!)?
what you should do to get the plant to stand up straight is turn it around where the bending is facing away from the light it will bend back to normal
Turned it around last night so will check after work and see if it's straightened itself up at all. Will I be reducing it's photosynthesis by doing this as the leaves will initially be pointing away from the window?



First off forget these guys advice.....Obviously, they are not in th uk..... This year is a nighmare for growing, summer is late and not very warm (i.e. fluctuations in tempreture, will leave you with nothing) If you really have to attempt to grow in your window, then i suggest you try northern lights from nirvana.....although to be honest you should of already done this a month ago.... If you can, try and set up a hydroponic small room, it does not take much.... (do your homework) Growell have the ideal kits for a small grow room from about 150 pound's...... You grow 2 plants thisway you will get about 100 grms from it....
Checked the plant today and it's getting a lot bigger with lots of new growth at the nodes and several pistils have now appeared. Unfortunately, some of the bigger leaves are looking a bit floppy for want of a better word. I have not yet used any nutes and so I think it is probably deficient. My question is, do I have to order special cannabis nutes or can I just visit a nursery and get something off the shelf? Can anyone recommend an easily available brand that works well for our favourite kind of plant?
9th July so I thought i'd post some new pics. Should be getting a light within the next week so can finally give the plant a decent place to live! How is it looking to say that it is a window sill plant? Any tips? I'm gonna get some organic nutes tomorrow so that will hopefully help.

One more question (sorry), does anyone know why two of the leaves are drooping?


Just bought a 300 watt dual spectrum CFL and reflector for £59.99. Can't wait to get my growroom started!!
As a rough idea, can anyone tell me how many plants I can get under a 300 watt CFL? I'm only growing for personal use but would like a couple of different strains for variety.

Anyone know of any grow diaries using this light so I can see what kind of results I can get?
Not sure if anyone is still interested but I thought i'd post a few new pics. These were taken today and if all is going acording to plan, the 60 Day Wonder is exactly half way into it's short life. For the last two days it's been getting 18/6 in a white painted closet under a single 300w dual spectrum CFL.

Any thoughts on how it's looking? I know it's probably taller and less developed than other plants but it's my first ever grow and it spent the first 27 days of it's life on a window sill so I don't think it's doing too bad all things considered.



Well-Known Member
Hey thematt
That 300w dual spec CFL is only gonna be capable really of running 1 plant. The trouble with CFL's is canopy penetration.
But the one plant you do grow with it should be capable of getting an ounce maybe more if you dial it in and research about what you are doing.

60 day wonder is looking healthy bro.




Well-Known Member
Looks Like shes enjoying that new CLF :)..... Remember ... don't be to afraid to get it closer :).... Did you get a fan ?
I was hoping for 2 or even 3 plants, different highs etc. Ah well, suppose one strain is better than I have now (nothing). I usually keep my light about 1 - 2 inches above the top of the plant but I did end up with a singed leaf when she shot up by about 3 inches in a few hours. A fan is next on the list, along with a timer.
Not update in a while so thought I would share some new pics. I now have a fan blowing across the top of the CFL and it's doing a great job of lowering the temps at the top of the canopy. A lot of the old growth has yelowed and fallen away but the new growth since she's been under the CFL is a beautiful dark green colour and looks so much healthier than what I had before when it was on the window. She's due to finish on 20th August or thereabouts and I am slightly concerned that the buds are not really filling out too much. How does she look to the trained eye?




Active Member
u still got like a month. they will fill out in the last couple weeds hopefully :) are you giving her nutes? theres a thread around here on a molassese solution u can make to spray.overall not looking bad for a window sill plant. u should try getting like 2 23watt cfls for the sides of the plant